Tree of Savior Forum

Some light on Enchanter

Yea,…all those new attributes are pretty damn expensiv :confused:

Edit: Good news for all Fletchers: Missile Hole doesnt stop the Bleed :wink:

Problems with Enchanter.

All of their buffs are useless.

Agility literally does nothing but give a tiny bit of stamina, Oracle does this but better.
Empowering is useless now since level range for receiving exp and such was increased to 20.
Enchant Lightning is barely useful for 500 bonus damage and it can be used with Taoist for some amazing damage.

All have stupidly tiny AOEs. You practically have to be inside the person for it to effect them.
All are also bugged and can fail to apply sometimes for no reason (even on yourself).

Enchant Armor is pretty bad. It has very few useful effects (like 1, 2 for full spr clerics). Even the effects it has that are useful, are very, very weak for being a rank 8 class. You can just use Barrier Scrolls (which sell for almost nothing) if you need MDEF. The bonus it provides is bigger than what an Enchanter will ever be able to give.

Scroll Crafting is highly situational. Only a Linker should take this ability to make Joint Penalty scrolls. Nothing else is even worth making, the spell selection is a joke.

Neither of these abilities will be profitable though.
Enchant Armor buff lasts a day, and people have undercut each other so much they’re almost giving them away for free. It’s not like repairing gear where people will do it a bunch of times a day, most people will enchant once a day (if that). When you’re making 100 profit per enchant and people do it once a day, you’re making nothing.
As for crafting scrolls, just going to go the same way as cleric scrolls. People will undercut each other so much they’ll soon be sold at no profit.

Enchanters also get the single most pointless attribute in the game. Lets them craft one item that cannot be traded, deals as much damage as a normal attack (it’s physical + magical attack, but when do wizards have physical attack?), costs 2400 to make and has a 5 second cooldown.
This item has absolutely no use. When mobs have 500k hp, throwing a 2.4k silver item for 1200 damage every 5 seconds is nothing.

Overall, Enchanters are weak. Probably the weakest rank 8 class in the game. Hell, there are rank 2 classes stronger than Enchanters.
They have a single use, Enchant Lightning in a party with a Taoist for 5x damage with Storm Calling.

And now comes the shocking truth. The reason Enchanters are bad is because they were going to be a low rank hidden class. Taoist was suppose to be the actual rank 8 Wizard class but got moved at the last minute to the Cleric tree. Enchanters were added to rank 8 because IMC didn’t have time to design an entire new class. They are an afterthought and feel like one.

Picking Enchanter is a good way to ruin your entire character. You could literally pick any other Wizard class at random at rank 8 and it would be better than picking Enchanter.
They’ve got no utility, are the worst vendors/crafters in the game and bring only one (buggy) ability to a group, but this is highly situational.

that sucks, and sounds very truthful too.
I was tempted to get enchanter, only because I’m just throwing my cyro/kino/rc in the trash, since every class can do rune of ice damage/icewall damage with just one button with not even a 10th of the setup/positioning it requires, and gives me an excuse to roll into a shop character and just use it for daily farming runs.

Didn´t have much time but did a test with magic missile:

without enchant lightning 4016

with enchant lightning 5228

From what i can see magic missile as a neutral skill too turn into lightning, the Harugal frozen or not don´t make much of a difference because he is already ice property.
My enchant lightning was lv 4 at the time, did a reset to change some skills…

Obs: Don´t listen to everything people say in this forum, this include my saying too of course. People here bash everything that they don´t even tested…So pick stuff here and test yourself!

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Anyone tested Enchant Lightning on summons to see if it converts the damage of zombies, TS, Shoggoth, skeles to lightning property damage?

Could be a helpful damage boost to some parties that can reliably cryo freeze and link mobs to stack lightning damage boost.

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What is your attribute level of Magic Missile? Do you use quickcast? Why you no show damage against other mobs also? :stuck_out_tongue:

tested on TS and Pet…And no…They don´t take the effect or even increase the damage.

Guys is empowering bug or intended?
It seems making mob not attack you

And ive tried enchant lightning doesnt buff teammate most of the time, is it a bug? Or teammate have to stand still while receiving buff?

it was a friend using magic missile, and from what i remember without q.cast (but it doesn´t change what i want to see anyway). I was recording it, but because of audio and etc etc i don´t have the time and i´m too lazy to edit =P

Dunno if it´s a bug or just a fail in the description of the skill…but 100% it´s a pseudo fade for the party (and you can summon TS and not aggro stuff XD)

It´s a bug (report it) sometimes when people die or something the buff stop to work on these people in the party, and everyone need to re-enter the map or relog for the buff to work again.

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Does it change element of your auto-atk(i mean from the rod/staff z-button, not dagger)? Can you plz show damage against frozen and non frozen mob plz?

Wow gg, 1 skill point in empowering for that then. even if fixed, i wont lose much

Oh i see, it sucks since best skill enchanter offers is enchant lightning :disappointed_relieved:

Since freeze completely removes mdef of the monster(203mdef in this case), we can assume that he used quickcast and has
(5228-4016)/(203+400)/1.5(quickcast)=1.37… so he had like 37% magic missile attribute. So, it does not change the element.

You ITERALLY have to stay at the same spot as the caster which is using enchant lightning…it has like no AoE

another part of the video, in here he used against the same harugal without it being frozen. (and for some strange reason a lil more dmg O_o for god know why…)

there is a bug with the skill, i made a report ticket today and posted a vid to show the bug:

My friend from the left died, and the bug started for him…I can´t buff him anymore…Just after a relog or change of map the skill worked properly again =/

I guess warp away from the enchanter can bug the skill too…

Oh, i didnt know that one. He prolly just have to relog ?

It’s not an “Enchant Lightning” bug. Since R8 patch came, ALL party buffs get glitched (do not necessarely need to die).

Occurrance I saw them bugging which will require a map change, channel change or relog:

  • Char die
  • Re-new skills at the exact moment they’re expiring
  • Re-new skills while a bit de-synchronized with server
  • Use up all “counts” of a skill (Reflect Shield, Divine Might) | More likely to happen on defensive skill

This is kinda vague and I cannot guarantee these are the true scenarios, sometimes infact the buffs won’t get glitched for a while.

So long, the skills which I saw glitching are:

  • Divine Might
  • Fade
  • Sacrament
  • Blessing
  • Last Rites
  • Chortasmata
  • Carnivory
  • Reflect Shield
  • Enchant Fire
  • Enchant Lightning
  • Empowering

As you can see they mostly are “party buffs”. About Chortasmata/Carnivory I don’t know what’s going on. After staying in a channel for a while a guildy couldn’t use it anymore, or better say he used them but they did nothing - just like all those buffs: they get casted but no buff is given once they get glitched.

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It is a bug and was fixed on KR already.
IMC just gave us the same patch from R8 launch, instead of giving us it with the proper adjustments…

@eilanzer666 have you tried this yet? :x

I have the same problem with fire enchant. :confused: