Tree of Savior Forum

StreamingFirst Guild War on Klaipedia Server

This topic becaume lame and sad…
As i said before war is war, even if its dirty, but its war anyway.
This is more like a xenophobic war between north americans and brazilians.

PD: Btw BR = brazilian now day and it doesnt care what its your definition for it, thats just a subjective definition (dont hate me for this ;-; . I only got upset for this in the entire topic ;-; )

PDD:For god sake im not brazilian, chilean sure, brazilian not even close :v

at the end of the day the war is 1-1

at the end of the week it will be 7-1

No matter how much you want to try to change the definition of the abbreviation it won’t happen without the community changing, and this thread has shown that they haven’t.

Stop being so egotistical that you think you can change the context and definitions of words by yourself without putting work into it.

Ah i just thought you told me how unfair it is and got a little salty[quote=“Eseth, post:135, topic:183298, full:true”]
“I have never taken part in any competition, sport or challenge, the only way I know to secure success is cheating” - Gungir 2016
Seems a bit like tears dropped on your keyboard, its okay tho, thats what happens when carebears type.

Anyways, gl with your carebear empire here, back ingame.

Problem is, they’re not adding it to the current GVG, it looks more like an infra-server tourney mode.
The current open world GvG I fear it’s going to remain unchanged.

This is probably true. With some clever tower placement zerging should get cut down a lot. But its probably pointless when you can just chan hop onto a tower and burst it down in 2 minutes.


I kinda like that, it means you need to keep tabs on any large enemy guild movements. Or they could change it so anyone in GvG is stuck to ch.1.

But that brings with it more problems.

Didn’t read all this ■■■■, but i’m Brazilian and @Dragoondurahan is right.
Stfu Wyrm and gtfo u can just be a bad guild leader and gif spammer @ forum it’s fine. You don’t need to help to ruin MORE “BR’s” shitty reputation. Go home boy.

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They needs to optimize the game in first place. Playing GvG’s with 10~15 fps is a pain in the ass.

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My point is more like in all my life, in 10 years in MMO’s of all kind, from old days runescape / MapleStory i never EVER hear BZL as a pejorative word for the brazilian community. Not even in HoN, where the BR xenofobic war was awhful. Maybe in your community they used to but it doesnt mean eveywhere else.

I even google it between information from 1999 to 2005 and nothing (it got me curious).

I really dont mean to sound egotistical about that, its just that exactly term is really strange, even from people here. In fact (dont take it as harass tho) you sound more egotistical than i do…


This proof im not even wrong about this, even the web code for brazilian webs is “.br”…

What is “context”? I have no problem with BR meaning Brazilian, but in the mmo community has a different context.


It was pretty big in FF11 where they would drag high level mobs of a zone to map boarder so that they would walk back and kill lower level players trying to well, level. It was also pretty bad in Jeuno chat where they would speak constant steam of nationalistic charged insults to NA and JP players.
When Treasures came out they tried duping items like Krakens Club and the whole community got banned. Pretty sure there is a story about it on GM Dave blog.

In EQ they would twink their lower level friends so they would go out and harass non-Brazilian players of the same level, trying to make them leave the server so they could have their own.

It’s just a prank bro

This is like Blade and Souls again where me and some Cerulean dudes are being outnumbered and getting zerg rushed. :v

Read most of the thread and it is amusing. All the trash talking, all the ego flags waving high up.

To Phoenix’s Lead @wyrmplays, Klai is NA and mixed with Eu and everyone else from the world. So getting owned at 3:23am is natural, since NA is up, rest of the world is up except EU. IF Phoenix is decent and strong as claimed, then chill in the forums, and don’t get agitated by all the trash talking and show the Klai community that you guys are decently strong and not just what everyone see “BR” as.

To Infinity @dragoondurahan, trash talking and all won’t make you win the Guild War, so why not save the trash talk to come up with strategies to take down Phoenix, then trash talk after because you guys beat them fairly and make yourselves look better and not just some whiny kids that had their lunch taken.

Sure all these back and forth is interesting but, just shows how immature some people can be. If you insult someone(or community), then be prepared that BR, CN, TW or whatever community, someone will step up and return the favor. Then don’t whine about it after that the community is getting “butthurt” over an insult.

If these two guilds are any decent, then win the war and show the community(klai or whoever else that is interested) that you guys are the top guild, and have everyone look up to you. After all, winning is winning and losing is losing. Whoever loses, should just admit defeat and get trash talked. If they are unhappy, then fight again till they understand which side is stronger :slight_smile:


TL:DL I don’t like what you say, even though it’s logically constructed. Thus it’s is trashtalking.

I’ll admit that there is some trashtalk but point to me where I was going over the line to the point where you need to tell me to stop?

(edit) where is this “BR WON HUEHUEHUE” garbage coming from? The war is still going on.

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Well then, ill abandon thread. You win. Im not willing to fight for this. Maybe BZL did exist and i thank you for the information (the more u know right?) but using that meaning for a modern term that could gets misunderstand really easy is not the best idea that people had, nor using xenophofic words cause you hate a community, in a thread that was originally for the track of the war at klaipeda.

My familly grew me up as someone against this kind of behavior (and i appreciat that) so ill allways be against this. Now is your problem.

PD: Plz this is a formal, clean way to talk things. Dont tell me to “gtfu” about this. That would be childish.

PDD:Oh boy you dont even know the xenophobic war here at south america. If you think brazilians were cancer, here even neighboor countries harass each other.

PDDD: This is more like a fanboy fight >.<

PDDDD: Srry i made a lot of PD’s :stuck_out_tongue:

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