Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

What is the best card: unicorn or templeshooter??

Does using empowering before summoning affect the devil in any way?

i did before, it doesnt effect. as you will see in sorcerer UI the summon stat is not increased

so with the new rank 9 how is going to be the new choices for Sorc, maybe a necro c3? and have all minions available or maybe enchanter? how are u guys thoughts on best combinations for new sorc meta?

En2 is good too.

Exact same things Iā€™m debating here, I canā€™t decide between C3 necro or enhancer, itā€™s a really tough decisionā€¦

i have 2 summoners one will be pyro3>sorc3>shadow2 second cryo3>necro3>sorc2 i think ;p

Depend what content you are interested.

Necro for TBL/Colony
Enchanter for HG340 farming/General PVE/ET

Imo Necro will be always the best class for a sorcerer build, it just fits sorcerer perfectly, since both benefits a lot from SPR. Yes you might have other good choices like Enchan, but if u want to take 100% from your build Necro is clearly the the best choice and yes I see Sorc as a solo build just like featherfoot.

Enchanter is the best high rank support class of wizard tree, and if a party have to choose a support to fill a slot why would they choose an enchsorc instead a chronoenchant, or a thaumenchant? :distinguished:

Hi all!
How use summon/boss skill if i ride use gamepad?

P.S how take 700 spr 0.0 ?

i have a necro3 sorc 1 cryo 3 build which im aiming for PVP. Whatā€™s the best stat for it?

i donā€™t know but that lightning hands for sorc looks kind bad. I think only enchanter 1 is more than enough

Sorcerer+Enchant2 is a niche hybrid auto-attack build.
It require high transcend Weapon and full SPR to works, the Netherbovine hits ~13k is far from optimum.

If you watch back littlesampsonā€™s video, his marnox hits 80-90k x2 on ride with attribute in free dungeon 340, but maybe be 50-60k x2 without riding, so it is around 100-120k damage per 2s.
Under full SPR and with only gears can reach to 6k-7k Matk,
With full INT can reach to 8k-9k Matk, or with thaum of 10k-11k Matk,
the build is actually comparable with more utilities like catbuff +5 Attack Ratio and infinite luring.

But it is difficult to say which is better now, thaum3/chrono3 definitely much better for beginner.

hence, something like pyro1-linker1-thauma3-sorc1-enchanter2 full SPR will works great too.

For Ps4 controller itā€™s L1+x, square, or triangle for the 3 skills and circle to get off

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Not sure if bug or feature, since today patch i can no longer use potions while riding.

what is the max AAR that cat buff can give? 10?

Edit: AoE Attack Ratio

what??? :thinking:


wiyh new shadow changes i think i will go pyro3>sorc3>shadow2 :slight_smile: still pyro1>lonk2>sorc3>shadow2 can be very good too ;O

Hello, iā€™m planning to go Wiz 1> Cryo 3> Sorc 3> Sage 1

What stats should I go with in this build?
And any tips with this build would be helpful :slight_smile:

shadow is only pvp class