Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT]The roast me challange

Server: [EU]Fedimian
Name: Larthiel

I’m not that big artist and I just bought a drawing tablet a week ago so I just try to learn using it… X) But I hope ppl will like it. :smiley:

Description: A “brave” kepa doing the roast me challange. (I always think about kepas as cute but dumb little creatures)

With Loadin/Roasting text:

With my doodle text:

Oh and the idea came from that I heard Kepa Soup is a thing in the lore and youtubers do these… rly… rly… “exciting”… challanges… so at the end… well you see what happened in my brain…


but they said me that keppa should be boiled in salty water. :cold_sweat:

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Well… that squire is either not too bright… or he knows a new recipe… :smiley:

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You roast an onion? I think frying kepas are much better :joy:

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hahahaa XD I laughed so hard on the reaction of the Old Kepa’s face… XD but on a serious side, nice art work :slight_smile: :+1:

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oh nooooo hahaha kepa </3 RIP

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