Tree of Savior Forum

StreamingFirst Guild War on Klaipedia Server

Yeah we pretty much already knew GvG was a zergfest from kToS.

the quality is absolutely terrible btw

wtf kind of comment is that? grow up you BR child and give some honest criticism or back to huehuehue’ing over each others face.

everyone knows that this game cant handle big GvG’s cuz the optimization is trash. ■■■■ it, i have a 4790k + 970 gtx and 16 gb RAM and i get 15 fps doing world bosses with 15 people in my screen.


Wish my computer could handle maps with so many players on them. But the single CPU core thing and ignoring the beefy graphics card engine ruins it for me. ;_;

The war is now 1 to 1

Is there supposed to be a link? I can’t see it. :c

It appears that Infinity has evened the score, wiping out and destroying PhoenixDown’s tower, in apparently a tenth of the time it took them to take Infinity’s.

stream is off for now

link pls? /20charascxascasrt

edited the OP

warning you now the recorded footage is awful.

@nordiccrayon you sure are a funny guy

I’m the leader of PhoenixDown, and of course i had to come to the forums to read tons of excuses from a random person who did not know anything about this War, or maybe an Infinity member himself trying to “defend” his own pride? Well, either way it doesn’t matter. I’ll clarify things for everyone.

1 - Yes, the GvG is unbalanced, it’s been like that forever, i’m not sure if you played in the Korean server or anything like that, but then again, that’s not something my guild and i can deal with. The FPS does drop lower than 10 for everybody despite their computer specs, yet it’s still minimally playable.

2 - [quote=“nordiccrayon, post:7, topic:183298”]
the ‘attacking’ guild simply waited in another channel for the war to auto-accept and channel swapped in on top of the ‘defending’ guild’s tower, and then camped the area’s single respawn point; making the entire thing a shitshow within minutes.
That’s not what happened, first of all i’d like to clarify you about what started this war:

As everybody knows, PhoenixDown is a brazilian Guild, but we definetely despise any kind of toxic attitude in any game we play. We do not speak portuguese in the global chat, we do not run arround saying “gibe mony”, we will not tolerate any of our members who dare to use any kind of 3rd party program (bot, macros, etc). So yes, we have very strict rules, yet we ARE Brazilians, and proud of it. So first of all i’ll leave this here: If you trash talk about brazilians, you’ll hear about us, and if you are willing to take us on, we will fight you anytime.

After i read this message, i personally sent a message to Cider (Infinity’s leader) and asked what’s his stance about this, if this is the kind of attitude we could expect from them. Well the reply was: “Fortunately i have nothing against you as a person. Unfortunately i have to fulfill my duty as Infinity’s leader and eliminate all BRs”.

3 - Yes, they were overwhelmed. But is it our fault? They called us out to war, i told them about our numbers, one of their members called “Strong” said: We have 120 members, turns out that was a lie too, he said it himself. I’m sorry that Infinity doesn’t have as many members as we do, but that’s their fault, not mine. I created this guild far too long ago, if i have more members now it’s because we were better prepared. And yes, not all of our members are level 200+, most are in the 150-190 range, with only a couple 200+, we are not in a hurry to get lv 280 or anything, so don’t come and use this as an excuse, just deal with it. If you can’t handle a bigger guild, don’t start a war against it, isn’t it simple?

4 - [quote=“nordiccrayon, post:7, topic:183298”]
I’m currently standing in the Ch1 of the zone watching ‘PhoenixDown’ spam racist/derogatory remarks while constantly spamming CC and AoE on enemy guild members trapped in the SINGLE RESPAWN POINT OF THE MAP and it’s pretty disgusting.

I believe i don’t need to say this is a lie. You have absolutely NO PROOF that we were doing anything like this, on the other hand, i do have some proof in VIDEO and some screenshots of Infinity’s members being offensive towards us. Here’s just an little example, i’ll be sure to post the video of the war later, even though the game was running at less than 10 fps.

5 - [quote=“nordiccrayon, post:28, topic:183298, full:true”]
It appears that Infinity has evened the score, wiping out and destroying PhoenixDown’s tower, in apparently a tenth of the time it took them to take Infinity’s.
I can’t laugh harder at this. “wiping out and destroying PhoenixDown’s tower”. Wiping out who exactly? It was 3:23am in Brazil at the time they fought us. We had 3 people online at max, oh but you still are bright enough to say “in apparently a tenth of the time”, maybe because there was little to NOBODY denfending it? From this statement i get it that you are just trying to make us look bad, when we actually know better. If no one believes in the time i stated, here is the screenshot of the exact momment Infinity destroyed our tower, check the clock in the minimap, add +1 hour because of our timezone, there you go, an “all out attack at 3:23am”. Oh but it gets better! Infinity did brag about it later, as if they “won” the war, pitiful.

I don’t think i need to say much more about all of this. PhoenixDown works on a basis of mutual respect and all of our members know this very well. Don’t try to come and say “why don’t you play in Orsha”, we are free to pick any server we want to play on, and no we are not “butthurt” for being called “Dirty BR Trash” or anything like that, but we will not stand idle while being provoked like that.

TL:DR - Infinity provoked us, they didn’t even have structure to take us on, they lost their tower and we wiped them out of their map. Later on at 3:23am they destroyed our tower while we were all sleeping and bragged about it.

I apologize for any grammar mistakes, clearly English is not my primary language



You are welcome to try and make up excuses defending those that fall for our hands in every war we fight in the game, for we plan to be playing this game for many years more. But be sure that i will always bring out proof, videos and everything and put you back in your place.


Last time I checked, Infinity & friends were celebrating over the ruins of your Guild Tower. If you want to boast about how great your zerg is in a dieing korean cashgrab, at least make sure you aren’t getting your ■■■■ slapped all the way across Tennet Chapel Gardens and losing your property beforehand.

Edit: The forums finally returned to a functioning state so I could see Wyrmplay’s first post. I think it’s pretty funny that someone lambasting a guy who stood around and watched the first fight go down for ‘making excuses’ while he posts an enormous, screen-shot laden wall of broken english trying to defend him and his guild with the GvG equivalent of ‘the dog ate my homework’.

I mean… you coulda like… y’know… maybe talked to the opposing guild leader about it before starting a war. I don’t know.


Congratulations to them on destroying the tower we didn’t hide on purpose at 3:23am our time when out of our 60 members, only 4-6 were awake.

As i stated before, but you probably are too illiterate to read: If you can’t handle the enemy’s numbers, don’t start a war.

And by the way, give up on trying to provoke us with this kind of childish attitude, it just wont work :wink: We are far, far, far better than that.

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I did, i stated that in my text up there. That was the FIRST thing we did, we wanted to know what was his stance on all this this “attack against brazilians”


I see. Carry on then.

Well honestly i’m done with all of this here for now, i believe. Unless i find another reply that is worthwhile answering.

I’m not the type of person that likes to pick up fights, but i’m a proud player, proud of my race, proud of my guild, proud of our achievments. And i will defend our pride anywhere anytime with everything i have.

Now i’m going back to playing the game, which is what we all are here for anyways. See you guys in game! :smiley:


Learn to speak multiple languages before you offend someone with using “broken english”. What he said is understandable and it is obvious that english isn’t his native language. There is no need for us to Grammar Nazis.

Flagged for being rude.