Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Breaking into Darkness!

Title: Breaking into Darkness!
Server: (SA) Silute
Team Name: MilloMorais

Descrition: This art was based on my team, where everyone uses Ceremonial Costume, I think it’s amazing how inspiring the clothes are inside the game and the combined classes become even more creative.
It can be said that they are facing the darkness night to inside to assist the desuas, that yes is an act of savior!

Thanks in advance for the event!!


Olha ia a moçadinha!!
Look at the boys !!


Ficou ótimo!!
Usar seus personagens de inspiração deixou ainda mais legal!

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Obrigado foi muito bom de fazer!!

Awesome work, bro!
I hope u win this one too o/

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ceremonial and smart casual costumes sure make a nice team theme Owo

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