Tree of Savior Forum

[SPANISH / ENGLISH] Thoughts about the B̶r̶a̶z̶i̶l̶i̶a̶n̶ Server "Saule"?

As I never speak spanish nor portugese and am to laze to use google translator for most of these posts here.
Did a nativ spanish speaker just complain that he wants a server on which everyone speaks spanish because he does not accept other languages?
Spoiler: Brazilians probably too but in portugese.

If you want an international experience and community you should speak english and at least on Laima it was perfectly fine.
If you start server splitting by languages you end up with higher server maintenance costs and a split up community which is bad. I mean I am from Germany. Ping is fine for an mmorpg, English all chat is fine too. I do not need a Bratwurst server.
The only thing IMC can think about are regional servers for a better ping like North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Asia. Depening on user numbers. But accoding to my expierence ping was fine connecting from Europe to an US based server.

How about 2 server?

  1. Main language English.
  2. Main language anything else and let’s hate each other.
    Maybe 2nd one should have open world pvp for a 3rd world war experience. Kappa.

Btw it’s “Saule” but nevermind.

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Hi, i am from Peru and i want to detail my experience in the LA server.

First of all, the name of the server Saule(Latin America) is a sort of an offense, i think IMC should find a new way to name their servers or add that same note for every other server (English server, EU server, LA server or whatever they want to name it) to make things fair. IT IS NOT NICE AND EVEN IF WE TOLERATE IT, IT CANT BE HOW THEY WILL NAME IT PERMANENTLY.

Second, my experience with brasilian players is varied, i have found nice, respectful players which were very considerated and were nice to get along with, however the overall experience with brasilian players is bad for me.
Some of the brasilian players are completly inconsiderate, annoying, stupid only comparable to the worst kind of fat-ass-egocentric-spoiled american kid stereotype.
HOWEVER, and this is a very important point, is that in an international server most of the players will stand against that kind of actitude in the game, the community regulates itself and that is a really good thing, making everyone more tolerable and shutting up the spoiled brats.
But in the brasilian community it seems that there does not exist this kind of auto-regulation, and only very few people talk against that, it seems that most of nice brasilians players just ignore it, but to international people who are use to a more healthier game enviroment it goes from tolerable to annoying in a matter of days.
The idiotic players end up running their ideas through the server via global chat, and it just got worse when two of them got into an argue. This however doesnt happen between players that speak spanish; only in brasilian players/community.

Third, as a matter of competitiveness, i must say the brasilian community is not as “hardcore” as the overall international. I found myself rank 120 in the server even playing three times a week or so, my character is lvl 160 only and maybe if i really wanted i can make it to the top 10. I was in the rank 50 for the first week, which amazed me because i was only playing for a few hours a day and felt somewhat dissapointed challenge level.

Fourth, i found a lot more disrespectful players in this server than in the other servers. Specially regarding kill steal and mob steal. And i noticed that english speaking players are more easy to make them stop the kill steal that the players that only speak portuguese, i communicated in english then in spanish asking them to stop their kill stealing actitude, making sure they understand what i mean, and it was sad and frustrating to find that brasilians players are not used to the “international manners of respect between gamers”

As a conclusion, after my 4 weeks experience since the very start of the server i decided that i do not want to interact with the brasilian community anymore. I feel bad for the good brasilian players that really make it nice to play with them, but their good manners couldnt outshine the overall experience left from the bad players which are a majority it seems.
I am thankful for all the words and phrases that i have learnt in portuguese in this month, it was fun trying to communicate by talking in spanish and portuguese only, i really mean it, all those moments were really enjoyable, however, i do not want to go thought all those bad and annoying moments again which disrupted my gameplay as a permanent condition.

So far, all my friends and i agree that we will stick to the international server from now on.
And I hope someone find this wall of text useful or interesting at all.
I am lazy to write all this in spanish so, i will just leave this in english for the majority of people to understand it.


Pero sin animos de trolear, es algo bastante real.
Mexicanos por su manera tan grosera de decir ciertas cosas y ciertas palabras groseras que usan.
Y los chilenos por su exacerbada costumbre de destruir idioma español.

Y veo que sucede en otros juegos. Mientras que entre el resto de paises, en general no veo mayores problemas.

