Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] New Adventure is Coming!

Title : New Adventure is Coming!
Team Name : Emyris
Server : Telsiai
Description : “New Adventure is Coming!”. got hype since assassins class anounce and also have plan to make assassin farmer build, it’s would be fun i guess. :satisfaction:

Sketch and Lineart


i wonder if it’s time to make myself a farmer character as well Owo


Assassin Linker seems to be quite popular…

I just find it funny the Linkers still use the pink and flashy colored chains and stolen female psycho costumes :expressionless:

I saw a video where scout linker uses a black chain already, I just made the chains in my fanart pink as a tribute to old joint penalty. New spirit shock is an electrified chain too iirc.

I like how a lot of the entries have chains in them though.


Yea, its seems to be popular after RE: patch. :o

Here, they have been changed pinky chains into black.

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@Kihseki Ah so my prayers were heard am so happy…

the assassin in picture look so motive XD cool motion!

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