Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion for Anti-bot Measure from Emil Chronicle Online example

hello friends.
I want to give a suggestion for the future anti-bot measure. .
this measure is taken from my experience when I played Emil Chronicle Online (ECO) before. .
at first, I dont know about this system, I thought that the developer just giving random monster or a prank in the game. but when I see it closely, and I said “oh! it’s anti-bot system measure! how clever”. . I didnt recognize it at first.
the measure is pretty simple, and the fact that the measure only implemented in Indonesia ECO, which is the doing of the publisher, (there are really good publishers which more suitable to host ToS, really. )

So, how to do it, just give monsters which is very hard to kill and hit hurt in that area, which is far more stronger than majority monsters in that area. . the monster should not be aggressive, bot will automatically hit them, and they will be dead for sure. . there is no point if these monsters are aggressive, they will hunt the players and Da Da Da Daaann,… how about we play Attack on Titan instead. . D:

that’s it from me. . cheers :smiley:


nice example there :thumbsup:

but heres the things to consider:
-does ToS have a instant teleport item? (like Ro1 flywings)- they can avoid aggro mobs XD
-bots are clever… if they dont see the “hunted list” in their data base, the dont engage the aggro mob… they emidiatly scram…
-also… for low level/new players this are not applicable… i mean… they dont understand that its an anti-bot mob, they hit it… they die… force/rage quit scenario… XD
it applies only maybe to lvl25 or higher!
-also, they should indicate the name of the anti-bot so that players will notice them… this will backfire actually >_<"
-mind u… bots get smarter… the botter is actually not AFK and will notice them…

well… nice post btw :thumbsup:

Oh, so you were a former ECO player. Well, I don’t think the ECO developer (gravity) is actually making that kind of system to prevent bot in the first place, but it actually is.

My suggestions for IMCGames for another bot countermeasure :

  • I’ve played this game called Fantasy Saga Online. There will be pop up captcha window in the that will appear randomly every 1 - 3 hours in the right corner of the screen. Players must fill the captcha ASAP (there were 1 minute or maybe 5 minutes time limit in order for players to fill it). If they did not fill the captcha window by the deadline time, they will automatically logged out from the game.
    @cheddargt suggested that people who successfully fill the captcha will get bonuses such as exp bonus for a very short period of time, maybe status bonuses like free regeneration, bonus status, etc. This is meant for people to “happily” fill the captcha and prevent bot users to get the bonuses and got automaticall disconnected from the game.

-There must be a “secondary Game master”, Secondary Game Master is basically an active ToS player who volunteer to observe in-game’s condition (They don’t get paid, that’s why I said volunteer). If they saw some bot users, they can report it immediately. If players have suggestions, they can act as direct, fast messengers for the developer. If they saw some players who violate the general rules of the game (cheating, using bad words to harass, abuse, yell at other people, etc) they can report it immediately.


I like bot hunting volunteers but not the idea of captchas… I hate captchas! When i think of having them pop up in my game! Spew comes out of me… @_@!
But nice idea, some ppl are allergic to captchas tho.

@rhidz yeah I did think that too. . what if nowadays Bots are smarter . . hmm
and personally I dont think it need a name for anti-bot monsters. . just give various name which is exactly like a monster. . more natural that way.
also, to avoid Bot’s hunt list scenario … I have a thinking to counter that also… IMCgames could hide the anti-bot’s real name, and making it included when the Bot searching for certain monster for the hunt.
for example, anti-bot name is Aegis Poring. their true name is either Poring, or Lunatic or whatever. so when the bot is searching for Poring, the system will automatically register Aegis Poring as Poring because it’s their real name.
or IMCgames could make all the anti-bot included when someone entered a name for monster search

@Aries @Erokhi
I prefer with Bot Bounty Hunter rather than anti-bout volunteer. . need reward if you want people keep doing the patrol

thats why he said 1-3 hours pop ups @_@"

nice idea there… those captchas might actualy prevent botters… now inline with non-afk botters(if theirs any)… this has no effect to them >_<"
also… those gold selling botters… now they are actualy annoying specialy when ur chatting with friends in town and suddenly flood ur messges (do we have a block features in our chat box?)… the secondary game master( why would u call them GMs btw? should be anti-bot squad or somthing XD) now they have no escape if we have them :thumbsup:

I personally hate captcha too, but I will bear over it just so bots can die in hell. I hope they make it so it won’t appear when the players engage in a boss fight if they end up implementing it though. Because it would be pretty distracting, and I think bots are mostly used for simple task like grinding/farming normal mobs.

