Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

I hope so! My main is 2:1 int:spr right now and I can’t wait for these buffs to come through…

#JustSaying to everyone

If u MAIN a Sorcerer , u can choose if u want con or not

But between INT and SPR , i would say go Spr all the way . U get most of the matk / weapon matk from ur weapon if u trans it / upgrade ( If u main it )

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Legit wish I hope Sorc is affected by matk instead of weapon atk =/

That way R9 i can go Thau3 Sorc3 with uber high matk -

Can reach 9k-10k matk with my gears >_> + chap pot boooooom !

i hv tested chap cards doesnt apply on thauma buff

Is ur reply direct to me ? :o

Ohh i wasnt speaking of chap increasing thauma buffs xD

I mean with my transcended weapon + thauma buff full spr + chap pot i would have ridiculous amount of matk ~

[kTest[Ktos]] Class rework threadval

Some of you may have already seen this but for those who might have not followed this thread I thought this was a pretty solid post on the changes.

I was pleasantly surprised by how strong nuaele and tomb lord were in terms of bossing power. Temple shooter seems to be back on the king position in overall versatility and power as a single summon but in my opinion it’s fine as we have other very strong options as well.

I like how there’s no necessary summon in my opinion, necroventer seems to be very solid as a budget summon.

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Helga actually looks weak for bossing compared to the other strong contenders (Necroventer, TS, Mirtis)…

I don’t agree with Greyheim’s ranking of the summons, especially placing Nuale so high across the board. He didn’t seem to take into account how lethargy can be used on bosses, so that’s a big factor to consider.

I really think that TS might be better than Necroventer at certain bosses though, since they buffed his skill’s SFR% by a lot (the flare shot thing is way stronger now, so is rapidfire).

I don’t believe those videos are his either, so he’s probably just analyzing the summons from the videos with his own criteria from watching (which is fine, but I’d wait before leveling your cards).

Rexipher also looks…underwhelming.


This is true. I forwarded this guide from ktos to the forums. I personally like netherbovine most. The normal attack recharges very fast.

The reason necro is ranked high vs boss is the normal attack. *2 hits which sometimes split when they hit multiple targets (multiple targets 1 hit each). On single target bosses the normal attack of necro will deal *2-3 hits due to larger boss hitbox. Lethargy is very valuable (attack is strike type).

Most players are using TS right now, recommend to keep using it if you are unsure - you cannot go wrong. Necro decay + TS vs normal mobs is nice too.


Yeah, I like what they did to netherbovine too. Sad part is, Netherbovine is super rare now…your biggest chance of getting it is befriending someone who played ToS very early on, when it was a common quest boss drop.

Currently, only way to get it is through the Catacomb Raids mission, at a super low drop %…I’m glad I’m such a collector or I’d be knees deep in regret for feeding my bosses to each other.

Nuaele imo should be ranked lower than mirtis for bossing because in the video, both their S skills were hitting about the same per hit (nuaele slightly stronger per hit) and nuaele’s S skill hits about 10 times on a 20 sec cd while Mirtis’s hits 8 times on a 7 second cooldown (so you can use this skill about 3 times before nuaele can use hers twice).


That helga nerf D:

TS feel like the proper choice again for now lol , tht multi hit skill is so strong

But I still hope demon lord cards should be slightly stronger than others but not neccessity.

So that it is more satisfying when getting those cards


+1111111111111111 , definitely …

Theyre way harder to get they should be stronger T.T

But seeing all the videos earlier TS seems like the strongest and cheapest 1 again rip

Necro could stand a chance or possibly be better for bossing due to 3 hit and strike debuff :o

Just bought and tested my own necro in 290 boss it only hit twice :o

Yeah it only hits twice (sometimes once) most of the time. Never saw it hitting 3 times, but it might.

Its skills are also not that great to use because of their casting time.

Yeah I would love for the demon lords to be a bit stronger too. Overall so many strong options tho which I’m happy about.
I do hope they adjust the ratios a little which is very possible considering they’ve done it so many times with no mention at all…

i just bought a ntherbovine in market for 200k like just after i read what yo usaid LMAOOOOO

Lucky you, maybe Telsiai has a bigger market for old items than Klaipeda. I don’t believe there’s many netherbovine circulating in klaipeda.

Yup. I wouldn’t level Necroventer cards yet. TS looks like it might still be stronger since its riding skills are actually useful compared to Necroventer’s sad skills.

I wouldn’t use necroventer but netherbovine on the other hand I’d gladly use, I like that one. :sweat_smile: (I have saved a single piece of all devil cards I’ve come across just in case lol.)
But I’m not in a rush to level any cards. I would love to see how different summons work with ice pillar combo for example.

When it comes to TS I would also love to test how it feels to play other cards.TS is still a bit wonky cause of the bugged aiming so if the damage loss of using another good boss card is not too high I might as well not use TS at all. (I don’t have necro to boost missile, nor do I intend to get it for that purpose.)

What am i not seeing about Netherbovine btw ? It looks … normal ? i maan the dmg and skil

i will use with my sorc c2>necro c2 = TS for mobs ( decay ) and Necroventer for bossing ( lethargy ) :smile_cat: