Tree of Savior Forum

State of Rune Casters

Why people are ignoring Rune Caster in the builds? Is the class really that bad?

I was thinking on going:
Wizz 3 > Cryo 3 > Runecaster
Wizz 3 > Cryo > Psycho > Rune Caster > Warlock
Any suggestions? I’m focusing PvE and i really dont want to play Elementalist and trying to find others Wizzard damage builds.


People in this forum really hate rune caster huh

This is the build I was thinking of too, so I’m also hoping for some experienced input as well.

Because it seems to be only good for boosting cryomancer skills but you don’t usually take cryo to be DPS, except for when going for the icewall combo

To me Runecaster really needs Elementalist C3 to be worth it. Quick cast + Runecaster with Frost Cloud, lv15 Hail would be insane damage output. With Cryo3 you’re multiplying some very mediocre frost damage later on.

Rune of Ice doesn’t work on Hail and Frost Cloud


This is a good build, but either need to team with a Dopplesoelner, Monk C2, or Psychokino to fully utilize the Icewall shooting combo.

Runecaster is good, but it is a hybrid class, Wizard usually require a very specific target to pursue a specific goal, hence Runecaster doesn’t fit so well except for those who pursuing Icewall+PhysicPressure combo.

Another thing is, Hagalaz/Rune of Destruction should be Lightning element despite how it looks (and in reality it is represent Air element!), I think it could be fix in near future. If it fixed, it could works very well with Hail + Rain.

And in future, we doesn’t know what is Rank 8 yet, but it is very likely Sage is 1 of them, i’m not sure are they will doing the same thing like in RO, which is to enchant element into your normal attack. If they are able to enchant Ice Property or +Property damage like Pyro, which could mean Runecaster + Sage is a very solid combo. (They are wearing Robe! and it hint that it could be a support class.)

As many said, Isa does not support “deployment skill” which mean Hail and Frost Cloud are not supported, only Freezing Sphere is.

quite something. STILL GOIN FOR IT EY

Thanks for the correction, I didn’t know that about the skill. Too good to be true :smiley:

Duude, wiz 3 > cryo 3 > rune caster seems so good on paper, no idea why no one is trying this

Alternatively, cast frost cloud to have the same amount of total damage or more, with much lower cooldown and zero cast time.

Would be something like this
Wizzard 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock is so much better?

ye. I’ve always had the stance that RC needs to seriously be buffed through cd and cast time reductions, and rune stone cost lowered. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it before I actually try it though.

I don’t like that a class is considered purely for an ice buff which the class itself does not have a synergy with.

do you think that will be better than the Wiz 3 > Cryo 3 > RC?

Well, this thread might interest you:

Hello guys, i went Wiz3->cryo1->kino1->RC and i’m planning to wait R8 to choose my R7 class.
I’m really enjoying my char, very high burst damage on bosses…rune of destruction is meteor 2.0 with 8secs cast (4 with quickcast) instead Of 10 and rune Of giagant is awesome( who don’t like to be bigger then a boss? XD). Right now i still have to see a stronger class in terms Of burst damage, it would even be better if i could go RC2 to increase buff duration _ or if IMC would lower the CDs Of certain skills…who knows?
These was my two cents Of RC. See ya!

P.s.: sorry for my bad english :wink:

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The build itself is not bad, but you really need friend to play along who synergy with them. Else if you are solo, just better with generic wiz3>elem3. The synergy is just ridiculous

Combo with Psychokino (Wiz3>Psycho3)

Combo with Monk (Monk2)

Combo with Dopplesoeldner