Marnox card is really expensive. Best summon for all-content though. Marnox auto is still difficult to beat. 1s cd, double punch.
@Kihseki @game8bravo wow card collectors. You will get 4 new cards to collect after summon patch. Succubus, ravenzard, gorkas, frosterlord. Gorkas great AoE, frosterlord great riding skills and great vs boss. Succubus makes a lot of noise with normal attack it is annoying like Lithorex. I do not recommend ravenzard for party play, auto-attack splash and AoE knock all mobs away.
@nightrain_scy Yes I believe so. On my sorc3, I did not notice a lot of difference between summoning 1, summoning 5, summoning 10, and summoning 15. Summoning skill, I also think it just applies on Grimoire UI (applies to attack stat of summon).
Think it is:
(attack stat of card * Summoning skill%) + your weapon value = S.Attack.
S.Attack * SPR bonus => final.
Final * skill factor% (from tosneet).
Then, insert into the big damage formula with the Log.
Attack stat of card, it already increases by 50% on a 10-star card (5% increase per card star). Summoning at most adds 35% (summoning 15).
Weapon value include blue gem, anvil, (ā¦)