Tree of Savior Forum

Start Anew!

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘Start Anew!’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff

is this a class tree change? like from wizard to swordsman tree change? or just your normal class change wizard into any wizard sub class change? …

Just normal class change points, you cannot change Class Tree.

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Would be nice if that event comes back though XDDD

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Kinda funny though… Why did we even bother to spend Sprouts for class reset points when this event was in the making and we get them for free?

Dunno, IMC seems to be trolling or what and I feel dumb lol

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you are not the only one playing this game. There are hundred newbie and returnee everyday who miss the cc events.
Oh well, you’re dumb.

I think that such events could be avoided if the descriptions were real-very detailed and not another troll (ejem, turn undead, etc.), it might help some kind of perma-test server or test instance (to test skills/class), in short, that the information was complete, it could be check and test by the same person who plays.

On the other hand, as they said, stop altering the abilities from week to week and apply all projected changes/remove/adds/expansions in one grand montly or three-montly update, and with this, very long-therm duration events (not in fascicles; the week maintenance should be to fix new/know errors and other bugs, not for changing the game or remove/modify/add new content).

Doing this kind of thing in the form of an event only leads to greater imbalances, especially when the event is over and another useless one occupies the place.

Wow thanks you must be very smart