Entiendo perfectamente a lo que te refieres en este punto, es realmente triste, me sucedio lo mismo, a veces entraba a partys en las que no se mencionaba ni una sola palabra, o lo unico que hablaban era portugues a pesar que habiamos 2 que hablabamos en español, con 0 respeto, entre los otros 3 se ponian a hablar de cualqueir cosa, monopolizando la conversacion y practicamente no nos permitian interactuar ni lo intentaban.

Tuve suerte de encontrar algunos brasileños con los que nos comunicabamos en español-portugues, y era divertido, por suerte entender portuges no es del todo imposible para nosotros y por alguna razon los que hablan portugues tienen mas facilidad de entendernos a nosotros.
En algunas ocasiones bromeabamos sobre lo gracioso que era que yo los entendia mas facil cuando hablaban ingles y ellos me entendian cuando hablaba español.
Lastima que nunca pude socializar mas con esas personas, pero el juego no ayuda a la hora de mantener un amigo constante con quien lvlear.

Por mi parte, me quedare en los servidores internacionales de aqui en adelante.
Un saludo

You forgot to mention that almost all botters in the Server Saule were Brazilians. It’s not correct to put Server Saule “Latin America” when clearly it’s over populated by Brazilian players. I’ve always had terrible experiences with that community. Not only interacting, but their behavior is quite harmful for the community overall, specially spamming all day long nonsense in portuguese and confunsing hispanic and/or english community.

It’s CLEAR and I know perfectly that the people who is against these possible solutions are three kind of players:

  • Players that haven’t played for more than two weeks in Server Saule.
  • Players native from Brazil that find offensive this post.
  • Players that don’t care about the social enviroment of the game or they’re not dedicated players.

A lot of hispanic players have dedicated 3 - 4 weeks to this server to notice the social experience is not pleasant at all for us, as simple as that. The same that happened in other servers about english speaking players whining about Brazilians is now worse in the Server Saule.

This post isn’t mean to be xenophonic, but realist, direct and concise. It’s a selfish position to think hispanic community doesn’t need a decent place to make our own community grow.

I am not suggesting to the imcGAMES Staff to ban brazilians, but separate us hispanic people from them. Let that Server Saule just be the official Brazilian server and that’s it. Server Zemyna is practically isolated, we could just designate that server as the spanish speaking server and make it official. As long as there aren’t official news about it, our community will disperse among servers.

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If It wasn’t for the Brazilian players, Saule would never exist. Latin American players would be divided by the three other servers.

We all know that the most part of Saule players is composed by Brazilians. So, if you don’t want to play with a big amount of Brazilian, choose other server to play.


Like it or not, Brazil is a part of Latin America. Get used to them , or go away.


Sorry, oh innocent Spanish speaker who is not guilty of anything, Brazil is part of Latin America and is at least 80% of Saule, but obviously everyone should speak only Spanish (the correct Portuguese, right? No offense…). Do not worry, we will begin to speak Spanish and laughing as JAJAJA just because you want.

But no offense, no prejudice…

It’s funny. For you to say that cultures are different and that it would be better to have a separate server (which I agree), you need to offend an entire country as if you were someone better and because of that could not live in the same place. Not a bit of xenophobia, huh?


Thank you for your words.
You were polite and precise, without being biased as some were in this post. Btw, I am Brazilian and I agree entirely with you.

(I play on Zemyna and the top 5 players were brazilians, and no one overtook them, so I guess it is relative)

debo decir que en realidad me da lo mismo en cualquier juego lo que se diga o aparezca en el chat, ya que si voy a jugar lo voy a hacer solo la mayor parte del tiempo y si quiero jugar con mas gente jugare con mi grupo de amigos, y cuando se juega con amigos lo mejor es estar en team speak o algo similar y si ese es el caso, dejas de prestarle atencion al chat por completo

pero si es bien molesto que la gente espamee con los megafonos cosas sin importancia alguna, ojala que se regule eso

otra cosa que me tiene preocupado es el lag, debo admitir que al momento de escribir esto no estoy informado al respecto pero me gustaria saber donde esta alojado el server “latino” si es solo un server mas ubicado en USA me parece bien, no perfecto pero bien

por alguna razon muchas veces los desarrolladores o gente que trabaja para la compañia decide poner el servidor latino en brasil, cosa que perjudica a toda la zona ya que es bien sabido que brasil tira un ping enorme a cualquier persona fuera del pais, no se como funcionen las conexiones a internet en brasil pero por alguna razon hay bastante ping
tanto que puedo asegurar que cualquier persona fuera de brasil tendra mejor conexion en un server norteamericano incluso menos de la mitad.


y si , yo tambien creo que el nombre del servidor es horripilante, no se a quien pueda ofender pero el nombre si es bien feo, prefiero que le pongan “servidor salchicha” o cualquier otro nombre

El server esta alojado en USA

Seems like people want this solution:
3 International Servers.
1 Brazil Server.
1 Spanish Server.
And of course region lock everyone else away from playing on the wrong server. Sounds legit.

