Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer weird build

so in KToS i’m currently at wiz3ele2. is it okay if i take sorc next? i really want sorcerer summons i mean just to be there and help around.

will i destroy my sp or what? i really want to go that route. i also heard that frost cloud is super good and i’m an idiot if i miss it.

i’ve had lots of feedback and most would say.
go ele3 or ele0
don’t go sorc with wiz3
wiz3 or wiz1
if you take sorc you won’t get 7th rank class.
and so on.

it’s freaking me out. i really want this summon to just follow me around and do it’s thing while i focus on my own damage, is that not possible?

Sorc is not a class you take because its good, because it isnt. Its something you take if you really like the theme. But yes your character will be worse for taking sorc.

oh my god T___T yes i like that theme but it will really destroy everything just like that? @__@

i’ve been playing this but i don’t feel the fun. it felt like a chores playing this “perfect dps” build.

Eleemntalist’s best skills are in circle 3.
Wizard3’s big attraction is Quick Cast, which buffs magic damage by 50%. I’d need a second opinion, but I don’t think Quick cast will help your summon’s damage at all.

But its fine, really. wiz 3 ele2 sorc2 will work in late game. Lord knows those poor sods who go for Alchemist make do with less.

no effect on summon you are correct. Sorc’s usually take cryo or linker in the earlier ranks.

i know that quick cast won’t help summon that’s very obvious though i’m not trying to cater to my summon here, i want this summon to just be there do some damage and tank some enemies if required.

i want to be the main damage source, be able to hold my own without summon even if it’s not perfect. also if mele enemies swarmed my summon i can finish them easily if my summon can’t. it’s very sad that this build won’t work. i’ve been thinking about it for a long long time.

Taking Sorc will just mean you have the same skills you do now, plus a giant monster following your every whim.

If that sounds good to you, ignore the people telling you its bad. Nothing currently in the game requires the kind of optimization the forums recommends.

what if i don’t take sorc2 and instead go for warlock? for both the attribute synergies with sorcerer and for more damage.

i think it would be awesome if my summon kills an enemy and produce an evil soul. damn i want it so bad.

you mean “Plus a giant monster that does what ever the ■■■■ it pleases and walks into walls”

You need c2 to make it do what you want.

Sorc c1 is worthless

well that just completely obliterate my dream, thanks. LOL.

anyway i think i might do whatever i want on second char then, this one will be the perfect char to provide things for all the next char :<

to be honest i don’t understand the point of DPS ele though, i have seen psychokino destroys every single person except super tank like pala in pvp. psycho can hold them until they die, crazy shat.

if your dead set on doing a sorc do c2.

that sounds freaking perfect to me. still all these calculation and assumption is extremely discouraging to the point where i’m afraid of not going for the “perfect” build.

Are you a PVE or PVP player?

i think i’m shooting for PVE.

In PVE perfect builds are far less of a thing. So far the end game content for PVE can be completed with “sub par builds”

let me translate that for you “do whatever you want because even if you suck you can still reach end game”

that hurts a lot :< i don’t want to be that sharp bone in between good meats but i don’t want to go without my big ol devil T_T sad sad world.

Yes that is what i said, was just trying to do it nicely.

But if your a min maxer those “perfect builds” are your options until more patches get the classes closer together.

hmm, even if sorc got buffed do you think it’ll ever work well with wiz3ele2? i mean people tend to think that if you go sorc you have to make your devil your main source of damage, your tank, your life, your lord and savior…

wiz 3 might be okay with sorc + warlock or something similar but i have a hard time with the concept of ele + sorc but you could always be the first to try lol.

lols XD in my mind going wiz3 and then sorc is like plunging our head to wall.
we try super hard to get quick cast and then go summon xD.

at least in that sense i took ele first to make use of that quick cast T_T