Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

I’m learning stuff everyday. Did you guys know FF came with [hexing]? It reduces mdef. There are only 2 mdef reducing debuffs that I know off ([hexing] and [resist elements]) and the one on FF has 100% uptime (dunno if intended though).

Basically I have these choices now.

[energy bold] + [sleep] + [joint penalty] is amaze-balz. You need a good weapon (which your demon also needs) though

[lethargy] + [earthquake] is “something”. I only use it on bosses since it’s something to do and you can’t knock down bosses. [lethargy] could also combo with a strike type demon. If full INT [lethargy] also debuffs for upwards of 400 atk/matk reduction.

[reflect shield] was under rated before but now it is awesome given how damage is calculated. If full SPR it can reduce upwards of 400 damage taken 9x. Doesn’t seem like much but that is 3600 damage you didn’t have to take. The buff also carries over when riding.

[summon servant] gives AAR and [energy bolt] [earthquake] and [hangman’s knot] are AAR related making both EB and EQ hit more targets. You’ll want link2 for JP10 for this though.

[ngadhundi] gives decay so it combo’s with temple shooter.

[blood bath] and [blood sucking] provide healing.

[bone pointing] and [kurdaitcha] provide mdef reduction. This is a very rare debuff.

[enchant fire] and [enchant lightning] either adds even more damage to spells with INT or converts SPR into damage (not a lot but it’s better than no damage). They don’t seem to carry over to riding though.

Cryo1-link2 can give more spells for damage and you get 2 attributes. Cryomancer: freeze speciality will give 50% more lightning damage that you get from [enchant lightning] which also combos with joint penalty: lightning for another 50%.

Cryo3 gives more spells + [subzero shield] carries over to riding.

They didn’t say it.
They removed it early on into the test however now it’s been over a month and they made tweaks to sorc since then so I don’t believe it is coming back given they made a statement apologizing about Sorc being weak after the changes they made (why not just revert the changes?)
Right before you could reach like 4k defense easy due to the Summon and take no damage + throw on Reflect Shield which would negate any damage you might of taken to 1 anyways.
I solo’d Dungeons like that at first that week because my gear was poop then they removed it and I’d melt.

Does hexing scale with spr still ? I mean hw much mdef does it reduce?

Bokor lv15 hex reduces 10% mdef

Hexing from Featherfoot barely reduces magic defense, and it does not scale with SPR. Tested in friendly duel and it always reduced a flat rate of 54 m.def.

I think its main use is to boost kundela slash damage, nothing more.

I’m confused with what you’re trying to say with this combo. You mean using earthquake with joint penalty is worth using as a combo now?

I thought joint penalty with magic missile would be better.

I’m saying “it’s there” if you want it. You only have wiz3 for non sorc damage so there are options. I’m not sure if the “bounce” missiles from [magic missile] don’t eat extra hits from JP (I “heard” they don’t but IDK for sure). So if have at least 2 hits left in JP you can [lethargy] EQ.

@Delcas Thank you for confirming. Now I am more convinced to stick with Sage for R8.
If summons doesn’t have long animations skill or after-cast delay, removing increase defense won’t be much of a problem. We are so vulnerable during riding now compared to before. :unamused:

I waiting to test with a friend. The ff skills don’t say what lv [hexing] they give or how much they reduce.

I see no reason to go Wiz3 over FF2 though. At least you’ll have actual damage outside of wizard that way, and will be able to utilize the strong FF skills.

i hate it … when IMC nerfs only “OP” wizard combos BUT swordsman and archer hit now with 1 aoe skill 100k and crit 200k+ wtf

and swordsman and archer kill bosses in 10 sec :sweat_smile:

I understand that ff2 is quite strong but I wanted a rider and that little bit at the bottom of each skill saying Riding: yes/no is what ultimately decided for me. I have no idea what it all means, but seeing what happened to cleric [transform] gives me hope.

there will be an reset event again when rank 9 release is there 100% sure ( sry for my english ) :innocent:

If i can’t decide by the time the event ends I’ll just reset everything and keep my wiz r1 until they fix sorc. Bottom line for me is every wiz is just your generic wiz from every other game. Sorcs are just different and I like it.

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I think all skills have that, even cleric skills. It stands for whether you can use the skill while mounted on a companion (not riding devil), but if your class doesn’t have the mount attribute it doesn’t matter either way.

Featherfoot c2 is the best riding build for sorcs atm (aside from maybe pyro with fire pillar and cryo with frost pillar, but these skills don’t last as long as levitate). Being able to ride during levitate means against a lot of enemies you’ll be untouchable. Additionally, you have access to instant heal with blood sucking, so you don’t have to worry about all that damage you take while riding. And you also can use blood curse for heals too (and it is a good party support).

FF skills are Riding: no.

The RIDING stands for whether or not you can use it on a companion (you know, the pet that you can buy for silver or from TP shop), not the actual riding skill from sorc.

If that were the case, why would every other skill have a tooltip for riding when it’s a sorc-specific skill. If you look at the warrior class (or even archer), the riding tooltip correctly corresponds with which skills you can use while mounted on a companion if your class allows you to have a mounting attribute.

You’re reading too much into the tosneet and misconstruing it. It’s coded to be tied to companions, so I don’t think it’s linked in any way to riding, and if they allowed skills to be used while riding in the future, I think they wouldn’t use the same skills as programmed since they would have to write code for a different system (since sorc riding is tied to a buff/skill).

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All that is true for what we currently know. Tell me what wiz skill have you used that doesn’t dismount you from any of the pets we currently have? Have IMC introduce a pet riding class and it will all fall into place. Until then, my guess is as good as yours (unless you are secretly working for IMC and know stuff).

For the third time, it doesn’t matter if it says riding:yes or riding:no, if you don’t have a class in your build with an attribute for using skills while mounted, you will be dismounted.

Have you ever played a swordie? Try just using a basic Peltasta and use swashbuckling while mounted on a companion. You will be dismounted. Why are you dismounted even when tosneet says “riding:yes” you ask? Because you don’t have the riding attribute from other classes yet.

Wizards don’t have any classes yet that can give that attribute, so for now ALL skills will dismount you. This is consistent across all classes. If you don’t have the attribute, you will be dismounted if you use a skill when riding.

I’m not guessing anything, what I’m saying is true. If you don’t believe me, try looking at a different website: TOSbase. They have the same tooltip, except instead of the words “Riding:Yes or Riding: No”, it says “Companion” with a picture of a companion, and it’s X’ed out if it’s programmed to be a skill you can’t use while riding a companion.

On TOSneet, any skills that say Riding:No means that you can’t use it while riding a companion, and on TOSbase this is indicated with an X on the little hoglan icon.

Go ahead and compare the skills from tosneet and tosbase, the “riding” refers to companion mounting, not sorcerer riding.

Those websites are NOT OFFICIAL IMC sites. Those are fan-made. But again, if you are an IMC employee then that’s a different story. You also seem to forget that I’ve made no assertions of what WILL and WON’T happen. I said

This stems from the fact that cleric transforms were exactly like riding. They lock you out of cleric skills (your regular hotkeys are hidden) and show only hotkeys for the transform skills. That’s JUST LIKE riding. Your regular hotkeys are hidden and replaced with devil hotkeys. Have you EVER used [shapeshift] [transform] or [lycantrophy]?