Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion : Special Costumes/Cosmetic Items

Well this is an idea I got mainly from looking at Dota2’s Immortal stuff

That maybe we could get costumes with special particle effects?

And no I don’t mean pay to win stuff that gives stats and damage boost.

I mean for example: a special costume for pyromancer that changes the fire color to blue or black.

and since its going to be released in steam how about a collaboration with Steam and make a Lina (Dota 2) Costume that’s for Pyromancer and Crystal Maiden (Dota 2) for Cryomancer? , I mean even Final Fantasy Type-0 had a chocobo courier for Dota 2 to those that pre-purchased it. I say this is a good publicity for the game too. (I guess this would make it a STEAM Exclusive I guess, maybe a Founder’s pack?)

To conclude: I suggest putting up costumes that had extra work done into them (of course I expect them to be pricier) The costumes would have added effects to reference its name or its origin.

What do you guys think?

Costumes are Pay 2 Win :sunglasses: They make you look too cool for the game.

Jk but I think the color changing mechanic for skills would perhaps prove an issue unless it’s client sided because Enemy skills themselves show a different color ie. Fire Ball being purple for when it can damage you and being the normal coloring for when it can’t hurt you (from the PvP vids I’ve seen… not sure about Mobs skills though since I don’t think I’ve seen Fire Pillar from an enemy yet but I’ve heard they can cast it).

Well the color changing is just an example, I was actually hoping for more elaborate changes in the animation. maybe change its shape entirely or maybe a unique sound too.

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Yay fx.
Like Garrnett mentioned, if it doesn’t get in the way of the game… why not?

Oh gawd was that all one person with all of that stuff?.. If so… Imagine Bokor Zombies with make up … YES PLZ

Everyone is a fairy. I:

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Well I do hope we dont end up like that though D: , so much clutter , and any one who comes near you would be annoyed to death with all the shining and sparkling and stuff

That’s the point though. We kill our opponents or would be KSers with bright and colorful fairy pets and rainbow pixie dust. :innocent: No one will know how you killed your enemy because everything is in the way MUAHAHAHA

Ya man these costumes are way OP

Imagine a character called Cutiechan wearing a sparkling cute kitty outfit and going into PvP - people won’t even dare to touch her and think “she is so adorable - i wuv chu cutiechan” while a bald sweating long bearded dude is sitting behind the screens and laughs hard as he is drinking beer and owns every single one of them as theyre standing still being distracted by the sparkle

No No NO these costumes got a godlike game breaking passive effect of cuteness do never ever implement them on ToS!!! we are all gonna be doomed

/sarcasm off

uh ya good idea idc

Those things are client and server sided, both need to know you got the skill skin enabled on your account (PoE is the same thing, when you are in a group if one of them have a skill skin you will see what he see).

Tbh i think maple story have some weird sense of aesthetics lol. Sometimes you see some wondrous things hanging on a character that make you think: Is that an UMA?

I think the same, i dont mind seeing something like wings or capes or hats, but lets be a bit realist here, if a char have so much stuff attached to it, how the heck the player can see something on screen? I mean, i saw some chars on MS that almost covered its both side monsters that was attacking it.

I dont like much cats, so she would die by my hands mwahahahahahaha.

I can already see the horror of “WHERE IS HIS ■■■■■■■ HIT BOX!”

Yea i have no problem with particle effects but i do despise cross over costumes those characters have there own game they can stay there. I find cross over costumes often ruin the theme / feel of the game they invade. On that topic i have the seem feeling about things like animal costumes and the like, ruins the lore and feel of the game.

Right behind you on that. But i hate cats, i would kill a player dressed like a cat and take great pleasure in removing them from my sight even if just for a few minutes.

Hmmm , the way I see it cross-over costumes are fine , a little tweak in its flavor texts is enough to keep it in-lore, besides not using cross-overs when there’s a potential market for it seems a bad call.

I get what your saying about there being potential earnings. But like other games that take costumes to far the clutter and out of place costumes could scare off people as well. I guess what it comes down to in the end is which audience is larger.

MS ones its like Brazil Carnival’s costumes, too much plumes and shinies lol.

Hmmm. Pretty neat.

If IMC makes an item called Ink(or any other similar name), where you can use to change the color of the costumes, and make it Cash Shop Item, it’s additional profit for them too. :yum:

Cross costume is 50/50 for me. I like it for fashion and PvE, but for PvP, they must restrict the use of cross costume. It’s… I don’t know. I feel it’s not good to use cross costume in PvP. :sweat:

Animal Costumes, Maid and Butler Costumes, Bride and Groom Costumes, Angel and Devil Costumes, Tea party costumes, 4 seasons costumes, Student uniforms, Office uniforms, Idols costumes, sooooo many ideas. :heart_eyes:

I wish they put another costumes like backpacks. I want to equip my char with either Kepa backpack, Chupacabra backpack, Popolion backpack, Panto backpack, and/or Mushcarfung backpack or any cute monsters that suitable to be backpacks. Even bosses too. :heart_eyes:

And if its possible to make Weapon costumes too. Like if wizzie class uses staff, but we can see a broom instead. Or swordie class that equiped with 2 handed sword but what we can see is Plunger or light saber. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Though I doubt they will implement it. :worried:

Im not against costumes, but i dont like the ones that make it look like have the double of the size in both sideways or make the head bigger than it is already lol.

So you hate Thaumaturges? Because they make you HUGE!!

If you are refering to a skill why would i hate it? Its a skill it will fade after a time, now imagine you in the city, lets not even consider the thaumaturge skill, and from out of nowhere comes a player with a huge chicken-type costume when you are fighting some group of mobs and since you are concentrated on the monsters so you dont die you notice it and think its a boss or something nasty and do a bad move? Its just an hypothesis tho.

If you want to play make up go play barbie or something similar they got lots of those out there, take note that im not against costumes, im all up to it, but lets keep the aesthetic good and not something stupid like some games out there decided to do,

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Oh lol I dunno was just saying that Thuamaturges already have a skill to make a character bigger is all (As a joke… which probably didn’t come out right since internets). You saying that it could influence your gameplay because you’re concentrating on an enemy however brings up a good point but I think that would only matter if you turn off the character names for all so you can’t see who is a player or not.

I got lost at this point but yeah, costumes are nice and I doubt IMCgames will come up with weird costumes … okay maybe they’ll have one or two weird ones but generally from their track record, they have really nice costumes and aesthetics form their designers.

Plus, for Roleplayers, costumes can be a major point in their decision to play a game since they would need to have a certain costume to fit their roles etc. So something weird like a clown outfit or a weird chicken suit would be their prerogative. Generally yeah people could play a different game to roleplay but where’s the fun in that when you have all these serious players and no crazy person to break up a serious attitude to the game?