Tree of Savior Forum

[SPANISH / ENGLISH] Thoughts about the B̶r̶a̶z̶i̶l̶i̶a̶n̶ Server "Saule"?

Let’s start for the fact that Brazilian are latinoamericanos, so I don’t see why should we separate into two different servers. I agree IMC should ban trolls but no because of their language, just for been trolls.
And if you are not satisfied whit this, you can still choose to play in the international server.

For all this, I find your opinion a bit xenophobic, you can’t ban someone because their language or nationality, but for his actions.

im just amazed on how small the brain of some people are…we dont rly care about how big its brazil …we didnt even say u should speak spanish…but dont fking poison every chat ,shout and normal chat cause latin america means we spanish speakers are there too…i bet u will be mad if we star spamming spanish everywhere and we try to talk with u in spanish and keep tryng after you told us u dont understand…
come on u are not fking center of the universe!!! this has to stop ,its latin america server not brazilian server ,imc moved to another server casue no oen could stand up all those annoyng spam every where ,and now,we,spanish speakers have to tolerate this cause u guys think are the center of the universe.
we dont need another server ,we need a regulation of the server ,we need people stop spaming br shout chat and everywhere,regulations should be on every server and not cause u brazilian can do what u feel whenever u feel since no one understand u…
for real WTF its happening with u people?

and btw brazil its only bigger cause of the amazon!!! i bet theres not players playing from there xD


My reply was to Sanagi, who was very offensive even if he/she haven’t noticed. I’m sorry if my reply offended others.

Even if your post sounds offensive, it has many valid points in it.

I remember playing and saying to some portuguese folks who talked to me, that i am sorry, i dont understand them, i only speak english and spanish, and i knew the perfectly understand me, because they said something around the lines, oh ok. Just to find their next line the longest ever in portuguese again… and i was feeling like, wtf is wrong with you dude. I just told you i dont understand, so either dont talk to me or at least try to speak in english.

My time in this server lead me to think that brazilian people is very selfish and self-centered.
And too many times I found myself thinking “And this is why your country is one of the most dangerous and corrupted in the world”.
Geez brazilian folks, it really is like that. Some of your attitudes in a game are so wrong that to me, it just cant be any different in the real world. A kind person is a kind person everywhere, a high moral person is a high moral person anywhere.
As an example of this, after the exploits posted in the forums for infinite exp and infinite class ranks were made public, some people started selling the exploit in global chat (guess the nationality) and it was not only one person, i saw at least 4 or 5 brasilian dudes selling the “exploit code” in global chat or other exploits.

A comparison of the game enviroment between international and brasilian is so vaste that it goes beyond the point of frustrating. I have played a lot of games in international servers. And even if there were cheats to be exploited in the game there was a moral code that can not be broken.
You wont just talk about it publicy, you wont advertise it and it was a shameful thing to do, even if you take advantage of it, it is shameful.
People would not encourage you to do it and everyone would make fun of you for using it. You would not feel “proud” of doing it. Seriously. I saw all the opossite in this server, and got this feeling of “disgusting” from the gameplay enviroment that i could not stand.

I know i am not being neutral here, i am being very critic to the brasilian community but it has to be said, the lack of ethics, moral, respect and friendly codes is remarkable, i saw very few acts of sensitiveness, good feelings, altruism, helping, advincing to new players.
I also noticed the lack of desire of brasilian people to integrate with the spanish community or even the english community, they know they are so many that would not hesitate to completly ignore you even if you are in front talking to them, while they search another brasilian player.
In my experience in many games, the huge majority of people would at least goodbye even if they cant talk to you. You know, people doesnt have to be your friends to be polite towards them.

And you guys, can call me an idiot, but, those are the small experiences that sum up to do a good game enviroment. And hell i miss games like RO in the IRO server a lot, every time i remember this. So many kind people, wiling to help you in so many ways, sigh, it just is so different.

And you know what brasilian folks, It is not surprising that almost every spanish player that commented in this post, doesnt want to play with you in the same server any longer.


Yes, I fully understand you and I agree with you, reason why I play on Zemyna server. The first time I entered on Saule server I saw people arguing with each other in the Global chat because somenone complained about a bug, so I just gave up and went back to Zemyna, where the Brazilians were more respectful and receptive (several times I’ve been in party with other Brazilians without realizing).

RO was good here in Brazil as well, because at that time the public who accessed the game was another, people also helped each other, talked with each other and made roleplay. But now it’s not like this.

