Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] Instanced Caves

We’ve all done Crystal Mines at least once, right?

And most of us have gone through Tenet Chapel.

Do any of you feel like the story was fun, but these dungeons offered little challenge when attempted by yourself and/or with swarms of other players murdering the everlovin’ daylights out of the trash mobs? What if: caves were instanced. The bosses could be fought again, and the overarching quests could be followed to establish a multi-part dungeon run?


Instanced Caves

Now, before you say that we have “Instance Dungeons” already, I don’t exactly consider running one room of overpowered mobs with a boss that can wipe the floor with you a interactive take on this beautiful game that we’re all testing a true “dungeon”. Now, what I do consider a dungeon would be the three floors of Crystal Mines or Tenet Chapel that we had to run through for the Main Story Quests. There were bosses, some difficult, and each having a damn good “Final Boss” at the end. There were sequences of quests that made you move to certain areas, and fight “Midbosses” along the way that kept things interesting. The problem is that we only get to do these things once per character, as if these areas were nothing more than field maps, and then we’re on to the next Main Story Quest.

What if we could get together in a party, and relive the overarching elements of said caves. Being able to go through and fix the purifiers in the Crystal Mines and fight the Final Boss at the end? What if we needed to purify Tenet Chapel again, and had to go through helping the Paladin Master’s assistants in our fights against the Dark Queen?

Why not allow parties to enter these dungeons and play through them again? The rewards don’t have to be anything more than EXP and the coins dropped off of bosses, but I feel as though too much thought on the layout of these maps and what we do inside them has been laid out for us to simply dismiss them once we’re done. If anything, it would give us something to do other than grind whilst bolstering the importance of party play even more!

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I get where your coming from for a quality of life thing which i like but it would defeat the purpose of caves being “dangerous” and you could lose your gems. If they went this route they would need some kind of danger/loss element to make the caves feel like a risk. (not that losing gems is a big deal)

Not saying that they should take away this risk factor at all.

I think that the idea of having areas to grind gemstones as well as the potential to lose them is a nice addition, and it should be carried into ICs and IDs where there’s more of a reason not to die (more than just durability annoyance, that is). With the way things are (being able to use iCoins to revive) it’s impossible to gauge how much of an effect death really has on a character. IF you die? Big deal, just use an iCoin and get back up :<

Maybe with ICs and IDs we can eliminate that feature, making Priest’s Resurrection and Revive a very nice thing to have (because at the moment they’re really not worth putting a point into since we can just throw iCoins at the screen).