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It isnt that hard abusing Team Level 10 DA

You only need less than 2 hours to grind from team lv1 to team lv10 (lv 200 x4char), especially with second anniv DLC.

After that u can ‘Pass’ tokens to alts ID for 1M, which is easily from selling BS (drop by elites)

See? 2Hours for 4 DA, u can fking use it or even fking sell it

Stop accusing those hard working ppl !(whether they’re abusing DA theirselves or buying them)

And be more creative to exploit IMC Event and system in ‘Gray Zone’


Event DA with time stamp of said (date)

Set Integer of weapons to be only used with event DA up to 5 x with said (date) .

This way , every event diamond anvil is unique from other events with diff time stamps and each weapon can only be anviled up to 5 times from such events

salty and jealous ppl everywhere, just let imc judge these weapon, report them, sent ticket if u want…
i want imc also make a rule to ban alll salty and toxic player, hemm"

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Definitely looked like it’s just one shield, with the alts shouting the progress through +40.

Well even if its all legit… doen’t it show how stupid this whole system is ?..
So we are basically “forced” to try and abuse diamond anvill events with (how many 5, 10 , 15 … 40 accounts )?
To get a chance on non broken gear :smiley:

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We have checked the accounts and the items are legitimate. Although the chances are low, it is possible to reach such a high enhancement level.:tired:

If you have any further concerns, however, please feel free to contact any one of us either here or via Support Ticket.


Yeah, sure. It is fine.

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alright, its confirmed… the next post is, someone gonna complaint about imc judgement based on how much one account bought TPs… just sayin…

i just dislike ppl accusing this and that without knowing anythings on how hard they works to reach that enchanment lv… just cry to your unluckyness

Event finished on 6/12 + 14 days by opening buying them on last hours, seems doable.

People have been doing this for ages. Like, really. This is not the first event IMC gives Diamond Anvils or other rewards like this. As much as we dislike it, it’s f*ing legit and allowed + people learns.

Already explained it earlier, some people have these throwaway account from years ago.

And again, over and over, people will prefer to believe an abstract “it’s cheat, it’s cheat” than a real item crafted with a real explanation and Staff confirmation. shrugs

It’s not like this is the best system ever, people “abuse” events like these because RNG-to-progress is bad (doesn’t make it a good thing though). But IMC allows and acknowledged this as a legit thing with the ktos announcement and did it now again.

It’s visible that the enhancement mechanics causes too much frustration, especially when best results are driven by RMT, P2WIN or “alternative” (e.g. alts+event) methods…

And the average results by trying the intended way gives something like this:

And yeah… It’s doable for the lucky, but it’s definitely understandable that the enhancement mechanic is such a hot topic - it’s not fun, gives no challenge and doesn’t benefit real effort.

Personally, I’m going to save silver and invest slowly on a Velcoffer weapon by buying Diamonds after X enhancement. I don’t like it but it will be cheaper to buy a few Diamond Anvils than reroll 5+ weapons.

Rerolling 5-6 weapons from Velcoffer cubes is more expensive than the avg. number of Diamond Anvils + cost. It’s cheaper and more efficient to just use DA and have 80%+ chance to achieve +16.

The sad part is that even if you put all effort and silver on crafting those 5-6 weapons you can still fail.

This remembers me of an old suggestion for sacrificing the similar weapon many times for enhancing the main weapon. At least this would avoid the “worst-case” scenario that repeats itself more than the good cases.


All these threads at the moment are the result of the denial of the rampant P2W/RMT and event “abuse”.
(meant as: people prefere to scream “cheat” instead of looking at what really is it)
It’s a sad reality.

This game is really pay to win. Peopel have just roll Leticia’s Secret Cube for Diamond Anvils. This is only way for high enhancement equipment.

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If u dont want to pay for diamond anvils, make alts, go lvl up them to team lv 10 and get free DA. Stop complaining how ppl who worked hard get better gear.

It’s not the only way.

But your comment is a real example of how sad the system ended up going.

The economy (driven by community) was driven to rely on selling other gacha items. And Diamond Anvils stopped being a niche/convenience to be an almost required item which is not available in-game, translates into P2WIN - this probably happened by heavy RNG mechanics and/or community itself making DAs to be this important.

The alternative, which for sure is mathematically possible (as well in practice) unfortunately doesn’t reward the effort you spend but simply how lucky you were.

And please. Abusing the system with alt accounts is not effort. Not even a single bit. You’re justifying people robbing because they “worked hard” on getting a gun and finding victims getting out of a bank with a full wallet.


Lol legitimate but we are recommanded to create multi account and buy token to do that. It’s not normal that Diamond anvil is still not obtainable ingame whitout event or cash shop( even low % on mob). Thoses enhancement system is not fair for all players since 2 years anyways.

You want more players in your game, change the enhancement system.

PS : i’m not complain about the god shield +36 ( it’s good for this player)but think “fair” if you want your game survive.


Imho they should remove potential system (item destroying), lower the odds, cap it at +16 and increase the enhancement costs proportionally.

It’s already punishing enough to lose an enhancement level, losing an item altogether mostly leads to a ragequit.

Other games that had similar system generated the same frustration and toxicity.

On a side note, you don’t need to reach +16 and up to play actual content, besides velcoffer, but you don’t even need to run velcoffer raid.

The only issue here is the lack of actual content at end game.


So using 40 accounts to abuse an event is fine and totally cool with IMC, good to know


You dont even need to buy a token: TP shop NPC gives you 7-day one on your first visit. This 7-day token can be saved up for future because it doesnt have expiration timer.

IIrc the 7-day token doesn’t give the 30 trades like the normal one, so the items become untradable, unless it has been changed.


the question is: how much silver did he spent to reach +40 with like… 52 diamond anvils + 40 tokens lol

u’re the true god of farming, dude. :open_mouth: