Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Wipe Before F2P Launch :)

Its already almost a month since Early Access. And all i can see is same sh1t like is was with Elder Scrolls Online EA. Bot crisis, gold sellers, game economics is ruined (or should i say “silver seller-oriented”). They fixed most of those, but it was too late and people migrated to other MMOs. There’s only two things yet which hold people here: “r.i.p. ragnarok online” and hope that someone will do something and everything will be cool. Nappens nothing.

On 2nd day from EA chat was overflowed with silver scam bots (I wasnt in 1st day because of megalags). One month past - nothing changes. Soon hype will gone and ESO story will repeat. Nearly empty servers and tons of dead accounts. Just because everything is already ruined by scum and no reboot happens.

So how about a wipe before its too late?

People will get some compensation like i dunno, a title or packs with dundeon reset/exp bonus scrolls and restitution of DLCs (Founder’s Packs are counts like DLCs). Plus extra bonuses for top players behind average level and extra special bonuses for TOP5.

Everyone get expirience and taste of game, fair players lose nothing, silver buyers are crying like b1tches, silver sellers are crying like silver buyers.

Its not too late yet, game is lives for only month long and only founders here, who will play just because they paid already and cant get refunds xD

Only thing that must be done before wipe is antibot implementing and game mechanics calibration to prevent same problems again.

How about you delete your own character before F2P launch, and everyone keeps playing the game


How about any pros/cons arguments?

I played this game every day since it became avaliable (except very 1st day) and i like all of my 11 chars. But i dont wanna lose another game i like just because of scum’s b1tching.

This game will be wiped? I’m sure, compensations will cover all damage. I mean, devs gave us free EXP tomes at least 2 times (i’m not sure about 3rd compensation, with dungeon reset scrolls) for minor problems, so why not?

Dev will make all scum dissapear? Cool, i’m okay with this.

Nothing happens and this game will be sucks as it is now? Btw, 40% of all reviews on Steam are negative, almost all of those are fair and talking about same problems. Bots, silver scum, lags (this one was fixed, no lags for now). I’m okay with this as well. Back to any other of my 450+ games. Will it be MMO? Firefall, WoW, TERA, Archeage, EVE Online, Perpetuum, any other? Or i’ll be back to offline games? Assassin’s Creed series? I missed Rogue. Finish Witcher 3? Other games? I dunno, lol. I have lots of options :slight_smile:

ToS isnt a center of universe, I have TONS of games. One more, one less.

Only reason i give a fack is i like this one.

this game need to PTP. #notfreetos


Why is it so hard to understand that it’d be the same a month or a few months later after wipe? So here is another suggestion - instead of making silly suggestions go level up one of your 11 (:frowning:) characters and actually achieve something in the game that you’re saying you like.

Thats why i said that devs should make antibot and calibrate mechanics to prevent all of this from happens again. To start with everything white and clear. Reason why i wont go and level up one of my chars is i already played for 7 hours today. I’m tired :slight_smile:

Just want to say i didnt quit ESO because of bots. I quit because I had to play for a year with a subscription. Then when they finally fix all the bugs and make it playable, they release it on consoles and make it B2P.

About your suggestion, no. I dislike your suggestion. A wipe would hurt the game more than anything else right now.

You got tons of crowns from subscription :slight_smile: But yeah, its cheaper just to buy those directly. Played for half-year then left ESO, then back again when subscription was canceled. All of my friends left ESO so no reasons to stay there. Maybe, i’ll look on it again after 2-3 more DLCs.

Well, the original subscription before it went b2p crowns didnt exist. They did give us some crowns as reimbursement and some cosmetics that are unbuyable.

If they would have been like “oh you were subscribed for 10 months before it went b2p? heres 10 months of the new subscription model for free.” I probably would have stayed if they did that.

Since the subscription before it went b2p was exactly the same as not having one one at all.

If i remember right, it was 750 crowns per month. 10 months is 7500 crowns. You can buy in-game deluxe access to new DLC for 5000 crowns (with mount and stuff) or normal access for 3500 crowns. Only difference is no more 15% extra exp in change of permanent access to content.

And you got cool bonus in mounts ^^ When they remake mounts stats into your skill, largest stats of your mounts was taken. On start you had like 3 horses: one in 60 capacity, 2nd in 60 speed, 3rd in 40 speed + 20 stamina. And leveled all horses at once. Now ppl can upgrade only 1 point per 20 hours. 6 months to get horse that you got for 2 months.

if you really think anyones gonna stick around after a wipe… they wont. and the ones that do will realize they cannot grind or get any quests done because ALL THE MAPS ARE CROWDED.

on top of that, there will still be hundreds of bots and gold spammers… do you really think it would help? NO.

More like people will be forced to work in parties instead of soloing (and learn how to play in parties instead of leroyjenkinsing on high-level grinds) or jump channels or wait a bit. Different time zones will help, too.

One or two days of crowding, then people will determinated just like nows. Someones on tops, someones on bottoms. For example, mon-fri i can play only 2-3 hours tops. That guy can play 4 hours. We wont meet after a day because of grind speed.

And how many times i must say that antibot is necessary to implement before wipe? Noone will win without antibot.

On top of that, devs will upgrade their hardware for f2p. I mean, in cities game may lags even now. 2-3 silver scummers + 10 traders = fps drops dramatically. Better hardware = more channels = less crowding.

I say no.

exactly. IMC makes money when they ban someone and creates another bot and the cycle continues :smiley:

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I play 24 hours, what happens to me? I fap while waiting for other people to go to sleep?

Only problem bot brings is on the auction house prices.
Honestly, just reset auction house and the devs set the price limits.
Unless you want to get banned go buy silver from RMT seller.

It shouldn’t be fair, F2P whores haven’t paid sht.

Maybe not P2P, but at least B2P.


Wipe is super radical. You know, super radical. It’s like using a Nuke to kill a ant.
It’s not going to happen. All we can hope is to keep baning bots and sellers AND buyers. And by miracle some good program/script detection

Yeah, it’ll be miracle :slight_smile: We’re talking about game that crashes from few AltTabs in 2016.


This thing you are asking for - I do not think it means what you think it means.