Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcere C3 is Worth?

Well, i’m creating a Cryo 3, and i’m wanting to know if sorcerer c3 is worth, and if it’s a good combination with cry 3

C2 is definitely good for the control skills, but most agree the C3 attack skills don’t deal any significant damage, so the choice is if you want the circle to go from 1.3x to 1.8x bonus INT damage, or if you want to spend the rank 7 on another circle, such as WL.

In a full int build, do you belive that this 0.5x would be a good thing?

If you want to fully dedicate to summoning, I think you’d want to try to max it, but you might be able to do more overall damage by comboing with other circles and getting more cooldowns, instead of specializing in summons. Some alternatives I can think of is RC for your cryo skills, kino for PP combo, and one of the rank 7 classes just for skills and future growth.

The difference is negligible, im considering just dropping the summoning skill to 1 but there is nothing else to put it in, so its just there.

I seriously advise against sorc c3 unless they decide to change it in the future, warlock is a much better choice

Also full int builds are not viable at all, its just a bad decision overall i am currently level 245 with a nice Int 3 Con 1 ratio and its working good, can solo pretty much every dungeon and i am incredibly hard to kill in pvp.

We have no real good choice at Rank7.

Warlock is not very good too: VERY LONG CD + Small AoE. 1 min CD of main skill, you are kidding right?

Meanwhile, Sorc3 gives you less dmg but you are more mobile. And Sorc3 let you choose another Class at Rank 8. But if you take Warlock, you will have to take Warlock2 at Rank 8. But what if you don’t like it?

Really hard choice: Sorc3 or Warlock.

I disagree, if you took wiz 3 and or kino c1 warlock becomes an amazing choice, just because of the sheer synergy of your skills + the dark damage attribute buff.
I would see how it wouldn’t look that appealing to a pyro though, might be worth taking something for pure cc on r7 maybe chrono c1.

I don’t see anything wrong with dropping Warlock at C1. And what if Warlock C2 was really good? But you went Sorc3

We know sorc 3 isn’t good enough, so I think better choice is to pic warlock 1 , problably it will be better in c2 since its a rank 7 class, lets look to the future =D , that’s my hope at least.

Why not go Rune Caster? Isa rune rocks for your cryo skills and giant+aesir rune rocks for your general tankiness

@brainey_boy, please don’t make baseless statements. can tell us the stats and skills of your sorc as well as the damage difference you had?

Also I wonder why one would leave his only good skill at lvl 1. So you’re gonna put points on sala instead?

@deimonallan I’m an almost full int build and from lvl 10 to lvl 15 summoning my summon’s damage went up from 3.1k to 3.9k per arrow, so that’s 6.2k to 7.8k, excluding crits which procs quite often. My shooter is 10* btw.

Of course the sorc circle 8 will be a summoned blood dragon what will leech 3% of your health every few seconds.

You didn’t read correctly i said i would have it at level 1 but there’s nothing better to put the points into it was to illustrait my point that the difference was minute.

I’m sure I read it correctly, “The difference is negligible”, and I think you are missing the point. Can you tell us how you ended up with the conclusion that the difference is negligible indeed? That’s why I’m asking for numbers, instead of just saying that’ you’d have it at level one, which doesn’t really make sense, after all it suggests that IT is the worst skill on the sorc tree, that’s why you’d leave it at lvl 1 and just put the other skill points on other skills. You realize the flawed reasoning you made there right?
So I’d love to know how you ended up with this conclusion.

Well the 1.3 to 1.8 difference from going sorc 3 is barely going to help you at all, firstly the gains i have on it already are bad with 300 int it equates to an extra 400 damage per summon hit, lets compare that to a 10* temple shooters base damage of 4000 the difference is indeed minute, if i was going to take sorc c3 i would leave it as low as possible and pump all points in to the attack skills and summon familiar except all the c3 skills on this circle are complete and utter garbage with a low AoE radius and bad damage but they are still better then level 15 summoning. this is why warlock is a better choice in every aspect simply because the difference dps wise between Sorc c2 > warlock and Sorc c3 is huge even the gains from sorc c3 don’t help you at all , the difference of 15 bats instead of 10 is severely out shadowed by the damage of 10 bats with invocation attribute dark buff on the warlock tree we are talking a 1-2k damage a bat difference here.

