Tree of Savior Forum

SPR kill summoner

Actually, SPR and INT influence the damage of summons now.
If you check the information of ktos.neet on Sorcerer/Necromancer, you will find the following info on the skills : Create Shoggoth/Summoning

Summon Attack = Z x INT
Summon Defence = Z x SPR

SPR also adds % attack [I believe the kTest thread about the changes said something about 0,67% per SPR-point] and defence [?; not sure about this] to your summon, so obviously after a certain investment, SPR is better than INT, depending on you Summoning skills skilllevel.
By going full SPR you can practically skip adding skillpoints beyond the first into your summoning skill, while you can maintain some damage by investing skillpoints and boosting INT + getting some SPR via equipment, or go hybrid SPR/INT to counter the summoning costs and boost both spell damage and summon damage.

I believe that this is a really good change that opened Sorcerer/Necromancer for all builds instead of locking them behind only INT or only SPR.

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I’ve done both Full SPR and Full INT Pyro C3, Sorc C3. Sage and Enchanter.

Full SPR takes a lot less damage while riding. The Summon Hits harder too, though INT does affect summon damage.
Salaimon 15 does pretty meh damage either way.
Bats 15 are really strong Full INT. I was fairly reliant on them but then it’s like 6400% scaling.

Full SPR is kind of attractive but this takes away the significance of my pyro Spells.
May switch to Cryo C3 as a result and change up my RP. Used up my daily class reset though so I won’t see that (at least at 288) until tomorrow.

It’s been your stuff I’ve been following for a maybe SPR sorc. The latest iteration of [fireball] is what turned me off pyro. I was thinking something along the lines of linker2 but the nerf to JP killed that boner too.

That leaves me with either wiz3-cryo1 for some control + SPR scaling [reflect shield] (pft I know) + shield mastery: enchant or wiz1-cryo3 but idk wtf to do with a cryo3 on a rider.

Pop off.
Hit Frost Pillar,Sub Zero Shield and maybe ice blast…
Jump back on.

Is that still worth using?

It hasn’t changed.
I’m bouncing between thoughts because at present the game is a little topsy turvey.
Cryo basically has more damage than Pyro.
It’s starting to feel like Pyro’s main contribution is Enchant Fire 15 as a party DPS buff, assuming an Enchanter doesn’t just sell it…

Sssssssssssh!! Wadaya doin foo!!

Kidding aside I’m thinking IMC is just trying out these extreme changes to see what mechanic we do and don’t like. The actual numbers can come later. I’m surprised how “fast” they can completely change a skills like [fireball].

ktest has new def formulas, mobs with different hp. you want your high damage skills in itos that are meant for 300k hp mobs to be used on 60k hp mobs in ktest?

but pyro 3 sorc 3 with 200-300 spr rest int is bad? and what is better for 8th class sage or enchanter? cuz i want to make similair build too :slight_smile:

Both are pretty interesting party contributors.
Current state of the game is Concentrate, Blessing, Enchant Fire, Enchant Lightning…these are significant damage buffs especially when applied to a 5 man party.

If you go the Enchanter route I’d go for more INT, because of the way Enchant Lightning and Fire scale you’re just a more significant party member by doing so.

I stumbled on something I’m really liking right now

Wizard C3, Thauma, Sorc C3.

Reflect Shield applies after calculations so it can reduce damage to 1.

(aka you were taking 100 damage, Reflect shield subtracts 300 of that and you get hit for 1. Very easy to take 1 damage from lower dungeon bosses which is nice, and occasionally at higher levels while riding).

Now here’s the real kicker and something other classes will like in general.

Thaumaturges Swell Left Arm: Shrink Body attribute that used to give 35 damage per attribute level on shrunken enemies?

It’s giving 30% more damage to them. Which means 120% damage. While buffed with Swell Left I’m doubling my flipping damage for shrinking these fools.
Very, very, very, sweet at the moment.
I don’t know if that will apply to allies as well, but if it does Thauma’s will be able to contribute a lot for aoe parties trying to nuke down tough crap if they can group it all up to be shrunk.

Does thauma’s swell arms buff scale with Spr just like blessing ?

Look like they can boost a lot of damage for riding after combat revamp

However I suppose if you were Int Based. Thauma’s Swell Arm would help reduce the gap a bit with the SPR builds a small amount.
You’d get a pretty good Summon Familiar though…

How sad

Planning to pick a support class to replace necromancer. Look like I will stick with cryo 3 - sor 2 - necro 2 since linker got nerfed hard

in wiz 3 remove attr +50% dmg

Taking from @Delcas’s compilation of buffs from here

Enchant Fire: value = 30 + (([Skill Level] - 1) × 5) + (([Skill Level] / 5) × ((([Character Int + [Character SPR]) × 0.6) ^ 0.9))

Enchant Lightning: value = 160 + (([Skill Level] - 1) × 60) + (([Skill Level] / 5) × ((([Character INT] + [Character SPR]) × 0.8) ^ 0.9))

and simplifying it into the SPR component for a pyro3-encahnter
([Skill Level] / 5) x (SPR × 0.6) ^ 0.9) ~= 1.89433760247 x SPR ^ 0.9
([Skill Level] / 5) x (SPR × 0.8) ^ 0.9) ~= SPR ^ 0.9

You get around 2.9 x SPR ^ 0.9 damage. At 300 SPR that’s something like ~= 491 damage on top of your non-summon damage.

Did I do it right?

Eh why simplify it to the SPR component. Because it is Character INT + Character SPR, neither choice really scales better than the other.

At 300 SPR
you’re going to get 428 damage from Enchant fire 15.
542 from Enchant Lightning.
That’s just under 1k, but property attack doesn’t ignore defense so its still subtracted by armor.
The benefit is when you are in a party you can give them all 1k worth of property attack.

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Ok, I’ll keep the rest of the equations.

30 + (([Skill Level] - 1) × 5) + (([Skill Level] / 5) × ((([Character Int + [Character SPR]) × 0.6) ^ 0.9))

30 + ((15 - 1) × 5) + ((15 / 5) × (((0 + 300) × 0.6) ^ 0.9))
30 + (14 × 5) + (3 × ((300 × 0.6) ^ 0.9))
30 + 70 + (3 × ((180) ^ 0.9))
30 + 70 + (3 × 107)
30 + 70 + 321
~= 421

160 + (([Skill Level] - 1) × 60) + (([Skill Level] / 5) × ((([Character INT] + [Character SPR]) × 0.8) ^ 0.9))

60 + ((5 - 1) × 60) + ((5 / 5) × (((0 + 300) × 0.8) ^ 0.9))
60 + (4 × 60) + (1 × ((300 × 0.8) ^ 0.9))
60 + 240 + (240 ^ 0.9)
60 + 240 + 138
~= 438

Just to note: Any stat investment (pure INT, pure SPR, split INT and SPR) will have the same effect on the buffs since both INT and SPR have the same weight.

On a 300 stat rider, seems like 3 ranks for [enchant fire]'s passive 421 isn’t worth it. A more “active” rider constantly using the other pyro skills would obviously do more. I’m just looking at the perspective on a perma-rider (minimum dismounts if possible). All this is assuming skill lock out while riding.

It may not be worth it solo
but given 5 people.
The DPS should be going up 438*5 if not more because of their rate of attacks.

I hope so. I’m thinking of true multi-hits in particular (seeing as a few skills are being converted from fake to true already).

It’ll be awhile before anything concrete can really be said too many variables and fluctuations.

If this game had a parser…