Feels good to be international. Kappa.

Hell no, I wanna have the option of playing on the international server.

Yeah no region lock please, I play with friends from Singapore in those.

Internation server sounds just fine to me. I just want that current and new hispanic players have an official place to gather and don’t get dispersed among all servers as we are right now. We’re currently playing in all servers and the population seems to be small due to that. If we’re meant to play in Server Laima, so be it. Just make it official. It’s hard make other players change their oppinion when they have a decent level in a Server.

Region lock is the worst thing ever :broken_heart:

what if we put region lock during the first 3 months
best solution ever.!

Hi, I’m Spanish native speaker but I’ll write in English for the global understanding…

First of all, I don’t like the attitude of some people here, not because they’re Brazilians they’re trolls or anything, being offensive or racist is against the rules of ToS forum, so cut that off.

That being said, the main reason for Spanish users to feel uncomfortable playing along with Portuguese-Speakers is that we can’t understand each other.

Please take a look at this map: Division de America por Idiomas (Hipervinculo) it divides America by its languages; most of Latin America’s countries are Spanish-speakers. And together with Mexico, Spain and some Central American’s and Caribbeans we are known as the Hispanic countries.

In this Closed Beta, in the rushedly-created Latin Sever the amount of Portuguese-speakers highly outnumbered the Hispanic people… English is considered the international language, I wouldn’t be playing ToS if I couldn’t speak it, so many of us don’t have problems interacting at global scale. But from Portuguese to Spanish and vice-versa that’s another tale, there are people able to speak both languages, but they are few, I’m not one of them, thus I had a very hard time interacting at that server, a sever I thought I’d find Spanish-speakers actually was a Full-Of-Portuguese high-speed chat room (I guess I can call that “spam” but I’ll not for safety reasons xP)

From my opinion the solution that tsaikoh is purposing may be accurate, but as I see things right now, IMC is more interested in having a future Dedicated-Portuguese Server. You can see it at HOME, there’s already a Plan For Portuguese and Thai Translation. And being honest, the Portuguese Speakers earned it, they’re just so many players that they need their own server. If they do, however, they shouldn’t call it Latin Server, or just more innocent Hispanic people will enter to see the Full-Of-Portuguese high-speed chat again lol.

Now, if we want a Hispanic Server (I do at least) we will have to gather enough players so IMC listens to this request. A Hispanic server might begin some day, but if you don’t tell your friends to play, and those friends doesn’t tell their friends to play, well… We lacked presence in this CBT, and if it stays like that I doubt IMC will push the Spanish Translation patch for a dedicated server very soon. I’ll stick to international servers for now… And like someone else say, if IMC makes another “Latin Server” like that, I’ll stay in the international, not because I think Brazilians are trolls or I don’t consider myself Latin American, but because I’ll understand people more in English than in Portuguese.

TL;DR: A Hispanic Sever might be a good idea once we prove ourselves we’re many, otherwise, international server will always welcome us. The current Latin Server shouldn’t be called that due to the high amount of Brazilian players, they deserve a more dedicated server, and IMC is working in giving it to them.


Time for some serious suggestions.

How about an option to choose a certain global chat? Like an option in settings which global chat you want to join (which counts for say and yell) and the language problem is solved.
I would actually like that as it brings communities together, especially smaller ones.

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I usually don’t have any problem with the country from which peoples can come from.

But I just hate this tardy mentality we did see at the start, with the worse part arround the end of the first week. And I didn’t like the fact (Or just hate this fact) that thoses “players” did get a new servers as a “REWARD” for thoses things.

We all try to speak/understand … And learn english, when playing with international community. If you can’t even respect each others, leave, and play solo games in your house.

(Not a message for brazilian people, spanish people, or any nationnality, just a message for stupid ones)

A new server can be necessary whis big latence issus. But surely not because of MENTALITY. Can understand they didn’t want to ban for this beta, but I hope their’re gonna do it in official.

Sorry, that’s just what I think …