Anyway, this may be of interest

Bueno fuera de polémica, el convivir con BR no me afecta, me afecta el spam en los megas que prácticamente no se usar el idioma portugués y cuando quiero postear algo en mi idioma o inclusive en ingles, en cuestión de segundos se pierde del chat y no puedo conseguir mis cosas o lo que requiero.
El chiste no es que se separe x cosa, si no que se moderen con el spam, a mi me da igual con quien juego, yo disfruto el juego a mi manera, así me la pase en WoW, RO, Elsword, League of Legends, etc. Simplemente hay que respetar las culturas pero desgraciadamente Saule se volvió el 90% o 85% BR server y eso no es problema de nadie, ya que ellos tuvieron mas impacto en el juego, en cambio los hispanos son literalmente muy pocos, hacer un servidor para nosotros seria lo mejor para algunos, pero eso solo tacharía a la comunidad mal y en vez de unirnos para poder comprender unos a los otros (BR tambien es de Latinoamerica) deberíamos de poner notas y si es posible hacer moderación, de lo contrario solo estaremos con fronteras, para terminar, si hacen un servidor para los hispanos que no se discrimine tampoco por ser Chileno o Mexicano (como suelen hacerlo, somos la comunidad mas toxica aunque nos duela.) Por que eso es el problema de siempre, que los BR se queden en Saule y que nos hagan otro server para los hispanos, seria una solución ya que como dije, los BR son el 85%

Es un problema de convivencia, que comienza por casa. :customs:

  • En mi experiencia, Los “Brasileños” no tienen interés alguno por respetar otros idiomas :point_up:, ya los vieron en las primeras semanas del CBT, en los servidores de habla ingles.
  • Son muchos estamos totalmente de acuerdo, no podemos meter a todos en el mismo saco es otro tema controversial, pero hacer un servidor para hispanos seria otro gran problema, somos “minoría”, por ende, seriamos un servidor casi fantasma de ToS.

Opino :wave:, que simplemente no se debe crear un servidor Hispano, tener servidores por idiomas solo nos divide mas y mas, al menos en un servidor de habla ingles, todos seremos iguales, y si ellos estan, pues, seremos mayoría en comunicación verbal, por hablar 90% en ingles (cifras sin bases).

Mi problema no son los Brs, son la poca falta de respeto por el prójimo al solo hablar en su idioma, sin respetar a la comunidad, entendible pero no aceptable, para una comunidad mas grata.

No entrare en discusiones, solo es -mi opinión personal- y sera lo primero y ultimo que expondré aquí.

  • Servidor “Latino” (sin portugués)

Pros: solo hablantes hispanos/Latinos.

Contras: somos 1 de 7 brasileños, tomen en cuenta eso. [Índice de Población Mundial]

No sean Xenofobicos, la solución solo se puede llevar a cabo, bajo estrictas relaciones comunicacionales.

Saludos colegas.

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Call more friends. :smiley:

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This 1x7 example was unfair :((((

¿Cómo vamos a hacer crecer una comunidad si no tenemos las herramientas adecuadas? Podemos dedicarnos al Community Management de una página sobre Tree of Savior y promover un posible servidor que no logrará captar toda la atención. La gente que pruebe el juego por su cuenta y entre al mal-llamado Server “Latino Americano” se desanimará y dejará de jugarlo. Así de sencillo. :pensive:

Ya he pasado por casos como esos. :disappointed_relieved:


It is true, there is no point in opening an spanish latin america server only. We just are not enough players and wont be enough players for a few years yet. Lets face the true, the spanish playerbase is not so big, and even if it is, a good portion of spanish latin american players will play in the international server even if IMC opens a hispanic server.

Just let the brasilian community get their own server, they really deserve it, since they are a lot of players and they will feel more confortable with it, but lets ask IMC not try to mix the brazilian community and spanish community because those of us who has tried it know it wont work. We are more like international players and that is hard to change.

Lets be clear, you guys dont need to be sorry for what the toxic players do.
There are toxic players eveywhere and in every community. But, the thing that makes the real difference is when their friends or community do something to actually stop them.

I read the reddit article and this is exactly what i said in my first post:

That kind of attitude is what makes the real difference, and even i reailized i made the same thing whenever i played with friends.

I had a spanish guild in RO once with a lot of friends, we were somewhat pvp/woe oriented and fun also. We were not hardcore but did our best everytime. So we got to know some english people who used to talk with us, and even the guys who barely knew english did their best to speak to them.
This kept going and got to the point where we ended up merging our spanish guild and their english guild. Even if they knew no spanish and some of us barely speak english, we got along so well that it was awesome.
Which end up making one of our best memories ever. (until renewal came and killed everything)


