By “we” I meant “some of us players”. Others already fed up and can’t wait any longer…
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gimme likes huehuehue
By “we” I meant “some of us players”. Others already fed up and can’t wait any longer…
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gimme likes huehuehue
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would be great if it did make it into game loading
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
I find it funny how people hide behind “the community” or “players”
when all they truly mean is…
“Listen to me and do what I tell you to do”
Well in any case when an issue escalates and involves alot of players, It’s not nice to not defuse the situation, at least they can announce they acknowledge the issue (in known list) >> e.g. about party bug, previous server crashing, that they are still working on sth unresolved, etc.
Staffs/GMs might have answered on gameplay report section, but it seems to me as if they want to calm a riot by talking to one or two of the protesters