Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Mentor, Student, Friend

  • Server Name: Telsiai
  • Team Name: Matsurika

Description: After our end-game static group broke up and moved on to other interests, a new player (LemonGinger) declared herself as my student, with me as her mentor. It was amusing at first, and training her was not easy, but eventually she got better and better quickly thanks to her willingness to learn and my patience. Though my past friends might not be able to come back soon, it is never too late to make new ones and build a brand new static group in the future. Afterall, the only thing permanent in this world is change.

This is my finest moment, training an absolute newcomer to become a high skilled player who might perhaps surpass me one day.

LemonGinger also has her own submission here <- click this link.



I will post something related to this soon.

[quote=“thematsurika, post:1, topic:359777, full:true”]After our end-game static group broke up and moved on to other interests, a new player (LemonGinger) declared herself as my student, with me as her mentor. It was amusing at first, and training her was not easy, but eventually she got better and better quickly thanks to her willingness to learn and my patience. Though my past friends might not be able to come back soon, it is never too late to make new ones and build a brand new static group in the future. Afterall, the only thing permanent in this world is change.

That was such a great experience

good luck :smiley:


Thank you.

Originally, my finest moment would have been with my old static group, we call ourselves “The Library Nerds”. We had so much fun and I was the de-facto leader of this group. However, for several weeks I could not bring myself to draw them due to some painful memories, and it was with LemonGinger’s help that I could finally move on. She’s loud and goofy, but never fails to make me laugh and cheer me up.


I like how we can see the progression of Matsu and LemonGinger’s relationship in the poses.
It’s the subtle things.
Beautiful drawing too, as always.


Thank you Alpaca~chan. Hope you can join us back here soon. A lot of fresh meat is waiting for you, ready to be cooked and simmered. :smirk:

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Wow nice artwork huehuehue I’d give it a 5/7

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Nice pic broski, good luck.

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I’m not crying, you’re crying…

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Very nice, great job

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Well done matsuu… l love your story

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Awww shucks :heart_eyes:

Still a better love story than Twilight.