Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Streamer Integration

I know this one is a bit more ambitious than my previous suggestions, but still I think it should be utilized.

I feel like there’s been actually zero attempts to market by this medium. There is a small but knowledgable streaming community for tree of savior. We do our best to entertain people while explaining all the ins and outs of tos. I think imc could benefit from paying even the slightest bit of attention to us since, after all, we are giving them free advertisement.

Im not sure about the other streaming services, but on twitch theres a pretty good little community. Ive been streaming my exploits which are usually just leveling alts and the odd guild event. I get lots of questions about the game and builds and the meta and pvp. Im always a bit sad to tell them the state of the game since its pretty unintuitive for newer players. But since it is technically free to play I suggest they give it a shot.

Now im not looking for handouts or anything like that, im just suggesting that IMC take an interest in their members who take the time out of their day to stream their videogame. It seems a waste since they could easily make money off of us, allowing us to give codes for players for say, special event tokens and stuff like that. Obviously this, again, is pretty ambitious for IMC but I think it’s something that they should maybe workshop.

If they came up with a sort of character profile that they could allow us to make in the game that players could right click on our character and open up, they could see whatever info we put in there such as our twitch channel/ youtube channel. First things first though, they need to fix the problems with the ui like in the friends tab how you can write a note on a player and it doesnt save or it multiplies to each other friend you have on the list. There are all sorts of issues with the ui in the game that need tweaking but I’ll save that for another suggestion. :stuck_out_tongue:

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines

If it was only the UI with issues this game would be better, but there are lots of things that need more urgently fixes, and other things that need rework.

The game became more grindy in relation to gear, well I can’t say for sure now since I haven’t tried to farm for high level mats, but it was before the removal of DPK, that is, if it was really removed.

Me and many others have been playing for so long (since first CBT in 2015) and we saw 1 step forward and 100 steps backward in this game development.

They asked us for opinions and suggestions, but they barely put any to use, instead, they decided to go with the KR MMO trend of RNG cubes for cash grabbing.

Fixes? We see them far few between, and when they come, more issues come along.

So don’t expect some integrated stream system like PoE have with Twitch because they can’t fit it in without causing more issues, they don’t have the knowledge.

Me and many others, and even some that are longer than me playing Online games, be it KR MMOs or western ones, and I can tell you that I never see a company as messy than this one with a product.

It’s an interesting idea tho, I would like to see it too, but the reality for this game is dark lol.

Yea I fully understand the state of the game and the state of the company. However, when it comes to suggestions i feel like they need clear and concise suggestions without whining and complaining. I know that this idea could be years down the line if at all, but as long as I can get my ideas down i feel like ive accomplished something.

If they dont pay any attention to these suggestions theyre simply foolish. I said a few times that I know its a bit ambitious, but it’s something I’d like to see. Since this forum exists I am going to use it, and if we continue to speak and not berate eachother or eachother’s posts, maybe, just maybe, IMC will find these ideas and implement some form of them.

I gave up on tos once for a few months, but in just the last few months ive seen a LOT of very good changes made. I dont think it’s too late to hope IMC starts doing the right thing.

Indeed that in the last few months things changed drastically and some for good, but we too see that many issues, and very old ones (from the first CBT) that somehow end up causing other game breaking issues still occur.

I removed my hope for this company a while back tbh with you, if they will do the right thing or not, it’s up to them.

Me and many others made so many suggestions about CS management and about these idiotic restrictions but still fell on blind eyes (since it’s typed words lol).

And it’s not only me saying what I think, the numbers don’t lie, I’m sure you did checked this at least once.

If that number was for 2 or 3 servers I would say it wasn’t bad, but we have 6 (or 7 I don’t remember now) servers with that population spread through it.

I’m sure we will have a good increase in population when R9 comes, but what is the point in a temporary increase? That is the thing with this game now.

Yea ive watched the steam charts, and whenever there’s a large patch there will always be a spike of players. I believe the game is moving more towards a fully playable game from start to finish. It is unfortunate that our numbers are so low, but since I’ve basicallu replaced any and all other mmos with tos I feel like I should do what I can to help make it better.

Ive got over 2300 hours clocked into tos myself so I know about all of the issues we had at “launch”, and I realize that some still exist. I complain on my stream about clunky movement and pet ai but I’m still going to play. I’ve come here to voice my opinion on things that could be changed or fixed in a positive way. It’s always easier to complain and point out the negatives within a system. I just want to do my part to push IMC toward a happier future.

Lets not sugarcoat it, they have something here. Yea there are bugs and the gacha cubes are a bit scummy. But I think this game has some serious potential, likened to RO. We all know that RO was not a perfect game but it was extremely enjoyable to play even with the bugs and glitches. As long as I’m still able to enjoy myself in tos, I’m going to continue trying to make it better for everyone.

This is the thing, while some may enjoy, even with the current state of the game, others not so much.

I did enjoy the game while it was going well, and as you, I too knew that issues where there, but the problem is, the time they take to fix them, and some still not even fixed, many skills and even a class still barely usable (looking with pitiful eyes at Hunter Class).

And now one skill was broken in the Falconer class.

Well, I won’t start point out what is broken here since we aren’t here for that, for now, I will just wait and see what happens.

Hunter is actually in my main pvp build. The biggest problem with it is the ai but at the same time not the ai. I think the biggest problem with it might be that people dont understand how to use it. As awkward as it is I figured out that somehow the skill hounding actually fixes the issues with pet being stuck and not paying attention to orders. Spacing is anothet thing, the pet works off of IT’S own range and not the player’s, so it can be a bit confusing to play it if you don’t understand the mechanics.

I actually outlined some info myself on experiments i did with hunter you can fins here Hunter Hounding + Retrieve Rubberbanding Bug hunter is useable and is great, you really just need to know how to make it work for you.

This is not a game mechanic it’s a bug, and it shouldn’t happen, you know that of course.

We don’t want a skill that cause lock up of a pet or even the char actions, but these do happen.

Another thing to point out is, some skills doesn’t work properly with controller as they used to, SR Limacon for exemple, during the reset event I tried the class, I was enjoying it till I hit this issue, and other class that I took at that time, 2 skills didn’t work with controller, so I reset to my actual build.

It’s this kind of stuff that I find unacceptable, people reported, they should read and look into it, but they see the reports, make a list of known issues and say they are looking into it, I see bugs from way back in this “We are looking into it” and they really are just LOOKING into it, but not fixing.

I also noticed that you created another thread about a bug report function, we had that button during the CBT and during the Earlier access stages, they removed it, not sure what happened, either it wasn’t working or the bugs volume was too much for them to manage.

I like the game, it’s a good project, but this company is doing all wrong and make it seem that they don’t care about the game, much less about the players.

Exactly why I am here, effectively spamming the suggestions forum in hopes they will wise up a bit. This conversation kinda got off track but if you’d like to pm me to continue discussing feel free :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah you are right, sorry for derailing your thread a bit lol, it’s ok, well, we are here discussing stuff to improve the game, not that will be implemented or maybe will but in a far future, we never know, but we do discuss here and expose our ideas and end up making a better idea out of all the bits we put here.