Tree of Savior Forum

[SPECIAL EVENT] Goddess’ Blessed Cube Bonus Reward

why would they do that if with those 3-4 players gambling the hell out of it until they get what they want they probably earn more than selling directly from NPC their rule must be u want something? try to get it!. I see your point is like giving the chance to those casual player to get something but for IMC this doesn’t seems like an option :confused:

i got that minigame thing on my 3rd cube(well, it’s a 10+1 package) OwO but i don’t know how it works :'D

and four peacock feathers on that package

i tells you mang, the things we want are always trying to avoid us

i want some common cheap headgears that i can exchange for medals

and here i got almost HALF of them that has high market value that i feel it’s a shame to just turn them into medal ; w ;

Do you know the real problem with itos? The overvaluation of “useless” items … In my entire life, gamer has never seen a “community” that gave so much value to “clothes” and “wings”, even paying $ 500 to try to get them …

This “event” was the final proof that the IMC would extort money in any way and is desperate for it, especially after the constant loss of players (this is because of the own administration of the game that has no power over its product and is totally dependent on ktos).

There are numerous ways you can get money, but they prefer to appeal to the Looting Box system, cheating the consumer with a “false” percentage (you do not need to be genius to know that those 10% is not for each rank item).

But the fault of all is of the players, who give more value to these items “inuteis” than to the matter that it is an updated and stable game.

Everyone should value what they have, stop filling IMC with easy money so they actually do something for the game, because as it says here where I live.

"Se não sabe brincar, não desça para o play"

Which MMOs did you play? I have some friends from old MMOs that says it was worse than ToS.

Other games as well valued useless (collection/rare/unique/event/limited offer) items at insane prices.

So the main problem is with our community instead of the game?

On a side note, I think you’re forgetting that these items only have absurd prices because people are paying for them.

On the same note, selling a Wing for 200m or 900m isn’t giving IMC money.

You’re simply selling something you got to another player and someone is buying, if they’re buying they’re fine with the price, if you can’t afford, well, that’s how game works.

No one is going to sell items for cheaper price for you just because you complain you can’t afford. People who are fine with higher price are actually buying them.

Kind of the same with gacha. It’s only sold because people buys them and are fine with them. If you’re throwing money at Gacha because you want to try to profit by gambling, well, no matter how much you complain about it on forums, but at this point you’re supporting how gacha works.

It’s complicated to blame someone for selling what you wanted to buy, even when what you’re wainting/supporting is a bad thing. lol

Come on…

1 ° I am not complaining that “I did not acquire” such an item, I am saying that YOU are giving much more attention and value to wings and clothes.

2 ° I have played many games online and I still play (especially the time that there was no boxing), it is part of my current work, but it follows a list:

Conquer Online, Eudemons Online, Ragnarok (Brazil and USA), Maple Story, Tibia, Everquest, Mu online, Perfect World, Wow, Starcraft, Final Fantasy, TERA, Reveal Online, Black Desert and many more (add all mobile mmo).

2.1 Everyone says Tree of Savior is “better” and less “pay2win”, but they forget that looting boxing systems, or any other system that gives you advantage over the free player, are “pay2win”. The gas of TOS is a disguised “p2w”, in fact they gave up another term “p2f” (Pay 2 Fast), which is the same ■■■■.

3 ° YES it is the community’s fault the way the game is, before the adoption of the gasha, we had content usually being sold by TP SHOP, we had hair, lenses, clothes, pets all direct from the TP Shop, hence the gas and the community accepted and returned to practice a treasure hunt, result? Simply open the TP Shop.

And yes, if everyone had “semancol” would not value these items so much, it becomes sickly looking for them, causing players to spend up to 1kkk for a “wing”, this when those who take it do not want to sell exclusively for real money (such a practice that is growing absurdly in Silute, most of the items the guys are reselling for real money in groups and “free markets”.

5 (bonus) Stop defending a company that is not even there for its consumers and only does something when it loses a lot of money, if the IMC were so “brother”, they would find a middle ground between gasha and a Tp shop down! And it’s no use coming to say that they are doing it, because the situation is so ugly, that are merging servers every game that I saw doing this, spent a few months and were discontinued.

iTos should be more independent of ktos, so we would have a better content, but it is difficult for a company that seems to have only intern in its team.

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Tell this to Eden Eternal… they merged servers 3 times already in the last years and that crap doesn’t die… even it’s emptier than ever. Or Ragnarok 2… it’s a desert, it was already merged and it’s still there. OR better yet, Grand Fantasia, where cosmetics ARE the most important thing ever, where at least two server merges happened, and even so, it’s still there.


When iRO merged all the servers into Ymir the game had a resurgence, so yeah I disagree that merge = death.

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If I manage to get into the game before the maint am buying all fking gatcha I can with what I have left after buying the kidnapped character slots :anger:

it would be a fucking blessed miracle :anguished:
ugh! am so grumpy right now

bro stop u gonna trigger some white knights and the war of the debate of 1000 years will start.

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I’ll always poking this wounds from the iTos called TP Shop and the mercenary profile to EA Games of IMC that manages iTos …

When I visit the community of other servers, when I see the game of other servers, I see a richer environment, a more “balanced” store, a more “organized” team, why on the server said “INTERNATIONAL” everything is messy, so mercenary?

Will BMI duer to update that “birosca” of TP and stop a little of METER EVERYTHING in gasha? Seriously that making the game more balanced would kill him?

This is and will always be my negative argument to the game, because bugs I have already gotten used to, but this exploration, no! And I always go when I can revive this YES, since when the CLIENT PAYS, he has every right to complain. <3