Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Moya! :3

Title: Moya!
Server: Klaipeda [NA]
Team Name: Narcissus
Description: Moyas have always been my favorite monster in TOS, so I was overjoyed to see there were new ones for rank 10! I thought the wizard ones were kind of Halloween-themed but Nicopolis in general is pretty spooky.


Very good, congratulations!

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moyas are cute X3
i like nicopolis very much X3
so kat themed plus the place kind of reminds me of this town that’s in between the fabric of space and time in vandal hearts Owo

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Why do Moyas have to grow up and become annoying Moyabrukas though?


Nice work! Love the shading and highlights on her clothes and the pumpkins! :smiley:

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Moyas can have magician Hats.
Players can not have magician Hats.

So rood. Fix this IMC. :tired:


Well they grow up to be scary moyabus first.

angery teeth moya

Thank you :smiley:

in b4 the next wiz class has a dragoon-like helmet which is a big wizard hat

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YGO dark magician helmet Owo