Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Queen of Death

  • Server Name: Orsha
  • Team Name: Chenna
  • Brief Description of the Work: Sorcerer/Necromancer/Warlock Queen aka Queen of Death! She has her bat familiars from sorcerer, a flesh hoop of Kepari corpses (their corpses look like pumpkin bits in game) from necromancer, and dark spirits from warlock. Pretty Scary.

Shyet… This is really creepy lol (in a good way haha). Well done!

Thank you! That’s the effect that I wanted to achieve, haha :slight_smile:

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The heart eye lens makes it much more scary haha

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Very atmospheric! Let me know right away, if you have not received the rewards for winning the fan art fest. :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much! I got my rewards safe and sound~

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