Tree of Savior Forum

[Special] Botanic Package

I don’t want to be spoonfed. Everyone always assumes that of anyone asking for information. Blame the players instead of the game or whatever if you want. The devs are the ones that want to spoonfeed newcomers just enough to hit a content wall and then toss convenient packs in the shop to further spoonfeed players over that inconvenient wall. You don’t want to grind? Okay, spent $100 for a free 30mil, tome pages, more free (unique) gear, challenge mode entry scrolls, raid stones, and diamond anvils. I didn’t say the game is dead. I said it looks like it isn’t doing well and the shop seems… desperate. If you think I am consciously part of some echo chamber, think again. What I’ve brought up seems to be commonplace banter based on your replies though which confirms my suspicions that the developers don’t seem to listen or care about what would really improve their game at this point in time. They’ve pushed out these packs which many find to be going overboard with the P2W and that is not a good sign either.

You all can think what you want. It’s not my problem at the end of the day. It’s just a game to me and so far I enjoy socializing in it because the game itself has become a tedious chore of repeating the same thing over and over. Seriously though, don’t blame players for being confused when the game rushes us to endgame and then expects us to know exactly what to google or be able to discern between good and bad content guides. It’s more likely players will choose to leave instead of watching p2w players skip all the ‘work’ soooo yeah. You don’t have to remind us of our options, thanks.

well if you have time to waste with huge texts it shows that you care … much more of the same cry of someone who seems to have never played any mmorpg in the life of someone who has barely started and thinks he understands everything about the game and can already give lessons you talk about walls now tell me which mmorpg has no walls or do you think you can go in wow or ff15 and do all the content in your first days including the last bosses and raids without any power spike and about the typical paytowin cry which is usually a copy and paste but I believe that there is one exaggerated item or another, it’s not like I spend on some cubes automatically you get a +40 weapon and also automatically jump to the top ranking in the weekly boss ask if anyone who play for years if I would beat him on equipment or on pvp because I bought 150 mystic pages at the cash shop? to me, this is an excuse that you want to have what others have but you don’t want to try or spend the same time that these people at the top spent

many like you always appear here on the forum once while I think the last one was about 3 or 4 weeks ago, then I wonder if the game is so terrible why you still haven’t given up and went after something better?

googling is like a basic skill level of millenials nowadays
as simple as “ichor tos” will give you first result of fandom tos site about ichor
also not all things are googleable
sometimes you need to ask others, join guild, do your own research/exploration

you are just being too judgmental over your short experience playing game
much like those guy from rottentomatoes against movies
and i dont give a damn about those guy from rottentomatoes about my movie
if i enjoy it, i watch it


IMC is a company, imc wants money. Noone ahould be suprised.