Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Monk Fanart!

Server: Varena
Username/Team Name: Rokyuu

I was gonna make one for my Elementalist as well, but no time. Perhaps next time. Everything’s rushed. So rushed. So here it is. My baby. My son. My monk.

Sidenote: He looks more like a ninja cause of the pose HAHA. <///3



i really like his face!

Omg! Even it’s rushed it’s still so beautiful!!

OMG he looks like my husband’s character :astonished: haha XD

But seriously, this is the first time I saw a male monk character fan art here and its awesome!!! his expression says it all… :+1:

Probably the best fan art I’ve seen in ages. Awesome job man! :wink:

Thanks so much!! i worked to get the color right >.< skin can be really tricky

Thank you so very much !! >///<

Great art! Always a fan of seeing monks getting more attention <3


dat arde tho

that’s a very nice draw

HAHA to be fair theres a lot of us with that hairstyle xD
Thank you! and I agree theres not a lot of male character fanarts in general :confused: thats why I’m contributing to the cause!! haha. Thank you again ! Glad you like my work. <3

(PS. I love that you game with your husband o.o me too I hope someday)

as always your drawings of guys are hot. SUCH BEAUTY!! your getting good with different poses, great rendering of colours. but you might wana work on that for shortening. the arm on the front kinda bothers me.

I appreciate it! Thank you very much ! ^^

monk love! im your number one fan!

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:open_mouth: Thanks so much! glad u like it :wink:

He’s really… stunning ! omg I feel like he give me some punch on my face ////-//// , nice art !

Thank you !! hahaha he wont punch you, he’s real nice he’ll hold your hand. xD monks ftwww wish we could see more fanarts of monks o.o

thank uu! YESSS monks need more love!! hahaha want arde? :wink:

Thanks so much! haha and yeah foreshortening needs a few tweaks :frowning: thank you for that :smiley: <3

Wowzers! you make me proud my husband!

‘husband’? I told you not to make it weird! :rage: