Tree of Savior Forum

Spellcaster effectiveness against Velcoffer

Good day

I just wanted to ask how spellcasters fare against Velcoffer in general. I just saw saw some videos and it looks like they don’t confer any special advantage that would separate them from any other DPS. After shallow dive (wading?) into Velcoffer’s stats showed me he has about 32k defenses.

So I’d like to ask: what sorts of Wizards are sought after for the velcoffee raid? How much M.Atk is necessary to be relevant as a DPS during the fight? would you go DPS or Support? Just how specialized should the Wizard be? Insight would be welcome, ty.

The reason why ELE wl is still strong is because they have so many built in multi hits. This triggers a lot of buff bonuses, it’s also quite easy to reach 8k-9k matk with +16 T10 weapon.

^the advantage you are looking for, if we’re talking about ele wl

You can either go full con or int, depending on how well you can dodge or if you want to hold aggro all the time with mastema.

that aside, I find AA enchanters VERY STRONG for velc.


You can build an entire team around magical damage:

  • linker3 shreds 25% magic resists on target
  • cleric3 deprotected zone (worth?)
  • bokor3
  • sadhu3 transmit prana that IGNORES this boss defenses (4000+ soul property magic), thaumaturge3 in a 0 physical team too, enchanter2 for auto attack teams.

In a full physical dps team comp, there are too much buffs with 50% increased melee damage “stacking” while for the magical version there is almost nothing and scales poorly in comparison.

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I’m doing runs with 5 wizards.

-> Full INT for good gears + good party + good healer. If your healer sucks you die.
-> Balanced CON-INT for average parties + survivability.
-> Full CON not really recommended but can be good for staying alive or if no one else in the party has high CON and you’re a chrono3-linker3.

Builds: I’m focusing mostly on Elementalists when it comes to DPS.

-> Wiz3 Ele3 Warlock3: Great dps, especially if you can combo Armor Break (Musketeer/etc) + MDef Reduction (RC/Linker) + Rune of Ice (RC) + Hail, you can also pick Lethargy Lv.15 to reduce 15% from Velcoffer ATK or Magic Shield Lv.15 to reduce damage.

-> Wiz3 Ele3 FF1 SM2: Decent dps, each Shadow Thron (w/ attribute) can deal ~600k+ damage on Velcoffer, you can heal yourself, Lv.1 Blood Bath can be more useful than you think, Hexing/Curse increases SM damage. SP is actually a huge problem with this build if you can’t jump the SP-drain moves.

-> Wiz3 Ele3 RC1 Sage2: Decent dps (I feel it’s weaker than the other two but couldn’t really test). One big disadvantage of this build is how all skills needs charge time so it’s hard to dodge skills, you rely a lot more on your healer skills. On the good side you can buff your own damage and keep a good uptime on RC buffs and MDef Reduction if your party have a Linker3Thaum3 and no Chrono.

-> Linker3 Thaum3: Spirit Shock damage is actually really nice. You can link yourself with Wizards for SPR+INT buffs. Compared to Chronos your party lacks mobility and Lifeline uptime so you might need a good healer (and/or good party as whole) to survive when you’re on cooldown. Shrink Body helps in some parts of the run.

-> Linker3 Chrono3: This is great for party survivability and for sustaining damage output. Most of your buffs have 100% uptime and some skills like Slow and Stop might be really useful at certain parts of the run.

Other builds I saw:
-> Pyro3 Thaum3 Enchanter2 (Forgot if Pyro2 or 3): Great buffer for AA parties and can be very strong.

-> Non-RC LinkerThaum or ChronoLinker: I don’t really recommend this. Parties without Rune of Protection gets knockdown A LOT. You’ll need more skills or gears to compensate time lost and extra damage taken.

Builds I tested but have no team:
-> Link2 Thaum2 FF3: Featherfoot 3 can be great if you can maintain aggro for tanking. Levitation cancel most of the damage you take from Velcoffer. Kundela can do decent damage with low cooldown on boss. Blood Curse and Enervation can be really useful as well. You might actually get annoyed at how long Bone Pointing stays on ground after being cast. I’m actually curious of how well DPS-oriented variants would work.

-> Anything - Onmyoji2: Don’t even bother, reset out of it please, you’re doing your party a great favor. Leave this somewhere else, VERY far from Velcoffer or any content where enemies have high defense. I’m saying this after testing it with 11k M ATK with buffs.


Woah. Waay out of my league for now but at least it gives me something to work toward.

This one appeals to me but the fact that I have to fund a second wizard from scratch makes me worried. Seems like I’ll have to settle for a support build for now to get in a party–which is fine for me so long as I get to stock up on reward cubes. Linker-Thaum seems to be the best so I’ll stick with this for a while

Last question: I’ve been considering this off-meta build for a while. Would it pass as a viable raid build?

and Ty again!

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It’s probably still best to stay with thauma or chrono if you are undergeared. It still gives you access to parties easier and you just switch to con gear after buffing.


Alright . Thanks for the advice.

linker3-runecaster no question this is the only one necesary in every velco party, everything else can be replace /if u undergear go full con

Mostly for the M.Def debuffs, no? Would you need to spec into SPR on a Linker3 for Spirit Shock for the bonus dmg or is the -25% to M.Def enough?

what ppl need is lifeline for low hp dps and rune of protection, whithout this buff ur dps only 70% effective dealing damage/ 30% got waste get knock out and down
strongest wizard dps acttualy is FF3 second is ele-lock rank third is enchanter2

Would the FF variant be W2Lnk3RC? The standard build I read about in these forums usually goes Lnk2Thau2 but since you specified Lnk3 (Lifeline). Another one: does Levitation help prevent damage from Velco?

Yes. At least his ground pounds that you normally have to jump over.

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Is the popular chrono variants the linker3 ones? How does Cryo3Chrono3 or Pyro3Chrono3 fare party wise?

Guys what about psychokino and cryomancers at velfcof? any thoughts?

Cryomancer is dead, Psychokino is pvp class, so nope.

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i have to disagree, pychokino after the rework turned into a good dmg dealer, and more with omj

Kino’s skill factor is low for Velcoffer and other high level content, Onmyoji falls into the same boat.

You can really get away with bringing anything, but if you are at sub-9k matk, I would make sure you have a thaum3 in your party (or are a thaum yourself).

Linker3 is by no means mandatory.

Transcended gear is tradable between your chars, you don’t need to gear a second wizard, just share the gear.

Kino and onmyo are fine, but you need something else which is desired for either of those to really work. Thaum3 onmyo is ok, chrono3 onmyo is ok, something like that. We’ve brought PVP-only builds like kino3 necro3 and kino3 RC FF3, it really doesn’t matter if you know how to play your class and the group accommodates for any shortcoming a build might have.

I’d say link3 thaum3 RC is the most “budget” build you can bring in there where you don’t need much in the way of gear/attribute investment.


first rank dps is ele3-ff3 it s expensive build
budget build :

I play wizz-Ele-ff3 and due the deff on both boss on velcoff I do twice of my base damage with a linker tauma RC/enchant, on the party maybe the meta party for me its some like elememe clasic + falco3 + tauma linker + kaba 3 and me, but imo there is a lot of party wasted because the low interes on theyr classes

physical damage with lightning propety enhaces
1.-Sword with deff reducction debuffs and a full damage class like doppel or dragon
2.-archer with top dps class
3.-wizz linker tauma enchanter2 due the enchant lightning
4.-krivis miko tao off heler dps
5.-kabba 3