Regardless of the official state of the game; I bought into a beta. They may call it something else. There may be other things that Steam had to make IMC do or say so that the title could be cleared. Or maybe IMC was confident they could label their game unexpectedly.
But I bought into a beta.
To me this was, and will continue to be, the OBT we were promised. Except with a heard start package that the community agreed on (we’re 1 week in and R7’s are popping up, imagine what a 3 month head start would have done) and with the actual OBT starting in a few weeks. Whether the game is supposed to be complete or not doesn’t impact what I felt I was buying into; everything so far is as I expected.
I mean, it’s a Korean game, and in Korea it’s in an OBT, so I wouldn’t expect an international version to somehow be further along than the original release is in terms of completion or polish.
Perhaps it is that difference in expectations that sets apart the buyers and their confidence in the product. What they named it randomly didn’t change my mind that I was paying for their previously announced OBT. Bugs, outages, instability… I paid knowing I would have those things, and I’m okay with that, despite whatever stage the game is supposed to be in xD I have faith that, over time, things will get better.