Tree of Savior Forum

Stamina consumption

Hey IMC What the Occurs with stamina Consumption. Why she is Spent 5 times faster ?
EU Fedimian


turn pet off then on

it is happened in instanse zone like a uphill dungeon and mission. exploite with pet not helped

it worked for me. press f9 then click twice on the button.

i belive u. but is it not worked for mee

How to bee ? if i have no pet ? stamina consumption like a im run nonstop

what class are you? i would try relogging as well because I didn’t have this problem yesterday.

Pet has nothing to do about it, it’s happening to everyone when you join a dungeon/mission/ET, every step you take you lose 1 stamina. What the actual f u ck

It happened today, it’s not happening outside instances. only inside. :confused:

ah ic i noticed it happened when i was in 170 i didn’t have any stamina pots so i left and remounted and then it worked so i just assumed there was some bug with that. weird bug

had the same problem today, stamina drains every step. i just closed the game and restarted, back to normal.

It doesn’t work, we tried it too of course. :confused:

It happens randomly when you enter a instanced zone, I’ve been running dailies on my char and sometimes you get it, sometimes you don’t. And of course you can’t relog in instance if you’re alone or you will lose the run.

just fyi, it happened on my mounted char and has not affected any other char yet.

I’ve no mounted chars. :confused: It happened on my mergen and my doppel.
I did two Solmiki runs, my party members were an elelock and an inquisitor and it happened to them too in the first run… we were forced to use Red Ox to be able to move around…
Second run, everytthing was fine for everyone, it’s really random. :confused:

I never had this problem before, it started today after a certain hour for basically everyone in the server (people shoutting about it every few minutes)…

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Our development team will be investigating the matter. We apologize for the inconvenience.



Orsha here too

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 08/19/2017

Server Name: Orsha

Team Name: Hamabe

Character Name: Hamabe

Bug Description :

While I was doing LV 260 dungeon , my stamina unusually drained there.
I tried twice , the same situation remained.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. enter and process the dungeon running

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)
1st run

2nd run

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : auto

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@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri

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I am suffering the same problem in Dungeon 290 after activateD Gazing Golem Card.
My featherfoot always 0STA…

Just so I can gather some more details:

This is only happening in instanced dungeons? Which ones in particular? (only 170/ 260/ and 290?)
Is this usually happening while riding a companion?
While riding a companion, what skills are you using that appear to deplete stamina the most?

If no companion, did this happen the moment you entered the dungeon? And lasted the whole time?

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