Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] A rare treasure

Server: Telsiai
Team Name: Enril
Description: Exploring and defeating monsters from all corners of a dungeon hoping to hear that distinct sound of a rare drop item. That feeling when you finally have the item you’ve been looking for this whole time is for me, the finest moment.

Ver.2 without my best friend at the back…


Uh oh this chest… xD. Congratz on the blossoming branch! All I’ve ever gotten from the chest was a whole month worth of speed potion supplies haha xD

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Tried to get it at the start of OBT

Lost my patience, so I bought one from market :sweat:, still wearing it :smiley:





darn speed potions T^T

Thank you all who have liked my work and also good luck to all who joined the art contest. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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