Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Star-crossed Lovers ❤

Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: Darkon

Submission: Star-crossed Lovers :heart:

I drew my inspiration from the long-ignored Paladin Conversion bug where your minions become permanently stuck. It really does look make them look so cute, standing there forever, doing nothing at all, locked in an eternal battle with each other. But, they are deeply in love, and cannot stand the thought of losing one another, so they choose instead to refuse to fight anything at all lest one of them fall in battle. Truly, this is bug that is worthy of a back story and a submission :heart:

Now, I don’t want to take all the best screenshots for myself. If you are interested in making your own screenshots in this fashion, it is very very simple—head on over to this thread and you will find the ridiculously easy steps to reproduce this issue and get your very own unresponsive pets for your submission! Lucky you! The issue happens even when you aren’t trying, so you are bound to get that screenshot! Yay! But you better act quick—this bug will probably only be ignored for a few more years by IMC, so you better get that screenshot ASAP!