Tree of Savior Forum

StreamingFirst Guild War on Klaipedia Server

some of the highest level brazilians are in infinity guild, the phoenixdown leader Wrym took some casual banting as a personal insult and remember he declared war not the other way around, if Infinity hated brazilians that much they would declare war

uhm… its actually sounds pretty legit to me, maybne not the most sports way to to do this, but win is win, so please just stop being a carebear

again, how are you tracking kills?

Woops, my bad, feel free to change “statue” with “respawn location”.

I love how you try to take the flimsy moral high ground by telling someone of different views to “kill yourself”

Let this thread be a showcase of everything wrong and needs to be fixed with the BR community. I pity any non-br Brazilian.

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What games have you played where spawncamping wasn’t frowned upon?
Even the carebears in Battlefield banned people for it.

I love how you still try to sound smart even after LITERALLY everyone noticed you are the dumbest shi,t in this forum… i pity you… just you, well and your family but i guess they contributed to this mistake

Win is win, deal with it lil carebear

Do you need help to breathe? Just because you say something doesn’t mean it’s true. Do you have any facts?

Or are you just Ad-hom personified.

Man, oh man, server goes down and I play catch-up on the forums for a second and I step into… this… lol

Well, I will grab my popcorn I guess.

On a side note I did appreciate the videos. It kind of opened my eyes to why they have likely limited the guild size to 30; if each guild is full-capacity and fights each other on any given map, plus spectators and questers in the area already, this is about as much as the game can possibly handle. Actually it can’t even do that much I guess, but less than 30 would have been horrible and likely hard to even classify as a “guild” much less a “bigger than normal party” lol

Kind of reminds me of the guild battles in Tera for my old clan We Don’t Wipe at the launch of the Sky Castles update. Fun stuff.

Oh wait… is another xenophobic thread, but now the hate is cloaked in the guild war system.

Why you guys have to fight about such things…


Once again more people who are either new to the internet, have ZERO reading comprehension, or is an astroturfer. We don’t hate them because of their nationality, we hate them for how they act.

Stop using their nationality as an excuse for them to get away with slimy hypocritical actions, they’re people and need to be treated as such.

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“I have never taken part in any competition, sport or challenge, the only way I know to secure success is cheating” - Gungir 2016


just ignore it lads


Holy smokes arent you a next level carebear :3
cry louder lil kid, so some more poeple can laugh about the salt

“I’ll take a page out of Worm’s playbook and say things that contradict what I’ve said before and pretend my previous statements were never posted. IT’S NOT WRONG WHEN WE DO IT!” -Gurgle

Damn Gungnir, you seem pretty agitated over this whole thing. I would ask you if someone kicked your dog or something, but you’ve probably already eaten it by now. You should take some of your own advice you presented earlier and save us all the headache.

As for the rest of the thread, PhoenixDown was the one that initiated the war with Infinity (Which the game decided to accept on its own instead of prompting their guild leader) because a brazilian member of Infinity made a joke that really flustered wyrm.


This is the most horrible GvG i’ve ever seen in any game ever, i hope they remake the whole thing.

It’s missing a step, right on the top, and it looks like

But my little fella, I’m not the one crying, I’m the one laughing at some poor fool who’s jumping through hoops to justify a “win” that was never a “win” in the first place.
Repeating “Gg, I win” won’t make it true, because after all of this, you will still, and always, be a BR, there’s no win condition from where you are from.

They’re adding a bunch of stuff, search the forums. its looking up.