Tree of Savior Forum

[Special]Limited Offer: Transcendence Scroll

This is disgusting. Don’t you have any integrity, IMC? So far ToS has skirted the line between being fair and pay to win and mostly kept decent, but now it’s clear they’re starting to slip.

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People will still purchase it and I bet some of you here will do also.I mean IMC is only doing this because they know no matter how times some of us pretend to be furious of their TP cash and run they end up still purchasing it.IMC wouldn’t put something up for TP if they wouldn’t get a huge profit.

So no matter what happens right now people will even go beyond and make new accounts to get all their gear/weapons from main to alt characters up to T9!

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How the popo did they come up with that price tag :tired::tired::tired:

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Probably by calculating the minimum amount of TP that IMC feels any player needs to spend on the current Leticia cubes to get the same thing RNG-wise.


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999tp for a T9 is very expensive, i dont agree with these price tags


Blatant predatory packages.


you get more value by buying lucky shards than this with 999 tp