Nao sei falar em ingles ou muito menos em espanhol mas venho aqui nesse post humildemente dar a minha opiniao sobre nos brasileiros.
Bom eu acho que voces nao sabem mas somos um povo muito feliz, mas dai voce me pergunta porque feliz? Eu simplesmente nao sei te explicar, somo assim de nascença ea nossa felicidade e tanta que acabamos incomodando outros que no caso outros povos que falam outras linguas, mas e claro que existe uma parte miseravel que gosta de fazer gracinha e ficar spamando HUEHUEHUEHUE BRBR nos servidores gringos entao isso nos deu uma ma fama de BR’S destruidores de servidores e por isso que muitos dos jogos o nosso ip brasileiro e bloqueado pois a comunidade ja tem um pre-conceito do que vira se os brasileiros entrarem nos servidores gringos, mas eu posso te dizer um coisa sinceramente nos brasileiro que queremos apenas jogar um jogo de boa sem essa infestação de doença que parece um cancer se expalhando rapidamente pelo corpo nao suportamos esse tipo de jogador pois ate em nosso servidores particulares fazemos o possivel para que esse tipo de infestação nao acontece mas agora eu lhes dou a solução. Aqui no Brasil existe um ditado que diz se nao pode com eles, junte se a eles que no caso e deixar eles fazerem a baderna deles e na dar ouvidos pois esse tipo de gente so que atenção e dentro de 1 ou 2 meses voce nao vai ver esse tipo de spam nunca mais so vao ficar os jogadores que querem usufruir de um jogo bacana =).

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Es por ello que yo juego en servidores NA para evitar estos problemas con otros paises. Si deseo tener un clan compettitvo y ademas hispano lo mejor es quedarse en NA y demostrarles la superioridad, de esta forma nos ahorramos dolores de cabeza y la pasamos bien,. En cada MMO jugado escojo NA.

Por ahi alguno indico, tu eres latino asi que si no te gusta te puedes ir, les comento que existen paises hispanohablantes en norte america y si no les gusta se pueden ir. Esto ultimo respecto a que rechazan que se hable o escriba en español siendo que consideran NA solo a EEUU. Y estos gorditos mcdonals no saben siquiera donde viven.

Saludos.- Tobii

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I’m sorry, but this sentence can be understand as “reward the toxic players for their mentality”

Coz sadly, a part of the brazilian community was thoses toxic players. Those who did this much “noise”.

And I’m sorry if this seems like an opinion on brazilians, like I just said before, on my other post, it is not. Just one on stupid mentality.

All players deserve the same rules. No nationality need to influence in any game.

Eu sou Brasileiro e apoio tudo o que você falou!
Para resolver o problema é simples, já que o problema é o SPAM e crianças do Brasil.
Para falar em “General”, é necessário ser “VIP = $$$”, e pronto. “Listo”.
Quando eu jogava no Saule eu resolvia isso de outra maneira: “Block list” y listo!!!

I am from Brazil, and I agree with everything you said.
To solve this problem is simple, since the problem is: SPAM and children From Brazil them:
To speak of “General”, it must be “VIP = $$$” and ready. “Listo”.

When I played in Saule I solved it another way: “Block list” y listo !!!

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Não é questão de felicidade, o povo latino é muito feliz, não só o Brasil. A questão é saber ter modos principalmente quando tem pessoas que nem falam seu idioma junto de você. Os outros latinos sabem dosar isso de forma muito melhor do que os brasileiros, infelizmente. E eu não estou falando dos trolls, estou falando da falta de noção mesmo, as pessoas nem notam que estão sendo desrespeitosas. É muito triste, porque quem não tem noção não percebe, quem é troll não se importa, e quem tem noção, quer jogar sério e fazer amigos, se ferra por esse tipo de atitude.

E o pior, não adianta conversar. Não adianta dizer “galera, sabe quando sua mãe te dava umas palmadas ou te botava de castigo no cantinho porque você se comportou mal? Então, tá na hora de usar o que aprendeu com tudo isso agora. Vocês já estão bem crescidos”.

Não adiantaria abrir um tópico num dos 3 ou 4 grupos brasileiros de ToS no Facebook, e falar “vamos discutir sério sobre isso, vamos colocar os problemas na mesa e ser uma comunidade melhor pra nós mesmos e para os outros”, porque logo vão surgir aquelas pessoas com respeito 0 dizendo que internet não tem lei, que é engraçado, que é só brincadeira, os incomodados que se retirem e etc.
Acredite, é assim até na minha sala de faculdade, é insuportável.


A big problem that I noticed was that when someone from another country started to talk in shout it would almost always result in some fight. Be it started from the spanish person or the BR person.

But I’ve made good friends on Saule and it was a very nice gameplay even with the problems on shout and so. I do think that the hate towards Brazilians just made things worse over time :x

It is not, the brazilian community is really big.
I saw a graphic where IMC showed how many people play from what country and brazil was almost the top1, sorry i dont have the graphic on hand to post it here.

I remember the other big communites were philiphines, usa, and some european countries.

No es eso, no es xenofobia, es que si el servidor es latino, entonces por qué está lleno de brazileños? Debe haber un servidor para cada uno, exactamente lo que hace League of Legends actualmente. Y todos felices. Fue una pesadilla encontrar un party con el cual jugar, Y es cierto que la mayoría son spammers. Yo no odio a los brazileños, simplemente no me agrada tanto su comunidad gamer. Eso es todo. c: