Tree of Savior Forum

SP Consumption will kill the playerbase

Re:Build got back many players into the game, but guess what, SP consumption hinders the gameplay severely.
This will make people quit en masse unless it’s attended ASAP.
We already have 700 less players than yesterday and two of my friends quit after they went out of SP after using 3 skills consecutively.
Keep this like that and the game will die, again.


I don’t know about killing the game but SP consumption could definitely use another pass. At the current level, it’s pretty easy to use 1/3 of your blue bar over the course of two skill rotations. That’s detrimental to fun and really painful in higher end content.

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The game is already dead, since even old people didnt come back to check it out.
They applied big update with is basicaly remake of game, yet only 4000 players played it. Thats like nothing for online game. On the launch of TOS we had like 40000 players. So we have barely 10% of starting population with no hope on horizon to increase it. Even worse is that Re:Build doesnt have good reviews.

Then why are you here just doom posting.

There is a large uproar regarding the sp usage, me included in bringing up that concern.

I’m sure the devs and staff are seeing the feedback and will relay it back to the devs to take a look at. In the meantime, it’s not the end of the game because we have to be a bit more conservative with sp.

Game’s in a very fragile state, I really like it and want it to live and get healthier

Population of game tell you what will happen to it.
4k population on grand update day is really low and it is already droping.

Large uproar? 3-5 threads with less than 100 posts each? Thats not uproar, in other games they open 10+ threads and the best one takes like 1000+ posts in just first day. Theres no uproar in TOS, its just roars of frogs now.

TOS had higher interesting on the startup of it than many sucessfull games now. Starting peak of players was around 50k+ players here. Where for example POE and Warframe with now have around 100k, had on start around 25k players.

TOS had great potential, still have it. But if devs quickly dont learn from mistakes it will wanish from english market. Nobody invest in games that dont pay back. Its bussiness afterall.

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TRUE. fix it! :tired::tired::tired:

Also hard when the majority of the small remaining population are the most rabid and loyal white knights. If you speak out against the game in any way you are instantly pounced on in shout by the same people and their groupies.

If you havent noticed, most of us that played in beta and founder’s early access eventually grew tired of IMC and left the game to recently come back to check things out.

In that time “guilds” were replaced by “fan clubs”, the majority of guilds are literally named after 1 player and they have cult like followings where they all pander to sensai to notice them.

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you cannot kill what is already dead my friend


I would be ok with SP usage if they kept all he skills that helped with it intact instead of limiting it to diev and alchemist at best…

they even made SPR even worthless and I thought that was impossible…

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Eh, gotta admit, the SP-consumption is a turn-off for a class that kinda needs… to spam skills. A lot of them. Heck, even AA-builds consume alot of SP with all the buffs they need to activate.
Let’s not turn it into RO where you need to CONSTANTLY chug HP and SP pots to be able to “play” your character.

blue pots price has inflated too :tired:

not even catbuff can save my party

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I blame the cost of skills being the same regardless of level being the problem. If IMC had a brain they would’ve known low level under geared players don’t have enough sp to spam a lv1 skill that costs the same as a level 10. The only solution I see to this is to remove all your attributes that increase the cost of skills till you’re higher leveled with decent gear. The exception being falconers pre-emptive strike, dragoon’s helmet and skills that do bad damage and consume too much like Murm’s emperor’s bane.

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Yes, SP cost should start small at skill level 1 then gradually increase as you pump more skill points into the skill. ALSO, attributes should also play a part in reducing SP cost, like maybe -1% SP cost for every point of attribute you invest or something.

ok i think people have gotten out of hand lol, SP CONSUMPTION BEING THE DEATH OF A GAME?? its definately a problem but you must be joking


The game isnt going to die b/c even with 1 of the smallest player bases of anything still going its whales alone are enough to keep the servers going.

If you play on Klaipedia for example everyone knows atleast one guy who spends a thousand or more US Dollars on TP a month. Wont name drop but im pretty sure you can figure it out by his daily shouts of “WTB +16-21+ velco wpns” and “WTS x59 track suits and every costume effect in the game”.

That being said, the sp usage is driving away all the people that came back to check things out in hoards. These are facts people, not doomsaying or shi*posting, look at the numbers of people that logged in today as opposed to yesterday, and look again tommorow.

Between the new sp reworks, the global nerfs that they called balancing and the bugs expect to lose almost everyone that came back to see if the game got better.

Personally, I had to switch to 10 Star Rikaus, Specter Monarch, and Throneweaver cards.

I then class changed one of my saalus mules into an wizard/alchemist and made my own potions.

And…am looking at maxing more skills and removing a couple, however I have about 1,600 hours played, decent flexibility and resources and about 120 collections completed for extra stats, and 52 free stat points to use freely.

The problem which you and the remaining handful of white knights dont seem to comprehend is that it massively screws over everyone else, like new players, the ones you wanted to attract with the "rebranding"and “relaunch” of the game.

also this isnt my thread, I simply said the SP usage is broken, I dont doompost, this game will last several more years b/c its whales are LOADED

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This level of sp consumption only makes sense sp SP pots have like 10s cooldown. Also price is an issue because sp pots aren’t cheap.

Edit: apparently they did change the cd for alchemist pots, been using shop pots because alche pots are way too expensive now.