Tree of Savior Forum

[SUGGESTION] End Game Legendary Mission

With the newly implemented re-balance and rumors about development of Rank 9 classes its just a matter of time before Rank 9 and Rank 10 will be release and we’ll have ourselves a complete Tree of Savior game. With all the anticipation and excitement, I cannot help my imagination to run wild on what we might get for future content.

With that said, I’m here to pitch out an idea for a rank 9 or most likely rank 10 legendary mission.

So far from what I’ve seen, heard and experienced, a lot of the higher level dungeons/missions requires only a handful of selected class build for it to be completed. (eg: Uphill Defense where only Cleric2Diev3Miko or Wiz3Elem3Warlock2 can easily clear it. and ET being favorable to CC and DPS classes.)

My Idea is largely influence by the Monter Hunter’s Jhen Morhan’s Battle. Where you and your party members will fight an enormous beast that post a great treat to the land.

Mechanics will be the same as other missions and dungeons with a few minor changes and this time, instead of a boss monster. the enemy will be the map itself. (let me explain)

Max of 5 people are needed to perform the mission. you will need to board a ship (bysea) or an air ship in order to defeat the monster.

The ships deck and the back of the “great beast” will be the map itself. The beast will try and ram your ship dealing damage to you, your party members, and the ship itself. If all of you die or if your ship gets destroyed you will fail the mission.

Your ship will be armed with siege cannons and siege bows in order for you to deal large damage on the beast.
In order for you to operate these weapons you must first collect ammunition eg: cannon balls and siege arrows the same way you collect quest materials.

After collecting ammunition you can now proceed to the cannons or bow (w/c ever you prefer) and use it. Cannons and siege bows can be operated the same way you use Elementalist Meteor; you aim it at the monster and fire.

In order for you to get on top of the beast the ship will also be armed with ropes and harpoon for the ship to be able to get near the giant monster. After safely mounting the monster you can now deal damage with your skills in key parts of its back. The monster will try to shake you off tho and being sent overboard will deal 50% of your total hp so be very careful. The Use of ropes and harpoons will be limited and has a cooldown period after every used. Also beware, the beats is home to a lot of parasite that it can shake of into your ship when it rams or get close to it. These parasite also spawn when you are on top of the beast.

What are the rewards? Reward can be salvage after defeating the monster same way you collect quest materials. Max of 5 monster parts can be salvaged and this are used to create Legendary weapons and to upgrade them. By upgrade I didn’t mean similar to making it +15 with an anvil or transcendence… No no no… Upgrading weapons made from the rewards from this mission will upgrade your weapon similar to how you choose your class build. With every upgrade you can choose different properties for it so you can personally customize and tweak your weapon.

Here is a crude example of what I had In mind:

In the end this is just my wishful thinking and I’m probably sure its a hell lot of work for this to happen. Still I would like to see your comments, questions or suggestion. I would love to hear from you guys what more can we improve on this.


This is a big step to take.
Remembers me a little of wow. It could work, but you see… Tos is something that is projected from the sorce to enslave the player in a huge grinding hole. Giving a nice item that can evolve with the player kills tos purpose.
And I doubt that they can code this anyway, juldging their last fiasco. :frowning:
But keep it up.

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The Weapon upgrade system can change… I didn’t mention in my post but my idea is in order to upgrade it you need a certain amount of certain quest reward from the mission + certain amount of certain mats you can get from monster.

Ex: you want a lv500 weapon to create it you will need to have 5 horns, 5 scales and 5 bones you can get from the mission + a lv475 purple weapon + some additional material you can get from monster across the land. > More materials to hunt > more grinding. yey! :laughing:

Phantasy star online 2 with the last fight scene can somehow relate to this + final fantasy 14 legendary weapon quest with upgrades depending on quests / raid boss fights etc

Dump this. We will only get sports cars and bikinis with wings and more cute stuff.

I just love the Idea of fighting and defeating a Giant monster.