Tree of Savior Forum

Hunter Hounding + Retrieve Rubberbanding Bug

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 6/27/16 6:00pm EST

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Planeswalkers

Character Name: Nissa Planeswalkers

Bug Description :

I was just leveling my hunter and trying different combinations of skills on higher HP mobs. I found that when I used Hounding skill on my companion then told my companion to Retrieve the monster it grabbed and stunned the monster then when I walked away it started to pull the monster toward me at full running speed. I tried it multiple times with and without Hounding skill applied to my companion and it only happens with Hounding buffing the companion. I asked a guild mate to test it with me in friendly duel and I had the same exact result. I recorded Retrieve on her both with and without Hounding affecting my companion.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Be a Hunter with a companion
  2. Use Hounding to buff your companion
  3. Use Retrieve on a monster/player
  4. Walk away from the Retrieve target and watch the companion drag it at full speed.

Screenshots / Video :
Hounding + Retrieve Bug From My Perspective:

Hounding + Retrieve Bug From My Guild Mate’s Perspective:

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :

Mouse mode


  • CPU : intel core i7-2600k CPU @ 3.40GHz
  • RAM :
  • Graphics Card : NVidia GeForce GTX 970
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS :
  • Internet Connection : LAN
  • Country, Region : USA, MA


I did some more testing with the capabilities of “Hounding” as a skill in general. As it turns out, Hounding is capable of temporarily “fixing” the “Coursing” bug where if your companion is snaring an enemy with Coursing, then you use any other movement skill such as Rush Dog resulting in your companion being stuck in one place and disobeying any orders. Hounding cures that problem by, apparently, allowing your companion to basically come to your side while the Hounding buff is on it. As long as your companion has that buff it may move quite freely around no matter what other status it is in. Say you use Coursing and then Rush Dog another enemy, it will bug your companion and make it stuck in one place, if you then buff it with Hounding it will actually release it from the stuck position and it will attempt to reach your character. If Hounding wears off, the stuck bug will return but you can easily keep Hounding up 100% of the time. Also obviously relogging fixes the bugged status or even channel surfing, but this can be used as a work around until IMC fixes companion AI.

As long as your companion has the buff from the Hunter skill Hounding, your companion will cease to be stuck in one place. However it will also cause it to move at full speed no matter what status it is in, I.E. Retrieve/Coursing/Snatching.


Hunters make sure you have Hounding up 100% of the time and you’ll find your life will be made easier when trying to use your companion skills. Until IMC fixes companion AI this is a way to band-aid the class.

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The same happens if you Rush Dog midst Retrieve.

The good thing is, at least for now, Hounding will fix the situation but it is technically exploiting another bug to use Hounding to fix the sticky problem.

I am conflicted about using it but at the same time IMC should have this fixed by now. I’m only using this knowledge to level, and I solo most of the time anyway so I don’t feel like it’s hurting anyone.

This issue is related on how the AI processes the actions…I guarantee that such issue is not an easy one to fix and it’s taking quite some time for it to get corrected.

I understand that it’s not something that can be done over night but, how long has the game been out now?

I for one haven’t seen any information from IMC other than “We promise bugs are being worked on…”

I just wanted to spread awareness of how Hounding can help out Hunters with their pet commands, and maybe boost the number of Hunters in the server.

For now Hounding will be my bug fix patch for companion AI until they do something about it.

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"Hunter- Hounding: “What a Drag"
The companion draging a character with it when it is hit with the Hunter’s “Hounding” skill and attacks the character.”

I am quite sure that IMC is not understanding the problem here. “Hounding” does not cause the player to be dragged. “Hounding” plus Retrieve or Coursing, the two skills that cause the pet to latch onto the target, are bugged. Hounding is a buff that is put on your companion…I feel like IMC doesn’t even know what class skills do…

The problem is, when your companion is buffed with Hounding and you use Retrieve or Coursing on a player/monster, it will not snare the target in the area it is supposed to. It instead allows your pet to try to find its way back to your character by breaking its own position while not letting go of the snare.

I feel like they’re gonna break Hunter even more :expressionless: