Tree of Savior Forum

[SPANISH / ENGLISH] Thoughts about the B̶r̶a̶z̶i̶l̶i̶a̶n̶ Server "Saule"?

Disagree, the nationality does matter, I’m not saying there are no spammers in latin america, or in NA, but there are MORE in BR. I still remember when I used to play League of Legends. Every game with a BRetard in my team was a lost game. I’m not saying I hate Brasil, I’m saying I’m not a fan of their gaming community.

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You wanna ban Brasil? That’s nonsense! Why would you want that? Isn’t it better to just give them a server so that they can only harm themselves and their own community? A new server isn’t a reward, you should be ashamed that a game needs to do that just because your community sucks.

Really? Ban them? Instead of giving them a server and keeping them playing and supporting our devs? Again. Nonsense.

Then I would recommend having Brazillian GMs instead.
What about this?

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Latin America needs a separate server for Brazil and spanish speaker countries because of the language and cultural difference, also brazilian’s international conection is not the best so if you build the server there the rest of latinos will have tons of lag. Just take the example of LOL and WOW ( one of the biggest communities/MMO), both of them have a separate server for Brazil, why you will not do the same?

There is no more to say, I would prefer play in NA server if you dont do this, and is not racism, it is just a thing of language because there are a lot more people who knows english rather than Portuguese.


In every game that the whole latin america has one server there will always be xenophobic threads like this one towards brazillians, so this isnt really new , but saying there are a lot of trolls as an excuse is a new low.

Have you ever played Counter strike Global ofensive? Another game that both communities have to play together, I wouldnt need to explain much for people to understand why it doesn’t work. The hispanic are huge trolls , they can’t play in teams at all, they start cursing people out of nowhere. Thats something I would expect here too. You guys are xenophic and that is that, do no get your reasons mixed up. You want a server just for you 'cause you hate foreigners is all.

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There are a lot of reasons explained here, some are xenophobics and others not. If you cant see that you are just doing a poor analysis based on a generalization, and that is your problem.

Obviously Im not in favor of xenophobics reasons but not for that im going to ignore all the others reasons that are well founded.

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Actually i dont like hispanic comunity at all and im hispanic, better give them a server so no one plays with them, otherwise they will do what they did for example with archeage back in sept 2014, just conquer a server with spam, rudeness and nonsense, making the admins to finally switch that conquered server to “hispanic comunity”, no wonder the best hispanic guild back then was called “dissidents” and didnt play on the server “choosen” by the hispanic comunity.


Sorry, I didnt aim my reply to anyone in this thread but the OP.

esta lleno de brazileños por la sencilla razon que son mas y porque los hispanos prefieren ir a otros servidores que jugar en el latino que reduce aun mas el numero de hispanos en el server latino, brasil tambien es latino

es el mismo problema en los otros servidores yo tengo almenos 10 amigos que jugaban ro que no juegan tos porque esta en ingles y no lo jugaran hasta que este en español.

es un error pensar que todos los brazileños jugando hablan ingles y que solo por mala onda no te contestan, hay muchos que solo hablan portugues pero aun asi juegan cosa muy diferente con nuestra comunidad que la mayoria habla ingles pero por eso mismo es que somos tan pocos, por que los que no lo hablan no estan jugando

I think that topic needs to be deleted because of all the xenophobic comments that has here!

I don’t know if I have the right to reply to this thread, since I only played for a few days after getting bored of the game itself. But I am brazilian, and despite I understand the critics here, I don’t like being accused of being someone I’m not. Stereotyping entire countries usually leads to xenophobia. Some of these critics are accurate, but most aren’t.

First, [of course] I know spanish and portuguese are different languages. But I don’t see any reason to separate them just for that reason. I read most of the spanish replies in this thread, and there wasn’t a single phrase I couldn’t understand, despite not knowing spanish. Also, I’d like to add I learned english from playing games. In conclusion, you can understand portuguese, I can understand spanish; plus, games are an excellent opportunity to learn new languages, so this language thing isn’t a valid excuse to create a new server in my opinion, this is actually a good reason to keep both players in the same server.

Second, I do agree there are some “toxic” players in the brazilian community (as there are in all communities). Most players don’t care about KSing, and that is my biggest complaint. I won’t complain about spamming though, because only a small fraction of players do that. The problem here is the definition of “spam”, which I guess most users get wrong.

Chat spamming is the repetition of a word or line typed out by a player using a game’s chat system. Most games have some form of text messaging built for in-game communication, there is little to stop a frustrated player from flooding a server with text in the same way a user can flood a chat room. (Wikipedia)

Spamming has actually a lot of definitions, and can be understood in many different ways. For example, in a different context (like in emails), we could understand any unsolicited messages as spam. But it doesn’t apply to this context, as every single message is unsolicited to some (and most) users. So, since there were no rules about what can be discussed in the “shout” chat, I suppose the above definition is the most accurate one.

I saw many users use the chat to Buy/Sell/Trade, to find players to form a party, to ask questions, and so on. Now, in my opinion, those are all good reasons to use the shout. In my last days playing this game, when I was bored just sitting in Klaipeda, I used to answer most of these questions in the shout. So I know it was A LOT! There were times I couldn’t type fast enough to answer everybody. Of course, many people here will say they are spamming; in my opinion, and according to the definitions, that is not spamming. These are very good reasons to use the chat. Now, I have to agree that sometimes(!) a few players would actually spam the chat with a lot of useless or repeated messages. But these spams would take just a few seconds anyway. These players should be punished. There’s is no reason to punish (or stereotype) everybody just because of some bad players.

@Sanagi ventured to say certainly 90% of the brazilian community is very toxic. I understand these statistics are just his opinion, but it’s very irresponsible to just throw random numbers about important stuff like that in this kind of thread because people will take those as true. The percentage of toxic players is higher in the brazilian community compared to (most of) other communities? Certainly. But it’s still much lower than 90%. These players are still minority.

Third and last, I do agree you should have your own server if that would make you happy, but that may not happen. Don’t get me wrong: I have no reason to play with players who despise me before I have even done anything to them. That is not healthy. “You” come here to say brazilians are toxic (in other words, to stereotype against an entire community/country, which includes me), and “you” can’t even see who is being toxic? This is just hipocrisy. Anyway, they wouldn’t mind opening a new server, as long as it produced enough profit; but that’s exactly the problem here.


I’m brazilian and disagree with the idea of all brazilias be toxic players, this topic is so much xenofobic and some players want start a “aparteid”, on a MMO.

Stop with this bullshit!

Sorry about the long messy grammar text…

I’m “brazilian” and i agree with the idea of brazilians been a toxic community.
Overall i dont like to play with Br or in a full Br server. Its madness, seriously… ppl dont know how to use global chat nor shout system.

Why most of Br are toxic? They just dont care about a thing and do whatever they want just to laught about it or make ppl laugh too.

In other hand, im a brazilian and i dont like this idea of calling every brazilian toxic bcz im not one of this kind. And i know a lot of ppl who play by the rules and know how to enjoy the game w/o trolling or bashing/ hurting ppl to make fun.

It isnt only a BR problem. Every country/community has their spoiled potatoes.
I think IMC is doing fine creating a “BR cage” named Saule where we can throw almost all the trolls. Some of then are smart and can flee away to other severs but the majority will be there. So if you want to have a nice game, to enjoy TOS, dont play at Saule, seriously.

I do prefer an international server, its more confortable and i can interact with different ppl. I dont know what you guys like but a Latin serve looks like a “Saule” situation, if you know what i mean …
Some people dont like to speak different languages, neither do i. I dont like to speak english (or write it). Its a bit unconfortable… and my grammar is a messy :smile: but sometimes i do it bcz its needed.
I understand this post, i igree with some arguments here but i think a real Latin-spanish server isnt the solution, its just another problem to be created.


I’m from Brasil too, and I completely agree that the community is toxic, of course there are the normal people too, but they are not enough to not label the entire community as toxic. And other thing i’ve realised it’s that any BR who haves a higher education level is simply (probably) going to play in another server, wich increases the toxic density in the BR server. But this is only a reflex to how low our education level has fallen.

It’s not just a coincidence that the only community people complain all the time about being toxic is the BR one.

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Now thats an honest statement my friend. People need to have a honest conversation about this situation and stop being offended when the subject is brought up. Just like how I believe most white americans are racist, not by choice but by the environment they live in. Maybe some cultural education could solve the problem. Just my two cents.

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Oh You have no idea do you.

people doesnt know how to use “Block” on the shout
I played on saule and I block a few players(less than 10 for sure) and my shout was clean
just good players looking for party for dg and grind or selling things
I dont think it’s correct to blame a whole nation because of a few folks

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I think Saule shouldn’t be there in first place… There were a few servers. If NATURALLY some language-speakers start to get together in one server, that’s fine, but in the middle of the beta-test open a NEW server for a “group”, I don’t know.

All I knew when Saule was to be open, was that lots of English-speakers were VERY mean with Brazilians (like saying they were savages, uncivilized, stupid,…). Then Saule was opened with the tag of “latin america server”. I went, and I only read Portuguese. Not exactly latin America for me…

I don’t know how Brazilians are in game, because sadly I could play just a little bit and solo or with my sister, but in here @panteperu said that there is a thing called auto-regulation. The community regulates the bad behavior thanks to all the people who look for the good behavior… That’s what we have to do when we face someone annoying or with (I’m repeating myself) bad behavior in general. Make another server where “bad guys” can be all the bad they want? No good, if you ask me.

I don’t think we need specific servers for specific groups. I’m from Spain, but I don’t need a special server for Spanish people. I will play, and I will meet people, and maybe I will find someone that talks Spanish like me. Meanwhile, why in hell can’t we speak the official language?

I repeat, if people naturally start to get together in one server to speak the same language, for example, it’s fine. But not create a NEW server just for this.

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Brazilians are 40% (maybe more) of the whole community…

Aprendam português pessoal!! Vai ser o jeito!! rsrs

Yeah, that’s what we all have to do… Learn another language, that is not the official in the game…
Maybe it’s easier if all the players (including Brazilians) learn and speak the official?