Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] It's Thriller Night! 👻

  • Server : [SEA] Varena

  • Team name : Reini

Just when I feel like to listen something in these days and talking about Halloween ? This is the very first song that goes into my mind! a little parody for signature dance in his song!

I wish we can do something like, massive among of character in game doing the synchronized Thriller’s move - player and mobs alike :joy:


I’m collecting artwork to feature in my News of Savior 3 video.
According to this thread: For people that made artwork for the Halloween Contest

Would you mind having your entry on my video? :slight_smile:

[[[[I have to copy paste this or I’ll die typing the same thing over and over. lol So I apologize in advance]

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Sure thing! As you’re now directly told me about the featuring I would really glad to for a non-famous like me :laughing: