Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

any good skill builds for cryo3sorc1necro3 please? atleast the cryo3 part of skills. Thanks!

So, quick question again what do I stat now INT or SPR?

I’m a proponent of full SPR so your summon doesn’t suck. You can get magic dmg for your warlock and cryo skills through a good weapon, enhancement, transcendence, and even enchanting hair acc’s.


Remaining 10 points can go into ice wall (ideal for ET), gust (solo, extra damage), or subzero shield (also preference)

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Actually, you should probably put 2-3 total points into ice bolt so it can charge quicker (you can let go of the skill earlier and just use it for freezing with the attribute)

Thank you! What will be my main dmg as cryo3 here?

Ice Blast primarily. It hits once per frozen enemy and also hits an additional time if frost pillar is up and/or ice wall. It also has a nice aoe.

Frozen enemy > Ice Blast

Frost Pillar > Ice Wall > Ice Blast x3


If you have gust, you should get the collision dmg attribute too btw. Gust can be used as filler dmg, and works to shoot shards if you use it on wall too.

alrigh thanks for attri sir? what are the advisable attributes to get? (with the gust too)

Just for cryo? Ice Bolt: Chance of freeze, max it. Some points into ice blast enhance would be good too.

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Is Morph still bugged? I have a 10 star Chapparition card I’m using on my Sorc2 but Chap doesn’t play well in high end content (hopefully buffs will affect him too? idk). My problem is he’s the only 10 star I have, but Morph seems to still be bugged because my TS, Shadowgaler, and the rest, aren’t getting Chap’s stats.

The bug isn’t that bad. They get most of your Chap’s stats, they’re just slightly weaker since they don’t get additional damage from the skill’s level. Still bugged though.

Also, morph recently got even buggier with casting because it fails when your summon is too far and for some reason monster attacks interrupt it, even without CC. So it’s a bit harder to use.

a good alternative is to go 150 int and rest all-in spr … this stat build is good for the upcoming patch

giv screenshots of ur summon damage!!! how much matk do you have

what wepaomn ddid you transcend


Thanks for the video :innocent:

Edit: how gets he / she 200 spr from other sources ?

:open_mouth: Can you use the chapparition card too? Showing its auto attacks and its skills? Please and thank you T_T

Well my sorc better do at least x2 the dmg from it when it hits here :o

So far my dmg is better mostly comes from bats/micro/desmodus fast animation burst skills , riding skills are slow/dmg is just soso


That’s not him, he’s just showing the video.

Seems all bosses got their auto attack cd’s reduced to be the same as TS, so they can better compete with TS. It’s probably the era of strike damage for bossing now because of this change (so things like necroventer will hit fast and hard) since lethargy +50% damage works on bosses while decay doesn’t.

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200 SPR from other sources is the Bracelet and Necklace. 180 for bracelets and 20 for necklace.

Seeing how fast his necro AA makes me happy lol

I guess il be switching Helga to Rexi for bossing then :X

Only if summon scales with our matk instead weapon then i could proc chap cards </3

it still will scales with transce :slight_smile: so u can just boost your weapon damage xD

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