Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcere C3 is Worth?

None of my claims where baseless you leave out a ■■■■ ton of variables also you didn’t take into account desmodus combined DPS with evocation, including the level 100 attribute bonus’s they both each scale 100% extra damage, while temple shooter stays static you didn’t factor in your int bonus scaling from your character either you also didn’t take into account physical monster reductions dodge’s blocks etc. i speak from experience CBT and launch, and i might have to concede about temple shooters base damage because i only have him at 6* i just remember seeing a screencap somewhere of a 10* temple shooters base stats not taking into account monster reductions but i knowknow my number was fairly close , i have another summon that synergies better w/ my build that i use more that i leveled first.

Btw i think i may have mixed up evocation and invocation above when i was talking about warlock attribute damage, but my point remains the same Sorc c2 > warlock is better dps then sorc c3, which you have already agreed too so i suppose there’s no point debating that topic anymore. But your sorc c3 numbers are all wrong

Edit, cuse you keep editing : I have played Sorc 3 before, thanks i know what i am talking about as far as the uses for these skills go.

oh yeah right, the numbers I see on my screen are all illusions, my desmodus doesn’t really deal 3k with reductions and 10% attributes, my templeshooter doesn’t deal 3.9k per attack with def reductions, after all all the numbers on my screen are just illusions. please do correct the calculations on my client, they all seem wrong :X

of course a lvl 100 attribute evocation that deals let’s say 10k damage (coz 3.5k + 100% on attribute still seems low) on lvl 230+ mobs sure have great use and utility. right the cooldown is perfect too 55 seconds. great. I’m done here.

Another claim without support. Seems like all you can do is make empty claims.

I am sure the numbers you see on your screen are completely accurate, however i don’t think you have maxed the potential of both evocation or desomodus otherwise you would see the difference i am talking about especially on the 260+ maps where the physical reductions on some mobs are ridiculous.

I am sure you have noticed your temple shooter doing 1/2 his damage on plenty of occasions, i sure do.
Again all three of skills are not that great anyway, we are just arguing which bad skill is better then the other, like my point above warlock outpreforms it all.

Go see for yourself?, run some numbers pull up ToS Base i already explained why his numbers where wrong and which variables he was missing above ^.

Or you could just go in game and see for yourself. On launch no i don’t have a Sorc C3 i would never touch that circle again personally after playing it already.

No your right, its a bad skill they all are, sorc c3 is a joke and needs serious tweaking which was my original point you are just throwing down a strawman but its still worth having it over the .5 from summon 15.
The singular and only reason its worth going past sorc c1, is for the control skills on c2 anything after that is just gimping your characters overall potential.

Also take into account weapon modifiers, which doesn’t effect summons but does effect magic property skills.

this is the last time really. I thought I made it clear on the first comment. I am not saying that sorc3 > warlock, I’ve yet to see which is better, but if you are wiz 3, warlock should almost definitely be greater than sorc3 in terms of dps.
what i’m fighting for here is misinformation. so I said:

“please don’t make baseless statements”

take them all into account and even if you x4 evocation damage it will not outdps summoning lvl 15
desmodus has better future being earth property, but in the end with those cooldowns I won’t say they are reliable.

and with the fact that lvl 15 summoning can compare close if you really don’t believe that it can outdps lvl 5 evocation, despite how high you think of it. Doesn’t it say that it’s growth isn’t negligible? which contradicts with what you said.

Well, negligible may have been a little over the top but like i said earlier, the gains are not great and most certainly not worth wasting a whole circle based on in the state that it is at the moment, which brings me back to the point of the thread Sorc 3 is not worth it.
I also guess it largely is based on your int, if you wanted to make it worth it you would have to drop a lot of CON and those CON points are vital late game unless you have an aggro dropper like teleport, which still wouldn’t help you that much if you are getting 2shot trying to solo.

And if i did take sorc 3 which i didn’t, i would definitely consider leaving it at 10 and taking evocation, desomodus summon familiar all the control skiills and 1pt in salamon.

paper work is important but in-game experience is important as well. They are co-related. With both number u get the final and real one.

Is Worthy !!! If IMC balance the skill … if not hahaha just play it for fun like everyone said