I begin to wondering . . do IMCgames staff likely observing us? reading the forum, topics, discussio and sugesstions and so on?? have never see IMCstaff posting on a forum tho :frowning: (except for announcements)

They alter the default page of the forum to categories when someone suggesting it, so I think yes.

They actually observe, but they don’t respond to us by posting their opinions directly.
That captcha system can be changed to another system with similar mechanics if players find captcha very annoying. I will think about it and post other alternative methods if I found one.

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I think overwall a captcha with randomly generated letters/numbers it’s the best way to go. We could make it not annoying by once the player fullfills it, he has a 25% bonus experience for the next 2 minutes (just a way for people to expect this and be happy when it pops up). If the player mispells it 5 times, he gets disconnected and has to fulfill another one to log back in. Of course, you’d be able to switch images and such. There are a few captchas that I never miss, they’re just like a word with a line in the middle. It’s very easy to see.


Brilliant idea dude, so a captcha system can be changed to some kind of riddle system where players can get bonuses if they fill it, but they got destroyed if they can’t fill it (bot users).
I will edit my post ASAP.

oh that might actualy work … nice one there :thumbsup:
the reason too that i said it will “backfire” , mainly because bots can detect them, secondly, player wont notice them if they have no names, unless they have a distinct color or somthing;different sprites but the same name might be nice too @@"
now, with instant exit/instant teleport items- they are advantageous for botters so i think these items should be expensive! (item abuse prevention) >

hmm how about warning a player if u find it suspicious? like talking to them and wont respond for X amount of minutes? can we have an active GM/volunteers to report to them ingame? ( honestly, sending/filling tickets takes time due to the amount of request players do, e.g. bug reports, item loss, banning bullies, complaints, etc.)

the most annoying captcha for me was when they include Math in the captcha lol.
an invincibility when captcha comes could be implemented as well. . just like many Private RO.

They’re reading this right now. There’s a team exclusively for doing this. They read, take notes, talk to each other, etc. They just don’t respond so we won’t know what they agree with and will apply to the game and what they won’t. Mainly so we won’t be all like “What do you mean you won’t take my suggestion???”

But yeah, they read, they’re reading this right now, in fact. Hello, IMC! :blush:

also captcha has 1 thing that bothers me the most… LAG =V

Hello, IMC staff. . we love you :* . . so please dont block us. . and please give exact answer soon whether you are blocking us (Indonesia) or not :frowning:

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Maybe even small items reward like “Here’s 10 potions! Good work!”


What if…

You don’t call it a anti-bot measure, you call it a NPC.
-What?! An NPC? What do you mean?!
Like, picture this:

Oh look! There comes Vraughis - the riddler.
-What are you up for today Vraughis?
-Hey, Cheddargt! I have a new riddle for you! I’m absolutely sure you won’t get it this time!
-Sure, what’s the bet?
-If you win, I’ll give you 10 potions!
-BUUUT, If I win, you’ll receive a curse and will be delinked! (delinked = expression to not use stuff like disconnected and break the fourth wall and ruin the immersion for players)
-Argh, alright! I’m up for it.
I’m blue, I crash. I drown, I’m drinked. Drink me in a cup, I’ll unthirst you. Drink me in the ocean, I’ll thirst you. What am I?

Here’s the point where you have to choose between words and type one. It would give something around 10 words such as

Water, Banana, Ball, Air, Boat, Watch, Sword, Shirt…

You get the point.

uhh . . so the NPC keep walking around the dungeon? that NPC is crazier than Crazy Dave lol . .
Why not a certain angel/cupid or something descend from above and give us question?

Angel : Hello, young 'un. . Healthy? I’m watching thy from above that you have been working hard lately. . With that I shall give thy refreshment and blessing. But, I have to test first whether or not thy soul is clean. .ready?
Me : Oh My God, Loli Angelzzzz . !!! wanna keep one. (duh)

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That idea is good, but how about the placement of NPCs? Do they appear suddenly in front of players? Do they appear when players are fighting bosses? If they do, it will be annoying because we have to focus in order to not missclick the boss and NPC while fighting. How do the NPC can prevent bots? If bot users can ignore the NPC, then what will happen? Because it’s much more complicated than a captcha system that will simply appear on the monitor in random time.