Tree of Savior Forum


I think it’s too late to do that. You’d want to release that without competing with paid reset. So you’d want it the DLC afterward. If you want to score points with the community over this… Then it’d be a gracious continuation.

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IMC has explicitly said that they’ll be adding a free option in the future. They let us know days before even beginning to sell the DLC, that’s being transparent and I can get behind that kind of revenue generation.

I do think the problem is, between the Leticia Cubes and Medal Shop, players are being turned away from any kind of further monetisation.

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But profit for IMC. This announce is really going to kill this game even more.

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Full quote is:

He mentioned players profit from it, not IMC themselves. It’s obvious IMC is going to profit. But it is sort of ironic, still.

It’s what I’m pointing out, just in case you didn’t notice.

Yeah, I misunderstood it.

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Considering the price of it I find this reasonable, and the fact that it will be available in game in the future.

Looking on the bright side I think this is the type of monetization a lot people are looking for:

  1. Reasonable price.
  2. Guaranteed items.
  3. Worthwhile of your money.

I’m really happy it’s this way and not in a leticia cube, which I wouldn’t have been surprised about at all.

Now if only we got some cosmetic updates in a similar manner!


They could go around this by selling it in the in-game TP shop but for reasons they choose to sell in steam DLC format instead.

Maybe, but, for only Imc’s known reasons, they chose not to, so.,… only one each.

They said there’ll be in-game ways of getting one… I hope it’s not in PvP… I hate it… :sweat:

we also intend to create a way for players to gain Reset Vouchers in game, such as, through the adventure journal, but more details about this will be announced at a later date.

I wouldn’t worry.

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Hi Ethan! And the bug with Werewolf Cards + Passiva of Dagger on the Rogue Class? Never Changed? The IMC is a Brasilian Company? Aim for the just money? Money, money, money, are players crossed out? Thx IMC you are destroying the game!!! Palms!

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You should honestly include a 7-day token with this.

People won’t be happy about having to go through the time to redo all their attributes too after dropping $10.

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They can drop another 10 for 30 day token.

Not everyone views the game the same way you do. Some don’t want to spent ludicrous amounts of time rerolling and deleting characters. Accept that some people want rank resets, and that they are here to stay

When it can be possible !? This option is really needed !

I think I saw someone posting (ktos thread? I don’t remember) that you can get only one after a lot of reaally hard work…