Tree of Savior Forum

Sorry, but i think im done with ToS already

Why did imc need to release TOS global? People saw the Korean TOS got jealous and wanted it us well. So now imc says ok we will listen to those crybabies, but obviously they started with half thought in it, what the point was of cbt and cbt2 when game is completely based of Korean server, even future changes are based on future changes to Korean server. So just accept it, they already made game global. It’s too much to want more.

Sorry this is not a legit complaint. This is a QOL complaint.

Also this entire thread is unhelpful, starting with OP. Not sure why you are holding one post to a different standard than the rest.

Yall should stop with this ‘‘this game is not for you, just quit’’ attitude.
This game needs PLAYERS to keep going.
All the elitists had the same attidude in Wildstar and look where that game is now.

The guy has some VALID POINTS. Stop dismissing other peoples opinions so lightly when they don’t align with your own.
Its pretty clear that there is something wrong with the game.We either rally and help to fix it or we can watch it crash and burn.


I hear that “i quit” posts are an excellent way to help devs fix their games.

Oh. Wait.

I’m not saying that the OP attitude is right either. Stop puting words in my mouth.

No they’re not… but i understand why people write those posts.

It’s like saying that you wanto to drop of a building and die when all you want is some attentions from other people… IMC staff rarely gives such atetntion to players, or maybe better, they do BUT noone knows because they don’t tell the players most of the times.

So for most people saying “i quit” is really the only way of hoping IMC will actually read and listen… even tho i’m kind of sure they do read and listen even without the “i quit” message.

It may not help the dev’s fix their game, but it tells them fix your game or your going to have a big problem soon.

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wow. i dont even know what to say lmao.

While i agree about not being able to trade silvers is ■■■■. And The hackers and botters are annoying as ■■■■.
But tell me, give me a game that doesn’t have hackers or botters at one point? Sure, probably some old games dont have one now. But i bet at one point it did. People forget that this game is fairly new. Even in korea is fairly new. It’s not even a year old. We’re pretty much up to date to the korean version.

5% drop rate… able to respec… tf?

if you gonna complain about 5% being too low as a drop rate, then this game is not the game for you. If RO would reopen now and you’ll be playing it, I bet you’ll be one of those people who complains about 0.01% card drop rate.
Go play a game that you can be spoon-fed.
(btw, if you’re talking about arde dagger, just move on, you get better one at lvl 170)

able to respec? there’s a skill build simulator for a reason.
here. I’ll link it to you

you plan ahead. watch videos on youtube. so you know what you’re making.

For me, from CB to release, i watched KR ToS videos. asked them questions. do research. That’s why i picked a class i enjoy playing.
Finding a class that it sucks or a class you dont enjoy seems like a personal problem to me. Maybe next time, do some research or watch videos about that certain class.

Yeah, IMC has proven repeatedly that they are listening to player feedback. There’s no need for this overly dramatic narcissistic I quit nonsense to add to it.

What makes it worse is that @bejita231 is not just advocating to fix the game. He’s actually advocating to make the game worse.

Respec your circle choices are you @#$ing kidding me? Idiocy. Point 2 has already been addressed. Point 1 is 100% retarded because you can just pass items to your alt. I’ve done so already with arde dagger. Huh, yeah a level 75 with arde dagger doesn’t have any advantage at all, no siree.

And finally… the complaint about not being able to feed your pet. If you can’t farm 500 silver in this game by the time you hit rank 3, you are hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. Top it off with multiple personal insults direct at the developers and this post really hits new levels of sheer hater idiocy.

Botters most have. Hackers in this quantity, i haven’t seen in a long time probably been ~16 years since i have seen a game with this many hackers.

When was that?

I’m curious, exactly which hacks are going around right now on IToS?
I’ve seen people calling this out over and over again, yet no mention to what they are doing unlike bots.

Swordsman bots that stay in one place attacking, somehow wiping entire screens worth of mobs. Add teleporting too, this is the most common hack I’ve seen and it’s made leveling my archer on Klai frustrating even though I can compete with them much easier then say a cleric.


Remember the beta hacks/exploits? Teleporting, range melee attacks, super speed, creating any class at lvl 1.

Any current proof?
No one I talk with has ever pointed them out unlike in the beta, yet it seems they are fairly common.

Well i don’t have a video but i did see with my own eyes bots actually hitting enemies on screen edge with swordsman that were hitting… empty space in front of them and items were “vacuumed” into the bots for loot… next time it happens i’ll be sure to record

I’ve seen them occasionally. They aren’t nearly as common as the standard bots, but they are out there. You can’t hover over their names and they just appear, swing a few times and vanish, hitting everything on the screen.

Orsha was a nice addition

“People complained about too many Bots so IMC rolled out counter measures to limit the impact of those bots (Wrong course of action but at least they did do something).”

No one complained about bots during that betas this is a load of ■■■■. The closest thing we had was the z attackers which people did complain about, but the features they added do nothing to that.

“People complained about Xp being way too slow and IMC increased xp, increased the amount of cards you get, and made leveling way faster.”

Xp was adjusted several times during betas up and down for testing regardless of peoples opinions

“People complained about the trade restrictions being too high and now IMC is deciding to roll some of them back.”

They haven’t rolled back ■■■■ yet.

“People complained that 3 months early access was too much and then IMC let the community decide on three options.”

That was not a good change this has had more negative effects then positive, that is a instance of when they should not have caved, but the forums rioted hard.

“People complained Swordmen were too strong and then they were balanced.”

Um no they weren’t, swordsman have been buffed repeatedly because everyone realized they fell off hard late game and the early game gave false impressions. And swordsman still aren’t balanced they are rather lack luster still.

This reddit post is 90% ■■■■, maybe 10% true/valid. Also had no comments on regional servers because they have no relevance to me.

Iv never bothered to record them because i have reported this back in beta, and i see no reason to report/record it every time i see it. They have known about the problem for ages they just need to get around to fixing it.

Hm… considering the low density and if suposedly they are using the same shenanigans then I guess in the worst case scenario the GMs are doing what they can to get rid of them I guess, keep sending those reports to the inquiry page I supose.