Tree of Savior Forum

Steam rating dropping fast

XP cards:
Its likely not good game design if you need to study guides to learn what actually happens ingame with xp cards, which most dont by playing the game.

Then we have the explorers that want to figure things out themselves and actively avoid guides and other spoilers on the net.

Its not “stupidity” its a wide number of reasons, games are a sandbox and there are many ways to play in it.

Can’t u just stfu if you don’t have anything meaningful to contribute?

I still believe in the game…but the current version is a mess. It’s getting better…but it started horribly. Only time will tell

I skip over 90% of thumbs down reviews on Steam. Why? Because after reading about 30 of them and finding the only major complaint to be “trading is restricted” I felt that 90% of the thumbs down reviews were majorly lacking in reasoning for a thumbs down.

I don’t feel that the restrictions break 100% of the game or even 50%. If I’m enjoying a large % of a game, and don’t like the restriction, then I’ll write an honest review and express my concern and what may or may not secure my patronage to the game/company in the future. Then I’ll explain why I gave it a thumbs up or down. Generally, if a game is playable and gives me more than 10 hours of enjoyment I’ll give it a thumbs up. I’ll also, in a constructive manner, express my concerns and request changes through the correct methods of communication with the compant.

I see very little of that going on here or on Steam.

I feel that too many people are extremely harsh on Steam reviews. Steam should move to a better review system also imo. Steam reviews are becoming more and more like Rotten Tomato reviews - complete shite.


Except that’s not the case.

I crafted a lvl3 gem in town, went to my stash to grab more gem fodder and looked back to see my lvl3 gem missing.

I was so hesitant to buy the game off steam when I saw all the reviews, but I bought it anyway to play with friends. I think the steam reviews won’t matter much when the game is actually released. If people are legitimately interested in the game, then they’ll download the game regardless of rating.

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Lol they also say Founder Access users will not be able to transfere to the F2P release servers until 3 weeks after their release because they don’t want head start users taking control of new servers.

Honestly people just need to learn to read.

Nice porpoise where are you from?

no get your things together… most of those reviews are ■■■■. with 0-2 hours playtime… and doesn’t even tell people anything. so theres nothing to do about idiots… cause they wil always be here

nope and yes. but also because it takes time… to make it work… its not as simple as u think

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So what? No one cares about it.

But pppls will avoid game with trash 60% positive reviews, heh.

you can disagree with them but can you stop them ?

protip : you can’t

but IMC can , by fixing their game


This will never be said enough…


Read the steam rules about betas. Betas should be mark as Beta (pre-release) game. There is no such mark on steam page.

It is release. With exclusive (not early!) acess.

There will be just as many entitled man-children to fling insults and demand their ideals with a newly launched game due to their ignorance to put down any game launched after 2005.

</20char>From… Steam?

Steam? Nevermind not what I meant. PM me your steam profile page so I can add you, looking for groups of new players etc.

^ This. The game being F2P in a month (or less) means more will be more likely to give it a go.

Regardless of the official state of the game; I bought into a beta. They may call it something else. There may be other things that Steam had to make IMC do or say so that the title could be cleared. Or maybe IMC was confident they could label their game unexpectedly.

But I bought into a beta.

To me this was, and will continue to be, the OBT we were promised. Except with a heard start package that the community agreed on (we’re 1 week in and R7’s are popping up, imagine what a 3 month head start would have done) and with the actual OBT starting in a few weeks. Whether the game is supposed to be complete or not doesn’t impact what I felt I was buying into; everything so far is as I expected.

I mean, it’s a Korean game, and in Korea it’s in an OBT, so I wouldn’t expect an international version to somehow be further along than the original release is in terms of completion or polish.

Perhaps it is that difference in expectations that sets apart the buyers and their confidence in the product. What they named it randomly didn’t change my mind that I was paying for their previously announced OBT. Bugs, outages, instability… I paid knowing I would have those things, and I’m okay with that, despite whatever stage the game is supposed to be in xD I have faith that, over time, things will get better.