Summoning is not the worst skill on the sorc tree however its not great.

Few edits for typos and clarity.

I want to add for the sake of not disheartening people, is the state of sorc c3 is in a really bad place RIGHT NOW but that doesn’t mean it will be forever and with r8-r9 your options will expand.

Where did you get this 4k base damage of a 10* templeshooter? I’m sure my summon was at 3.2k base damage at lvl 10 summoning and 10*. And to be clear I’m treating base damage as the summon’s stat on the grimoire.

“utter garbage with a low AoE radius and bad damage but they are still better then lvl 15 summoning” — oh dear, fyi evocation deals 2.4k damage on lvl 1 with 950 matk consistent with 1553 skill damage + matk.
now lets go to lvl 5 evocation 2506 + 950 = 3456 on a 55 secs CD
now summoning lvl 10 deals 3.2k per hit, 6.4k per attack
at lvl 15 it deals 3.9k per hit, 7.8k per attack,
let’s be generous and give 5 secs attack time for templeshooter, that’s 11 attacks per 55 seconds
116.4k = 70.4
7.8k = 85.8k
difference of 15.4k now that’s close to 5x greater dps than evocation. and it doesn’t really take 5 seconds for templeshooter to attack.

now desmodus deals 3k per hit at lvl 5, let’s be generous again 6k per 25 seconds. for templeshooter at 5 secs per attack that’s 5 attacks
56.4k = 32k
7.8k = 39k
now 5 pts on summoning still gives more dps than lvl 5 desmodus. oh btw that 3k desmodus damage already has a lvl10 attribute.

With all due respect sir, neither lvl 5 desmodus nor lvl 5 evocation is better than lvl 15 summoning, where did you even get that idea?

Also I’m not saying that sorc3 > warlock, I’m just saying that you should not make claims without proper basis unless you state otherwise.


Your going to defend this to the death huh?, how about we just party up go into the lvl 217 dungeon duo and see who preforms better are you on klaipeda?
On paper you make a pretty solid case, but it doesn’t work like that.
And yes they are, they are loads better the damage difference you get from extra .5 int scaling is much worse then two extra attack skills, they are more reliable have less downtime and they would provide more DPS then relying on templeshooter alone.

oh dear, I simply proved that your claims were made out of thin air, and we were discussing your claims on sorc skills alone, now what did this have to do with challenging me to clearing a 217 dungeon? I even bothered to say that I’m not saying that sorc3 dps > warlock…
all I’m saying is do not make baseless claims, which you repeatedly did trying to defend yourself.
and now your head is already in flames? oh dear lord.
also is your templeshooter even 10*? how did you get that 4k base damage?
of course it doesn’t work like that, you need to position yourself for desmodus and evocation, before using them, while you only need to do the hold command for the summon to continuously deal damage. besides you do not really use evocation and desmodus immediately upon cooldown right?
iirc templeshooters attack take a little less than 3 seconds in reality, that 5 secs on the calculation is very generous.

you should realize this lol, 1 attack of a lvl 15 10* templeshooter = 7.8k which takes about 3 secs to reload
evocation deals 3.5k with a smaller aoe than templeshooter, 55 secs cd
desmodus deals 6k, 25 secs cd
one attack of templeshooter which takes about 3 secs deals much higher than both skills and have higher aoe. yet you claim that those two skills are much more reliable? dear lord.
for all I know you’ve never used those 2 skills yet and you claim that they are more reliable.

and i’m getting tired this lol, you are not even sorc 3, how can you even make those claims.


Guys, look at it from this angle:

Let’s assume R8+ will add a classs with some very powerful skills with mid CDs. With ranks8-10 we can say we will have enough of these to form a full rotation or close enough.

Both Sorcs and Eles will pick said classes. Most Elementalists spells likely won’t be time to cast/dmg effective compared to the new ranks and will be dropped completely from the rotation. Our Summons on the other hand will keep adding their constant DPS since they don’t require much input.

Sure, it is expensive to keep them out but everyone else won’t even have the option to go for this “all out mode”, specialy Elementalists with their cast time (and Kinos due to their channeling).

If we get better AI and more card options on top of that, I say the future looks bright for Sorcerers.

Right now they might suck though lol.