Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Yea, it was because summon have unlimited aggro.
The iceblast aggro duration is so short like 1-2s, when they lost aggro on you (due to your quote is used) they will switch to your summon.

But since the patch, summon will have limited drawing quota too, so not sure how it effective it will works then. Frostpillar is still the best though

I am looking to make a C3 sorcerer, probably C3-Sage, and was wondering if Pyro or Pyro-linker was viable at all? I have a Cryo-3->Sorc2-Necro, and another Cryto character and sorta wanted to not do Cryo again.

Is this viable at all? Are there any other alternatives?

I suggest pyro2-thaum1, yes it’s viable but mostly because of fire pillar and enchant fire. The rest of the skills (fire wall, flame ground) are just fillers. Fire ball and flare are a waste of skill slots and cast time when you reach r9

Why Tham 1? Is Wiz 3 viable for any builds? Thanks for the help.

Thaum 1 is good filler for r4, pyro3 doesn’t add much compared to it. You can also take wiz2 for surespell, sage has one single target spell with optional cast time. You can use it uncharged, but having it at full charge makes it do double damage.

If you want Wiz3, ele3 is usually the best class to go with it, wiz3-ele3-sorc1-sage2 is viable. Wiz3 thaum1 sorc2 RC1-sage2 is also okay

Marnox buffs

-Attack 1 changed to [Strike]
-Attack 2 changed to [Strike]
-Attack 3 changed to Fire element

Price up up up
Lethargy attribute synergy implemented.

Surely marnox needed a buff.


He’s unstoppable now.



We was about talking we need Magic Element
Now we will HAVING SOON!!!
*Just checked the rest of summon like Frostlord/Helgasercle,/Lithorex they haven’t change anything with their attack yet.

Marnox damage can be boosted by Lethargy now!!!
Link3-Thaum3-Sorc1 with Swell also can be very strong in farming with Marnox
And, frozen target also boosted with strike?

Oh man, gotta love IMC.

Thank goodness Marnox got buffed, wouldn’t want the best-in-slot to have any even remotely comparable alternatives. That would just be silly.

I am enjoying my life,…

bdw who has a succubus? or are those not implemented yet in itos??
I want one!!! can someone sell me in telsiai??? XD

I think it will come with Gorkas and Froster Lord c:

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A returning players from 2016 here…any significant changes to the class?

Summon damage has had an enormous buff, summon attack now scales up with your weapon’s MATK and your SPR. If you plan on taking more than one circle of Sorcerer, you almost always want to be a full SPR build now.

You now get three free skills when you turn Sorc: Force Attack, Cancel Force Attack, and Unsummon. These do not cost skill points.

There are lots of new summons in the game now, and a few more coming soon. Most popular summons now are Marnox, Netherbovine, and Necroventer. Temple Shooter is still popular with Necro builds, but otherwise you don’t see it very much.

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Too strong. Summon delete all linked mobs before able to swell.

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So, is better to have Necroventer or Netherbovine instead Templeshooter?
I’m only Sorc1.

my sorc1 use both of them
necroventer10 is for bossing/single target
1 is for mobbing/multi target


marnox is somewhat impossible to get right now (too many demand too low supply). Is helga a good alternative or should i just stick with netherbovine for a while?

Currently Helga is weak as a replacement. She has both lower damage and longer cooldown on AA compared to Marnox. But after summon buff (which is still not on iToS) it will be rather on par (a bit higher damage but slower AA) iirc.
So for now Netherbovine is better for its fast attack and you get a knockback on hit as a bonus.


Marnox is the supreme sorcerer card, even stronger after lethargy synergy. Marnox normals hit 2x 296% Strike damage on 1s cd. Marnox replaces necroventer 1x 433% on 1s CD strike damage vs boss now. If you want to top dealer sorc-competitive, marnox card is needed.

Helga hit 2x 271% Slash on 2s cd. Even netherbovine 1x 453% Pierce Flinch-CC on 1s CD is stronger.

If you are necromancer, consider Templeshooter for Decay synergy.

yup im a necro sorc but i prefer nether than TS as it feels like nether clears mobs faster. So i guess ill just have to try my luck looking for a marnox soon.