Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] Scyther Class?

Hello there! This is less of a suggestion and more of a question, but I’ll still leave it here in case you guys run out of new class ideas. Well, let’s get straight to business!

I was watching Soul Eater the other day and the idea came to me: if the porpuse of having tons of classes is making the game more diverse and fun, why not have a Scyther class (someone who uses a scythe)? I know, I know, giving class ideas is nowhere near one a priority atm and IMC still has a lot of stuff to solve until the game actually comes out. But perhaps in a few months, when they already have everything set and running, this may be of some help when their creativity runs out.

My idea was to make someone based off Soul Eater’s Maka Albarn

(this is the shortest video I could find)

With similar abilites

But perhaps not as overpowered

Well, my best argument for this suggestion is that the game is all about having fun and I’m pretty sure i’d have tons of fun playing a character like this :smile:


I like the idea. Scyther are cool. I think it could be used by class of physical attack and class of magic attack.

Ps. This anime is cool.


Make it be a farmer class that improves guild farming lol

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Most of the classes in the games are based off real things with the exception of mages so i doubt theyll make a class that uses a farming tool as a weapon. While it did happen in real life it was never intended to be a weapon.

Scyther is a badass, please let me capture him and unleash him on my foes.

Scyther, I choose you!
Scyther used Slash!
Dullahan took a CRITICAL HIT!
Dullahan fainted.


I disagree.

I raise: The War Scythe

While most certainly an unortodox weapon and generally used in things such as peasant uprisings it was most definitevely a thing and used in actual encounters and even war.

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Disagree all you want do some reading.

“The scythe and pitchfork, farming tools, have frequently been used as a weapon by those who couldn’t afford or didn’t have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns. Scythes and pitchforks were stereotypically carried by angry mobs or gangs of enraged peasants.[1] The process usually involved reforging the blade of a scythe at a 90 degree angle, strengthening the joint between the blade and the shaft with an additional metal pipe or bolts and reinforcing the shaft to better protect it against cuts from enemy blades.[citation needed] At times, instead of a scythe blade, a blade from a hand-operated chaff cutter was used.”

modified farming tool.

TLDR your wrong im right

Well, I never said it wasn’t a modified farming tool. If you want to raise an argument solely on this you could argue that numerous weapons are just ‘‘x thing modified’’, a lance is at it’s most basic just a sharp thing on a stick, I could easily say this is just a modified version of the sharp thing. Muskets are just modified canons so you can carry them around if you want to exagerate.

No you can’t because those things were designed to kill.

A scythe was designed for farming and later adapted out of necessity.

This would deny the entire club category from being a weapon from your perspective, maces and the like where made weapons out of necesity from people that used them for daily tasks such as placing nails in tables.
Axes also orginated as tools for choping wood and the like and out of necesity they where made weapons and thus modified acordingly, are you going to deny axes being a weapon?

Necesity is one of the mothers of humanity’s creativity.

Now these are comparable now we get into the problem of functionality as far as the game is concerned a scythe is just a spear.

Well, if anything a key diference would be the fact that spears not always would have sharp edges (or they where neglegible for various reasons), many times soldiers would have simply points meaning thrusting was it’s only real way of damaging the oponent while the War Scythe would keep the sharp edge of the scythe, this to a gameplay standpoint would mean the Scythe based class could have an AoE based aproach thanks to the hability to slash with the weapon, which was not always a thing with spears.

Come on, man! Regular scythes are much more badass! Even Death itself uses one.

Once again

“Death personified as the Grim Reaper carries a scythe to reap the dead. This image came about in the Middle Ages, a largely agrarian society so it not surprising to find agricultural motifs in their representation of death.”


What is your problem with farming I swear, this game has¨farming when you are in a guild, what are you going to do, make a topic complaining about it?

Because peoples obsession and misunderstanding of scythes irks me.

Historical accuracy aside,I too like scythes and I think a class with them would be neat.I don’t think it should be an open weapon;some classes would look silly with them.

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I agree, scyther are cool. :wink:

As much as I want to love this idea, I don’t think this will be implemented.

But Scythe can fall to axe’s weapon category and there is no axe in this game so far. Maybe because axe is almost identical to sword, so I can understand.

Another thing is, IMC can also make Scythe as a costume weapon, or make them count as Staff.

you are taking this wayyyy deeper than it needs to be.

even from your point of view. your argument is not very valid.

there are plenty of cases where early age tribal warriors who would prefer a weapon with a invert curve edge because it would be it difficult to parry. which is a pretty much a scythes. you can argue that they are poor and cant effort something better but that doesn’t change the fact it is a weapon. im sure they would much prefer machine guns if they had the money. of course it just looks like the farming tool, nothing like those grim ripper modified “cool version”. but from video game point of view one can argue that modifying it into a spear like weapon would be effective in combat because this character in the game can be “x” times stronger where they can effective use a weapon like that.

also there are already many bosses in the game that use grime reaper scythe as weapons. so to say that they won’t implement this because its not realistic would be completely wrong. if they sees the post and decides not to implement it would probably because it’s not a necessary part of the game and it takes too much work.