Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

What is the best alternative in the 2nd card slot when we use morph other than another TS?

you might wanna try them out and see which one suit your taste, personally I prefer:

Chapparition for the AOE dmg
Harpeia for the AOE push back

note you should resummons after you finish using your skill, morph’s summon does not have their atk scale

yep, its necro3 with new corpse tower attribute. When monster dies near corpse tower then he rise as skelly. :slight_smile:

@8-ball @greyhiem since the sp drain also poke my interest, I ask a friend of mine that still have his Chapparition card to test out for me.

as a result, if you ride you summon only, the time it last is around 1min45sec ±, and even if you spam skill, it also last roughly around that time.

If i’m not mistaken Summoning consumes 1% every 3 seconds-> 300s(5 min) total and while riding it increases to 1% each second->100s(1 min 40s)

Sorcerer Summoning Cards

Let’s try to fill the list :stuck_out_tongue:

:european_castle: Dungeon
:rocket: Fedimian Mission
:synagogue: Saalus mission
:globe_with_meridians: World/Field boss
:lock: Used to be in quest
:question: May not drop the card
:skull: Demon Lord

  1. Netherbovine :lock:
  2. Necroventer :lock:/ :european_castle:Lv90/:globe_with_meridians:Map/ :rocket:(Catacombs)
  3. Mummyghast :lock:
  4. Minotaur :synagogue:(Royal Mausoleum) :question:
  5. Cyclops :lock:/ :rocket: (Crystal Mine)
  6. Shadowgaler :lock:/ :european_castle:LV50/ :rocket:(Crystal Mine)
  7. Specter Monarch :lock:
  8. Sparnasman
  9. Throneweaver :lock:
  10. Unknocker :lock:
  11. Chapparition :lock:/:globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2/:rocket:(Gele plateau) :question:
  12. Harpeia :lock:/:european_castle:LV130/:globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2-Map3/ :synagogue:(Canyon) :question:
  13. Ellaganos :globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2
  14. Dullahan :globe_with_meridians: Map/ :synagogue:(Ruins) :question:
  15. Riteris :lock:/:european_castle:LV217
  16. :skull: Nuaelle :lock:
  17. Lithorex
  18. Progola
  19. Lavenzard
  20. Prisoncutter :globe_with_meridians: :question: Map1-Map2-Map3-Map4
  21. Templeshooter :globe_with_meridians: Map
  22. Fire Lord :european_castle:LV190/:globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2
  23. Deathweaver :globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2
  24. Cerberus :european_castle:LV190/ :globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2
  25. Abomination :globe_with_meridians:Map
  26. Flammidus :european_castle:LV115
  27. Gorgon :rocket: (Chapel) :question:
  28. :skull: Rexipher :globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2-Map3-Map4-Map5-Map6
  29. Rikaus
  30. :skull: Mirtis :globe_with_meridians: Map1-Map2-Map3-Map4-Map5
  31. Velorchard :synagogue:(canyon) :question:
  32. Unicorn
  33. Tomblord :synagogue:(Royal Mausoleum)
  34. :skull: Helgasercle :globe_with_meridians: :question: Map1-Map2-Map3-Map4-Map5
  35. :skull: Naktis
  36. :skull: Blut
  37. :skull: Marnox <-Doesn’t have sorcerer version in files :globe_with_meridians: :question: Map1-Map2-Map3-Map4-Map5-Map6
  38. Pyroego
  39. Nuodai
  40. Centaurus
  41. Marionette :globe_with_meridians: :question: Map
  42. Master Genie
  43. Merregina
  44. Corrupted

World boss locations are based on this source
Fedimian and Saalus convent boss are from this thread

If you confirm any of the cards with :question: marks, please tell me so I can update this.

Go catch’em all!

Last update: 20/08/2016


the time is roughly there, but mostly can end up with 1min 45 sec, direct ride after summon finish. Ya, it will be around 1% per sec, but sometime it tick more than 3 times in a sec (maybe some fps lagging resulted this).

SOMEONE MAKE A VIDEO SHOWING THE NEW RIDING please use chappartion in it

@DogeSummoner btw, sage ultimate dimension skill finally have image, the aoe size increase is rather small.

@etirrn Unfortunately, It’s impossible for my PC to run the game and recording at the same time, but the skill is the same as before, you might be able to find it in youtube.

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Yep, it’s 10%, I guess

I just saw one of my friends got Mirtis Card on his Sorcerer. He tested it on me
and its FREAKING AMAZING!! :smiley: Its lightning skill autotargets enemies, so its not a skill shot you have to land. Plus, the normal attack is a swarm of bats, works perfectly with the familiar summon, to send hordes of bat to an enemy to destroy them.

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This will be hard, I don’t even remember half of the boss name and looks

Fire Lord 190dg
Cerberus 190dg / WB
Flammidus 115dg
Detahweaver WB

Don’t have much luck with WB, only see them <5 time through out the game

Merregina, I not sure whether it still drop or not, even during CBT, this card only drop once through my gameplay of 7char.

Not sure why in the preview it increase the AOE size so much, cause currently that skill only have 1LV max attribute

It seems like all Demon Lord card is able to use skill on their own.

How many cube does he open to get it?

I dont know, he just called me to test the damage on it, then i had to leave for a guild event. But the lightning skill is instant, gotta do some more testing to see the total damage it does, but its definatly enough to oneshot ALOT of players in pvp.

:confounded: Now I really hope I can get my hands on at least 1 of the demon lord series card, all of them seems very strong. (Though I like Rexipher more, since the design is very cool).

Nuaele is a demon lord, weak but it is.
The sad part for me is mirtis doesn’t have its strongest skill (Broom trap-like) Maybe a c3 attribute would allow us to use those :frowning:

SOMEONE PLEASEEEEEEEEEE make a video on these summons and riding T_T

Where do you get Mirtis??

Now I remember that card, she don’t even have a skill ==, and her attack is nothing special, some card at least can knock back enemy.

World boss, don’t know the map exactly but it is one > 260
it has 284milion health :slight_smile: