Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Time for new challenges

Title: Time for new challenges
Server: Silute [SA]
Team name: Gravity_Falls

Description: Finally the time has come! New challenges are approaching, and our Saviors will join the goddesses to overcome this new conflict. United, will they bring this victory and defeat the legendary dragon called Boruta??
Description (in portuguese): Enfim é chegado o momento! Novos desafios estão se aproximando, e nossos Salvadores se unirão as deusas para superar este novo conflito. Unidos, conseguirão eles trazer esta vitória e derrotar o lendário dragão Boruta??
Description (in spanish): ¡En fin viene el momento! Nuevos desafíos se están acercando, y nuestros Salvadores se unirán a las diosas para superar este nuevo conflicto. ¿Unidos, conseguirán ellos traer esta victoria y derrotar al legendario dragón Boruta??


boruta’s true skill is to confused guilds to fight each other >:3

let’s hope guilds know better and won’t fall for that trick owOb

nope, aoe will be a common problem even with cooperation